
Eberle, Jonas, Tänzler, Rene & Riedel, Alexander, 2012, Revision and phylogenetic analysis of the Papuan weevil genus Thyestetha Pascoe (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Cryptorhynchinae), Zootaxa 3355, pp. 1-28 : 4

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Key to the species of Thyestetha

1 Elytral disc glabrous, impunctate ( Figs. 11, 13–14, 18). Rostral canal subglabrous................................... 2

1 ’ Elytral disc with distinct strial punctures ( Figs. 10, 12, 15–17). Rostral canal at least between procoxae squamose......... 5

2 Prothorax and elytra with colored lustre ( Figs. 9, 18). Elytra 0.8 X wider than long...... T. splendens Eberle & Riedel sp. n.

2 ’ Prothorax and elytra polished, but without colored lustre. Elytra ca. 1.0 X as wide as long............................ 3

3 Elytra ferruginous except apical half laterally black ( Fig. 11). Aedeagus in profile less markedly curved ( Fig. 40)..................................................................................... T. discolor Eberle & Riedel sp. n.

3 ’ Elytra uniformly black. Aedeagus in profile markedly curved ( Figs. 42, 46)........................................ 4

4 Sides of aedeagus subapically converging in straight line ( Fig. 41)...................... T. glabra Eberle & Riedel sp. n.

4 ’ Sides of aedeagus subapically converging in sinuate line ( Fig. 45)...................... T. lubrica Eberle & Riedel sp. n.

5 Elytral disc with minute punctures; interstices between punctures 4– 6 X their diameter; female elytral apex medially distinctly emarginate.............................................................. T. emarginata Eberle & Riedel sp. n.

5 ’ Elytral disc with small punctures; interstices between punctures <4 X their diameter; female elytral apex without emargination.................................................................................................... 6

6 Elytra black. Apex of aedeagus weakly curved ventrad ( Fig. 50)....................... T. oblita Eberle & Riedel sp. n.

6 ’ Elytra ferruginous, sometimes very dark. Apex of aedeagus markedly curved ventrad ( Figs. 38, 48, 52).................. 7

7 Habitus elongate; elytra usually ferruginuous, sometimes black, apex extended ( Figs. 6, 15, 69–70). Rostral canal and marginal carina densely covered with broad whitish scales. Aedeagus with sides apically converging in sinuate line ( Fig. 47).. T. nitida

7 ’ Habitus shorter, ovate; elytra black, apex less distinctly extended ( Figs. 1, 8, 10, 17). Rostral canal only between procoxae squamose; marginal carina bordered with small whitish scales. Aedeagus with sides apically converging in straight line ( Figs. 37, 51).............................................................................................. 8

8 Interstices between punctures of elytral striae 1– 3 X diameter of punctures; male metafemur in apical third with weakly pro- truding posteroventral ridge (Fig. 27)......................................... T. puncticollis Eberle & Riedel sp. n.

8 ’ Interstices between punctures of elytral striae 2– 4 X diameter of punctures; male metafemur in apical third with sharply pro- truding posteroventral ridge (Fig. 26)........................................................... T. carbonaria











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