Porcellionides Miers, 1877

Cifuentes, Julio & Da Silva, Luís P., 2024, Revision of the genus Porcellionides Miers, 1877 (Isopoda: Porcellionidae) in the Ibero-Balearic region, European Journal of Taxonomy 939, pp. 1-51 : 45-46

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5852/ejt.2024.939.2573

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scientific name

Porcellionides Miers, 1877


Key to the species of the genus Porcellionides Miers, 1877 View in CoL from the Ibero-Balearic region

1. Pereon with transverse ridges on the dorsal side of the tergites ....................................................... 2

– Pereon without transverse ridges on the dorsal side of the tergites .................................................. 5

2. Carpus of the pereopod 1 in males lacks a brush of setae ................................................................ 3

– Carpus of the pereopod 1 in males with a brush of setae ................................................................. 4

3. Highly convex body, smooth integument, male exopod of the pleopod I with an inner lobe ending in a curved tip ..................................................................................................... P. glaber ( Koch, 1856)

– Elongated body, integument with fine granulations, male exopod of the pleopod I with a long posterior inner tip ...................................................................... P. sexfasciatus ( Budde-Lund, 1885)

4. Integument with weak and flat granulations, cephalon with very small lateral lobes, male exopod of the pleopod I and II with notches ....................................................... P. cingendus (Kinahan, 1857)

– Integument with marked granulations, cephalon with moderate lateral lobes, male exopod of the pleopod I and II without notches ......................................................... P. lucasioides ( Vandel, 1953)

5. Carpus of the pereopod 1 in males lacks a brush of setae ................................................................ 6

– Carpus of the pereopod 1 in males with a brush of setae ................................................................. 7

6. Cephalon with moderate lateral lobes, male exopod of the pleopod I with a truncated posterior inner tip .......................................................................................................................... P. ibericus sp. nov.

– Cephalon without lateral lobes, male exopod of the pleopod I without a posterior inner tip ............. .................................................................................................................. P. hispanus ( Vandel, 1953)

7. Smooth integument, cephalon with almost absent lateral lobes ......................................................... .......................................................................................... P. fuscomarmoratus ( Budde-Lund, 1885)

– Integument with more or less pronounced granulations, cephalon with more or less marked lateral lobes .................................................................................................................................................. 8

8. First and second segments of the antennal flagellum of equal or very similar size .......................... 9

– First segment of the antennal flagellum much longer than the second ........................................... 10

9. Male exopod of the pleopod I with a deeply incised posterior inner tip and an unnotched tracheal field .................................................................................................... P. elegans ( Pollo Zorita, 1982)

– Male exopod of the pleopod I with a very small posterior inner tip and a notched tracheal field ...... .................................................................................................................. P. molleri ( Verhoeff, 1901)

10. Integument with small and flat granulations, cephalon with small lateral lobes ................................ ................................................................................................................ P. pruinosus (Brandt, 1833)

– Integument with strong granulations, cephalon with moderate lateral lobes ..................................... ................................................................................................................. P. lusitanus ( Vandel, 1946)

This key is only applicable to males and does not include P. buddelundi ( Verhoeff, 1901) or P. rufocinctus ( Dollfus, 1892) , which we regard as species inquirendae, based on currently available data.

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