Gaiziapis encunensis, Yucheng Lin & Shuqiang Li, 2012

Yucheng Lin & Shuqiang Li, 2012, Three new spider species of Anapidae (Araneae) from China, The Journal of Arachnology 40, pp. 159-166 : 159-161

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scientific name

Gaiziapis encunensis

new species

Gaiziapis encunensis new species

Figs. 1–3, 10

Type material.—Holotype ♂ (IZCAS), CHINA: Guangxi: Nandan County, Chengguan Town, Encun Village, Liangfeng Cave (25°04'N, 107°38'E), elevation 598 m, 4 March 2007, J. Liu and Y. Lin. Paratypes: 25 ♂, 30 ♀ (IZCAS), same as holotype.

Etymology.—The specific name refers to the type locality; adjective.

Diagnosis.—The new species is similar to G. zhizhuba in sharing the following characters: a deep anteromedian invagination on the dorsal scutum (Fig. 1B), lack of a prolateral apophysis on the palpal bulb and having a much more complicated pedipalp with more membranes and sclerites (Fig. 2B) in the male, the absence of pedipalp in the female and a round, rather than triangular, abdomen from dorsal view (Figs. 1B, D). It can be distinguished from G. zhizhuba by a triangular median apophysis (Figs. 1I, 2B) and an apical apophysis with coarse veins on the male palpal bulb (Figs. 1H, 2A), absence of tufty denticles on the tegulum (present in G. zhizhuba: Figs. 60A, 61A,C) in the male, and by the club-shaped and translucent spermathecae, the wider and weakly sclerotized copulatory ducts, and the distinctly smaller book lung covers in the female (Figs. 3A, B).

Description.—Male (Holotype): Total length 1.20. Carapace 0.54 long, 0.44 wide, 0.60 high. Clypeus 0.22 high. Sternum 0.34 long, 0.30 wide. Abdomen 0.74 long, 0.70 wide, 0.96 high. Carapace brown, smooth, without any modification, anterolateral depressions present, small; cephalic pars risen, covered with short setae. Eight eyes in four diads, round, white; anterior median eyes smallest, other eyes subequal in size, lateral eyes adjacent. From dorsal view, both eye rows straight, same width. Thoracic groove distinct, thoracic pars granulated. Chelicerae with long setae anteriorly, fang furrow with one promarginal and two retromarginal teeth; two plumose setae at promargin and retromargin separately. Labral spur present, small triangular, not furcated. Sternum brown, covered with tiny knurls and short setae. Legs yellowbrown, distal patella and middle tibia with one dorsal spine separately, tibiae with three trichobothria. Leg measurements: I 2.28 (0.78, 0.20, 0.60, 0.26, 0.44); II 1.84 (0.58, 0.16, 0.48, 0.22, 0.40); III 1.44 (0.44, 0.14, 0.34, 0.20, 0.32); IV 1.70 (0.56, 0.14, 0.44, 0.20, 0.36). Leg formula: I-II-IV-III. Abdomen round from dorsal view, covered with sclerotized spots and short setae. Dorsal scutum posterior, split at midline. Spinneret area with a sclerotized annular plate. Palpal patella with a distal retrolateral apophysis. Embolus short, embolic division with a triangular median apophysis and rugose apical lobes. Tegulum wide, with a sclerotized apical apophysis which is modified by granules (Fig. 1H). Ejaculatory duct arising on prolateral side of bulbous base.

Female: (one of the paratypes). Total length 1.12. Carapace 0.48 long, 0.40 wide, 0.44 high.Clypeus 0.20 high.Sternum 0.30 long, 0.28 wide.Abdomen 0.70 long, 0.78 wide, 0.90 high. Same coloration and modification on carapace as in male. Cephalic area slightly lower than in male. Anterior eye row narrower than posterior eye row. Pedipalp absent. Leg measurements: I 1.94 (0.66, 0.16, 0.52, 0.22, 0.38); II 1.66 (0.52, 0.16, 0.42, 0.20, 0.36); III 1.32 (0.40, 0.14, 0.30, 0.18, 0.30); IV 1.60 (0.52, 0.14, 0.42, 0.20, 0.18). Leg formula: I-II-IV-III. Abdomen without dorsal scutum, covered with sclerotized spots dorsally and laterally. Ventral scutum modified by wrinkles at lateral margins. Book lung covers small, ovate. Spinneret area with an annular sclerotized plate. Spermathecae relatively small, clubbed, translucent; copulatory duct curved in the middle, its proximal end fused to the retromargin of pulmonary plate; copulatory duct opens small, distinct.

Distribution.—Known only from the type locality (Fig. 10).













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