Dendronotus kalikal Ekimova, Korshunova, Shepetov, Neretina, Sanamyan & Martynov, 2015

Korshunova, Tatiana, Bakken, Torkild, GrØtan, Viktor V., Johnson, Kjetil B., Lundin, Kennet & Martynov, Alexander, 2021, A synoptic review of the family Dendronotidae (Mollusca: Nudibranchia): a multilevel organismal diversity approach, Contributions to Zoology 90 (1), pp. 93-153 : 122-123

publication ID 10.1163/18759866-BJA10014


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Dendronotus kalikal Ekimova, Korshunova, Shepetov, Neretina, Sanamyan & Martynov, 2015


Dendronotus kalikal Ekimova, Korshunova, Shepetov, Neretina, Sanamyan & Martynov, 2015 View in CoL

Fig. 7 View FIGURE 7

Dendronotus kalikal Ekimova, Korshunova, Shepetov, Neretina, Sanamyan & Martynov, 2015: 872–874 View in CoL , 6F, 8E, 16C, 18B, 19; Korshunova et al., 2019b: 8–9, Figs 1 View FIGURE 1 , 3M–Q View FIGURE 3 .

Extended diagnosis. Body narrow. Four to five pairs of branched dorsolateral appendages (plus 2–3 posterior smaller processes). Four to five oral veil appendages. Five appendages (apparently similar in size) of rhinophoral stalks. Lateral papilla of rhinophoral sheaths present. Rhinophoreswith 8–14 lamellae. Four to six lip papillae. Basal colour brownish, with creamy to whitish areas, dorsum, dorsolateral appendages, and upper sides of foot bear brownishorangelinesand dots, partlyarranged in blurred subparallel pattern. Dorsal processes of jaws inclined posteriorly at approximately 35–40° to the longitudinal axis of the jaw body and 0.45 of its length. Masticatory processes bear denticles (possibly including ridge-like structures). Radula with up to 31 rows of teeth. Central tooth with deep furrows and with up to 18 distinct denticles. Up to eight lateral teeth withup to eight denticles. Ampulla moderately voluminous, folded. Bursa copulatrix large, considerably elongate, narrowly-oval. Seminal receptaculum small placed distally at a short distance from the vaginal opening. Prostate discoid with circa 20 alveolar glands. The vas deferens is moderate in length, penis relatively long, slightly curved. Body length up to 15 mm (preserved).

Distribution. NW Pacific from Kamchatka to northern Kurile Island and Bering Strait, Russia.

Bathymetry. 14–60 mdepth.

Remarks. Although this specieswas previously confused with D. frondosus , D. kalikal is very distinct from it by morphological features (mottled body, brownish colouration with indistinct but commonly present dorsal blurred subparallel stripes), radular patterns and molecular phylogenetic data. In the present study we provide evidence that in the North Atlantic to the Kara Sea there is a sister species, D. yrjargul sp. nov., separate from D. kalikal , see above.














Dendronotus kalikal Ekimova, Korshunova, Shepetov, Neretina, Sanamyan & Martynov, 2015

Korshunova, Tatiana, Bakken, Torkild, GrØtan, Viktor V., Johnson, Kjetil B., Lundin, Kennet & Martynov, Alexander 2021

Dendronotus kalikal Ekimova, Korshunova, Shepetov, Neretina, Sanamyan & Martynov, 2015: 872–874

Korshunova, T. & Nakano, R. & Fletcher, K. & Sanamyan, N. & Martynov, A. 2019: 8
Martynov, A. & Ishida, Y. & Irimura, S. & Tajiri, R. & O'Hara, T. & Fujita, T. 2015: 874
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