Trichoncus rostralis, V. & Tanasevitch, 2013

Tanasevitch, Andrei V., 2013, On linyphiid spiders (Araneae) from Israel, Revue suisse de Zoologie 120 (1), pp. 101-124 : 114-116

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scientific name

Trichoncus rostralis

sp. nov.

Trichoncus rostralis View in CoL sp. n. Figs 24-33

HOLOTYPE: Ƌ; ISRAEL, Upper Galilee , Mt Meron, Meron Field Station junction (33°1’10.62”N 35°23’12.17”E), pitfall traps; 17.-24.II.2007; leg. T. Levanony. GoogleMaps

PARATYPES: 4 Ƌ, 1 ♀; 1 Ƌ ( MHNG); from same locality, collected together with the holotype . – 1 ♀ ( MHNG); from same locality, pitfall traps 24-(8); 10-17.V.2007; leg. T. Levanony. 1 ♀ ( MHNG); Mt Meron ; 2.IV.2011; leg. T. Levanony. 1 ♀ ( ZMMU); Mt Meron , above Field Station (35º22’42.92”N 33º0’41.64”E); 10-17.V.2007; leg. T. Levanony. GoogleMaps 1 Ƌ ( MHNG); Ziv’on (33º01’N 35º25’E), 712 m a.s.l., old-growth woodland; 3.VI.2005; leg. A. Timm & T. Assmann. GoogleMaps

ETYMOLOGY: The specific name, an adjective, is derived from the Latin “ rostrum ”, meaning “bird beak”, referring to the shape of the epigynal process.

DIAGNOSIS: The new species is characterized by the peculiar shape of the palpal tibia and by the presence of a hook-like outgrowth on the distal suprategular apophysis in the male, as well as by the beak-like downward-turned epigynal process in the female.

DESCRIPTION: Male (holotype). Total length 2.70. Carapace unmodified, dark brown, 1.20 long, 0.93 wide. Chelicerae 0.55 long, unmodified. Legs brown. Leg I 3.29 long (0.95+0.28+0.85+0.68+0.53), IV 3.41 long (1.00+0.28+0.90+0.75+0.48). Chaetotaxy:, length of spines about 1.5 diameter of segment. TmI 0.36. Metatarsus IV without trichobothrium. Palp as in Figs 24-28: palpal tibia strongly modified: retrolateral outgrowth claw-shaped; dorsal one conical, sharpened; prolateral outgrowth narrow, very long, arched distally. Paracymbium small, simple. Distal suprategular apophysis straight, rounded apically, with a hook-like outgrowth distally (“Z” in Figs 24, 27) and a small flat lobe near its base. Median membrane long and covering tips of radical anterior apophysis and of embolus. Radical part of embolic division small, rounded; anterior apophysis strongly protruded, twisted; embolus long, with a membranous edge, forming a wide circle. Abdomen 1.63 long, 0.93 wide; dark grey, with sparse strong hairs dorsally.

Female (from Mt Meron). Total length 2.75. Habitus as in Fig. 29. Carapace dark brown, unmodified, 1.05 long, 0.88 wide. Chelicerae unmodified, 0.43 long. Leg I 3.29 long (0.95+0.33+0.80+0.68+0.53), IV 3.41 long (1.03+0.30+0.85+0.73+0.50). Chaetotaxy:, length of spines about 2 diameter of segment, or a bit longer. TmI 0.38. Abdomen 2.05 long, 1.30 wide, dark grey, with sparse strong hairs dorsally. Epigyne as in Figs 30-33: ventral plate well protruding, turned down, beak-like. Dorsal plate rectangular with rounded angles.

TAXONOMIC REMARKS: This species is similar to the South European T. auritus (L. Koch, 1869) and the West Mediterranean T. trifidus Denis, 1965 , but differs clearly by the shape of the palpal tibia, the presence of a hook-like outgrowth on the distal suprategular apophysis, as well as by the beak-like epigynal process which is strongly turned downwards.

DISTRIBUTION: The species is known only from the Upper Galilee, Israel.

FIGS 24-28

Trichoncus rostralis sp. n., Ƌ paratype from Mt Meron. (24) Left palp, retrolateral view. (25-26) Palpal tibia, prolateral and dorsal view, respectively. (27) Distal suprategular apophysis. (28) Embolic division.

FIGS 29-33

Trichoncus rostralis sp. n, ♀ paratype from Mt Meron. (29) Habitus , lateral view (not to scale). (30-31) Epigyne, ventralanddorsalview, respectively. (32-33) Epigyne, lateralview, different aspects .


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