Hylaeus (Deranchylaeus) gabonicus ( Vachal, 1900 )

Dathe, Holger H., 2014, Studies on the systematics and taxonomy of the genus Hylaeus F. (8) Revision of the Afrotropic subgenus Hylaeus (Deranchylaeus) Bridwell (Hymenoptera: Anthophila, Colletidae), Zootaxa 3874 (1), pp. 1-84 : 39-41

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Felipe (2021-06-14 19:49:43, last updated 2024-11-24 23:27:31)

scientific name

Hylaeus (Deranchylaeus) gabonicus ( Vachal, 1900 )


Hylaeus (Deranchylaeus) gabonicus ( Vachal, 1900) View in CoL

Figures 29, 78–81

Prosopis gabonica Vachal, 1900: 536 . 5 ♀, W-Afrika [ DR Congo]: Mouny, Batah, N'Doro. Typus ♀ MNHN Paris. Lectotypus ♀ "N’Doro", 3 paralectotypes ♀ "Bata" designated here. Snelling labeled already this female as lectotype, but this was not published.— Vachal 1903: 400 (♂); Friese 1909: 110, 112; Friese 1911: 128, 133.

Hylaeus (Deranchylaeus) gabonicus (Vachal) View in CoL : Bridwell 1919: 143 (♂); Snelling 1985: 8 [as gabonica ].

Hylaeus gabonicus (Vachal) View in CoL : Cockerell 1942: 2; Eardley & Urban 2010: 29.

Hylaeus (Deranchylaeus) bequaertianus Bridwell, 1919: 140–141 View in CoL , 5 ♀ 7 ♂; Nigeria: at Oloke Meji, Ibadan. Typus ♂ USNM Washington, no. 50737, photos USNM Bee Collection website.— Cockerell 1936e: 2, 6, 8; Cockerell 1942: 2; Snelling 1985: 8; Eardley & Urban 2010: 27.— Syn. n.

Hylaeus ogilviei Cockerell, 1932: 172–173 View in CoL . ♂ ♀, Belgian Congo [ DR Congo]: Tshibinda; Angola: near Cassai River/Dilolo. Typus ♂ NHM London, no. 17.a.30; head missing, terminalia prepared by HHD, synonymy confirmed.—Synonymized by Cockerell 1936e: 2. Eardley & Urban 2010: 33.


This is a slim, black species with strongly punctate mesosoma and a finely shagreen metasoma. The male is well marked by the reduced mask, in which the white side marks partly surround the antenna bases.

Characteristic features

Male. TL 3.9–5.2 (4.82) mm, WL 2.8–3.8 (3.37) mm.

Head. Proportions HL:HW 0.95, UFW:LFW 1.87, outline circular trapezoid. Scapi black, cone-shaped, expanded upward, wider than flagella, SL:SW 1.7; flagella long, yellow, above darkened. Mask white, silky shining; upper part of clypeus and supraclypeal area black, side marks bent up partly around antenna bases; CL:CW 1.66; foveae faciales indistinct. Frons and vertex with dense, coarse punctation. Labrum and mandibles black.

Mesosoma depressed, black, sometimes tegulae each with a small bright spot. Pronotum only laterally expanded forward, anterior margin and dorsolateral angles edged. Mesonotum and scutellum closely, moderate to strong punctation. Legs black, only foretibiae in front and basitarsi with white spots; wings darkened, venation dark. Propodeum coarsely wrinkled, medial area longitudinally wrinkled, apically with transverse carina; terminal area with long and deep median furrow.

Metasoma elongated, narrow spindle-shaped, black. Terga very fine shagreen, matt glossy, punctation minute and scattered. Terminalia (Fig. 29) might be related to H. perater ; genital capsule short, outline oval, S8 with apical lobi elongate, anterior margin emarginate laterally, S7 with combe of basal lobi with only a few setae.

Female. TL 4.6–6.5 (5.52) mm, WL 3.2–4.5 (3.92) mm.

Head. Proportions HL:HW 0.97, UFW:LFW 1.44; shape trapezoid rounded. Face with bright paraorbital marks as variable narrow lines, which are sometimes interrupted and indistinct; paratypes from Batah with wide strips which fill lower areas between orbits and clypeus. Clypeus CL:CW 1.15, shagreen, silky shining, shallowly punctate, punctation moderate, close, but variable. Frons and vertex with strong punctures, arranged in wrinkle-strips.

Mesosoma depressed, tegulae with small pale spots. Pronotum angular expanded forward, anterior edge as fine ridge, dorsolateral angles edged. Mesonotum and scutellum silky shining, punctation moderate, close. Legs black, only foretibiae in front with yellow stripe; wings darkened, venation dark. Propodeum rough and coarse wrinkled, medial area with large grid meshes, distally limited by a sharp transverse carina, terminal area with deep median furrow.

Metasoma black. T1 finely striate, matt, punctation indistinct, minute, scattered; depressions of terga with narrow white ciliar fringes; fringe of last sternum dark.


Angola, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Congo, Gabon, Nigeria, South Africa, Togo, Zambia, Zimbabwe.

Specimens examined: 95 ♂, 132 ♀ coll. MNHN, NHML, OLBL, RBINS, SANC, SDEI, USNM.

ANGOLA. Cassai River, Dilolo¸ Luimbale 19 km SW, ca. 1700 m.

BURUNDI. Ruvubu National Park, Ruvubu River, 02.59.20S 30.28.12E, 1401 m.

CAMEROON. Adamaoua: Beka nr Ngaoundere, 07.17N 13.19E; de Banyo à Tibati, 06.37N 12.07E; Louga W Ngaoundere, 07.05N 13.12E; Massif du Mbam, Jakiri, 06.01N 10.33E; Mayo-Darlé, 06.28N 11.33E; Tékel, 06.47N 13.10E. Cameroun W, Jakiri, 06.01N 10.33E; Wum, 06.24N 10.03E.

CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC. Bangui 40 km N, 04.41N 18.36E, 380 m; Bangui 50 km SW, 04.04N 18.14E, 380 m; Bangui 70 km NNE, 04.57N 18.46E, 430–445 m; Bangui 90 km NNE, 05.03N 18.47E, 380 m. Bouar 60 km SE, 05.42N 16.00E, 800 m. Kaga Bandoro 40 km N, 06.41N 19.07E. Sibut 45 km N, 06.06N 19.08E, 530 m; Sibut 80 km W, 05.41N 18.17E; Sibut 95 km W, 05.12N 18.25E. Boda SW, 80 km W, 04.29N 16.47E, 490 m; Mbaiki 10 km NNE, 03.56N 18.00E, 445 m; Mbaiki 20 km NNE, 03.04N 18.03E, 390 m; Mbaiki 50 km W, 04.10N 17.42E, 500 m; Nola 40 km S, 03.23N 16.10E, 600 m.

DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO. Mouny; Batah; N'Doro; Tshibinda.

REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO. Kouilou, Kakamoeka, 04.07S 12.04E.

GABON. Bissobinam, 00.42N 09.39E; Dienga, savane 35 km E; Makokou; Sindara; Yombi.

NIGERIA. Gashaga Gumfi National Park, 25 km SW Serti env., 07.20N 11.13E, 400 m; Oloke Meji, Ibadan.

SOUTH AFRICA. Gauteng: Johannesburg, Sandton.— Mpumalanga: Skukuza, 24.59.32S 31.3504E.— Western Cape: Bredasdorp 25 km S, coast.

TOGO. Reg. d’Plateau W Huimé, Kpimé Ca, 070020N 003849E.

ZAMBIA, Kasama 35 km S, 10.30S 31.12E, 1250 m; W of Solwezi, 12.10S 25.33E, 1300 m.

ZIMBABWE. Claremont Estate, nr Juliasdale, 18.47S 32.41E.

Flower visit

On flowers of Aeschynomene cristata , Allophylus africanus , Borreria verticillata , Capsicum annuum , Dichostemma glaucescens , Duranta repens , Eclipta prostrata , Elephantopus mollis , Harungana madagascariensis , Ipomoea sp. , Leea guineensis , Mimosa pudica , Otomeria guineensis , Passiflora edulis (extrafloral nectaries), Psychotria sp. , Stachytarpheta angustifolia , Triumfetta eriophlebia , Urena lobata , Zornia durumuensis (Pauly, label record).

Bridwell, J. C. (1919) Miscellaneous notes on Hymenoptera with descriptions of new genera and species. Hawaiian Entomological Society, Proceedings, 4, 109 - 165.

Cockerell, T. D. A. (1936 e) African hylaeine bees. American Museum Novitates, 847, 1 - 14.

Cockerell, T. D. A. (1942) Bees of the family Hylaeidae from the Ethiopian Region. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 101, 1 - 15.

Eardley, C. & Urban, R. (2010) Catalogue of Afrotropical bees (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Apiformes). Zootaxa, 2455, 1 - 548.

Friese, H. (1909) Die Bienen Afrikas nach dem Stande unserer heutigen Kenntnisse. In: Schultze, L. (Ed.), Zoologische und anthropologische Ergebnisse einer Forschungsreise im westlichen und zentralen Sudafrika, ausgefuhrt in den Jahren 1903 - 1905, Band 2. Denkschriften der Medizinisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft zu Jena, 14, 83 - 476, pls. ix - x.

Friese, H. (1911) Die Maskenbienen der athiopischen Region (Prosopis, Hym.). Archiv fur Naturgeschichte, 77, 120 - 134.

Snelling, R. R. (1985) The systematics of the hylaeine bees (Hymenoptera: Colletidae) of the Ethiopian zoogeographical region: The genera and subgenera with revisions of the smaller groups. Contributions in Science, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, no. 361, 1 - 33.

Vachal, J. (1900) Contributions hymenopteriques. III. - Prosopis nouvelles de l'Afrique equatoriale occidentale. Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France, 68 (1899), 535 - 536.

Vachal, J. (1903) Hymenopteres du Congo francais rapportes par l'ingenieur J. Bouyssou. Mellifera. Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France, 72, 358 - 400.


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History













