Rutilia (Chrysorutilia) rubriceps Macquart, 1847

Li, Junjian, Li, Yue, Nie, Xutong & Zhang, Chuntian, 2024, One new species of Imitomyia Townsend and five newly recorded species of Dexiinae (Diptera: Tachinidae) from China, Zootaxa 5448 (1), pp. 102-116 : 112-114

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5448.1.6

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scientific name

Rutilia (Chrysorutilia) rubriceps Macquart, 1847


Rutilia (Chrysorutilia) rubriceps Macquart, 1847 View in CoL

( Figs. 37–48 View FIGURES 37–48 )

Rutilia rubriceps Macquart, 1847: 76 View in CoL [also 1847: 92].

Rutilia (Chrysorutilia) rubriceps View in CoL : Baranov 1938: 409 (Australian Tachinidae View in CoL ); Crosskey 1973: 62, 63 (Revision of Rutiliini View in CoL with keys); Crosskey 1976: 182 (Oriental Tachinidae View in CoL ); O’Hara, Shima & Zhang 2009: 35 (Catalog of China as sp.).

Type material examined. Holotype female, NHMUK010921915 About NHMUK of Rutilia (Chrysorutilia) rubriceps (We viewed the photo kindly taken by James Lumbers, Australian National Insect Collection, Canberra) . Additional material examined. 1♂, CHINA: Mt. Lishan, 35º4ʹN, 112ºE, Yuanqu county , Shanxi Province, 4. VI .2000, MF. Wang ( SYNU) ; 1♀, Changer Power Station , Jinxiu County, Guangxi, 17.IX.1981 ( IZCAS) ; 1♀, Dengchigou , 1539 m, 30.54 ºN, 102.94ºE, Baoxing County, Sichuan Province, 18.VII.2017, HC Liang ( SYNU) GoogleMaps .

Distribution. Palaearctic: China (S. Shanxi). Oriental: China (Guangxi, Sichuan) new record, India (Central), Sri Lanka. Australasian & Oceanian: Australia (Queensland), Indonesia ( Maluku Islands).

Diagnosis. These specimens belong to Rutilia Robineau-Desvoidy of the tribe Rutiliini and also belong to Rutilia (Chrysorutilia) formosa -group (16 species included) in the keys by Crosskey (1973: 24, 42, 48, 57, 63) as they share bright yellow head in ground colour, fronto-orbital plate and lower face with pruinosity, not metallic, parafacial with yellow hairs (Holotype female and male Chinese specimens) and some black hairs (Chinese specimens in females). Thorax metallic bluish-green, without white thick white pruinosity on postpronotal lobe and sides of scutum, dorsum with sparse white pruinosity, without pollinose spot on anterior prescutum, supra-alar spot and postalar callus, postpronotal lobe with 2 setae, 1 anterior and 2 posterior notopleural setae, postalar callus with 4–5 strong setae; suprasquamal hairs orange-yellow, long, dense, and bushy, extending to basal depression of lower calypter, dorsum of male wholly with black hairs, pleura with black hairs, hairs of callus wall yellowish, long, dense and bushy; 1 katepisternal seta; wings with large dark area over basal cells. Hind tibia with a row of densely hair-like anterodorsal setulae. Abdomen green (Holotype) to greenish blue (Chinese specimens in male and females) on anterior 2/3 to 3/4 of tergites in Chinese specimens, abdomen green on anterior 3/5 to 3/4 of the tergites in holotype, tergite 5 evenly convex, without median depression or at most with only a mere trace of apical median hollowing, tergite 5 without developed strong setae, vestiture with fine erect hairs.

Description. Body length 15.0 mm.

Female ( Figs. 45–48 View FIGURES 37–48 ). Frons 0.22–0.28 of head width; frontal vitta about 2 times as wide as fronto-orbital plate; zero presutural and 2 postsutural acrostichal seta, 1 presutural and 2 postsutural dorsocentral setae; 3 supra-alar setae, 1 long hair-like anterior and 1 posterior katepisternal seta; fore claw and pulvillus slightly shorter than 5th tarsomere; abdomen with a dark median vitta on tergites and dark band on posterior 1/4 to 2/5 of tergites 3 and 4. Other characters are the same as male.

Male ( Figs. 37–40 View FIGURES 37–48 ). Head with orange yellow in ground colour except for metallic bluish-green occiput, gena and upper fronto-orbital plate; fronto-orbital plate, face, lunule and parafacial with golden yellow pollinosity. Antenna and palpus orange yellow, arista dark brown; prementum gleaming black. Eye bare; frons of about 1/6 head width; frontal vitta about 3 times as wide as fronto-orbital plate at middle-upper, distinctly widened anteriorly; parafacial parallel-sided, about 4 times as wide as first flagellomere at middle height; Facial carina well developed, broadly separating antennae, rather flattened on anterior surface with parallel-sided; lower margin of face projecting forward, usually very strongly and sharply, in front of vibrissae in profile, more prominent than frontal angle; gena about 0.5 of eye height. Inner vertical seta fine, about as long as antenna; outer vertical seta and ocellar seta indistinct, hair-like; 15–16 frontal setae slender, hair-like, fronto-orbital plate with densely black hairs, without proclinate seta; parafacial and gena with densely short golden yellow hairs; vibrissa reduced, inserted above lower margin of face by about length of antenna; occiput entirely with golden yellow hairs behind black postocular seta. Antenna small, falling short of lower margin of face by about 2 times as long as length of first flagellomere; first flagellomere about 2 times as long as pedicel; pedicel with a long black seta which about as long as antenna; arista bare; Proboscis shorter than head height, prementum about 4/5 as long as eye height; palpus about 2 times as long as first flagellomere.

Thorax metallic bluish-green in ground color, without pollinosity, with a pair of dark median vittae on presutural region and dark band on transverse suture and scutoscutellar suture, with densely black hairs on dorsum and pleura except for postalar wall, its setulae yellowish, long, dense and bushy; posterior portion of postsutural scutum with median convex in front of scutellum, basal scutellum convex on median portion and with an irregular row of small horizontal preapical setae in front of 5 pairs of marginal setae, without discal scutellar setae, with strongly crossed apical scutellar seta, about 0.75 times as long as scutellum; proepisternum haired; anepimeron with densely long hairs on the anteroventral part in front of the level of the posterior katepisternal seta; postpronotal lobe with 2 setae on outer surface, 3 developed notopleural setae, 1 anterior and 1–2 (Guangxi specimen) or 2 (Shanxi specimen) posterior setae; zero presutural and 1 postsutural acrostichal seta, 0–1 presutural and 2 postsutural dorsocentral setae; zero presutural and 1 postsutural intrapostalar seta; 3 supra-alar setae, 1 posterior katepisternal seta; postalar callus with 5 strong setae. Lower calyptrae brownish, subtriangular, broad and abutting closing to scutellum; its margin brown, with short fringe.

Wing hyaline, evenly and rather distinctly tinged with brown, with large dark area over basal cells; tegula and basicosta black; crossvein r-m thick and dark brown. Costal spine absent; 2nd costal sector bare below; relative lengths of second, third and fourth costal sectors approximately as 5:2:5; vein Sc meeting costa just at level with r-m; base of vein R 4+5 with 5–7 hairs on dorsal and ventral surfaces; vein M from dm-cu crossvein to its bend about 2.3 times as long as distance between the bend and wing margin; bend of vein M blunt angled, without appendix, close to wing margin; cell r 4+5 narrowly open in front of apical angle of wing.

Legs black, pulvilli pale brownish yellow. Fore claw and pulvillus slight longer than 5th tarsomere. Hind femur with 3–4 strong ventral setae on basal half. Fore tibia with 1–2 posterior setae, 1 preapical dorsal and 1 preapical posteroventral seta; mid tibia with 2 posterior and 1 ventral setae, 2 preapical dorsal, 1 preapical anteroventral and 1 posteroventral setae; hind tibia with a row of developed comb-like anterodorsal and 2 fine posterior, 2 ventral setae, upper one fine and small, and 2 preapical dorsal and 1 posteroventral setae.

Abdomen wide ovum, broad and widest near base, greenish blue in ground colour, without pollinosity, hyaline on both sides; abdomen with a dark median vitta on tergites and dark band on posterior 1/4 of tergites 3 and 4; tergites with densely black hairs; synternite 1+2 excavate to hind margin, without median and lateral marginal seta; tergite 3 without discal and marginal seta, tergite 4 with a row of marginal setae and without discal seta; tergite 5 evenly median depression on apical 1/3, without seta, with densely long seta-like hairs. Sternite 5 ( Fig. 44 View FIGURES 37–48 ) weakly narrowed anteriorly, V-shaped median cleft deep, about 3/4 length of the sternite, posterior lobe wide and bluntly rounded at apex. Male terminalia ( Figs 41–43 View FIGURES 37–48 ) with elongate cerci which extending beyond apex of surstyli; in profile, surstylus end in a sharp pointed tip and curved ventrally, cerci curved ventrally at apex, external margin slightly concaved on median portion, anterior margin of surstylus distinct projection on basal half; in posterior view, cerci wide at basal 1/3 and strongly narrowed at apical 2/3, surstylus with long hairs outside, pointed apically; epandrium with a group of long strong setae on each side; paramere shorter than basiphallus; distiphallus long and slender, membranous apical part about as long as sclerotized basal part.

Remarks. This is the first record of Rutilia in the southern Palaearctic Region.


Mykotektet, National Veterinary Institute


Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences














Rutilia (Chrysorutilia) rubriceps Macquart, 1847

Li, Junjian, Li, Yue, Nie, Xutong & Zhang, Chuntian 2024

Rutilia (Chrysorutilia) rubriceps

O'Hara, J. & Shima, H. & Zhang, C. 2009: 35
Crosskey, R. W. 1976: 182
Crosskey, R. W. 1973: 62
Baranov, N. 1938: 409

Rutilia rubriceps

Macquart, J. 1847: 76
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