Pouteria salicifolia ( Sprengel 1825: 419 ) Radlkofer (1882: 333)

Völtz, Rafael R., Alves-Araújo, Anderson & Goldenberg, Renato, 2020, Native Species of Sapotaceae Juss. in Paraná, Brazil, Phytotaxa 430 (4), pp. 224-276 : 261-263

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.430.4.1



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scientific name

Pouteria salicifolia ( Sprengel 1825: 419 ) Radlkofer (1882: 333)


5.9 Pouteria salicifolia ( Sprengel 1825: 419) Radlkofer (1882: 333) View in CoL . Figure 21 View FIGURE 21

Treelet. Trunk section cylindrical, buttressed; bark reddish-brown, scaly, scales papyraceous, rectangular or irregular; slash light yellow-orange, tangential section with ripple marks, not discoloured, with scanty latex. Stems with young shoots ferrugineous, soon yellowish-brown, not lenticellate, rounded, sericeous-tomentose at first, becoming glabrous when older. Leaves loosely clustered at the stem apex. Petiole 3.0–7.0 mm long, flat, sericeous-tomentose or glabrous. Leaf blade chartaceous, 7.5–18.0 × 0.7–1.5 cm, linear or narrow-oblanceolate, apex acute, sometimes mucronate, base cuneate and decurrent, adaxial surface glabrous, abaxial surface tomentose or pubescent at first, becoming glabrous when older, venation brochidodromous, midrib raised on both sides, secondaries (17–)23–44 pairs, straight or slightly convergen, parallel, slightly raised on both sides or flat on the abaxial surface, intramarginal vein present, intersecondaries long, tertiary veins loosely reticulate, slightly raised on both sides or flat on the abaxial surface, quaternary veins inconspicuous. Inflorescences axillary, 1–2-flowered. Pedicel 5.5–7.5 mm long, tomentose. Flowers androgynous, cream in vivo; calyx in 2 whorls of 2 sepals, ca. 6.0 mm long, the outer ones ovate, apex obtuse, margin entire, the inner ones wide-elliptic, apex rounded, margin ciliate, both with abaxial surface tomentose, adaxial surface glabrous, the inner ones with a broad glabrous marginal stripe; corolla tubulose, glabrous, 9.2 mm long, tube longer than the lobes, 5.6 mm long, lobes 4, ca. 3.5 mm long, oblong, apex rounded or truncate, margin ciliate; stamens 4, fixed halfway of the corolla tube, filaments 4.2 mm long, glabrous, anthers ca. 2.5 mm long, glabrous; staminodes 4, ca. 3.0 mm long, oblong, margin entire; ovary 4-locular, 1.6 mm long, ovoide, style 7.4 mm long, glabrous, stigma slightly lobed. Fruit when immature greenish-brown, ca. 5.9 × 1.3 cm, wide-ellipsoid, tomentose or pubescent, calyx and style persistent. Seed not avaiable.

Selected material: — BRAZIL. Paraná: Nova Cantu, 2014, G. Felito 898 ( HCF, MBM, RB). Três Barras do Paraná, 17 October 1997, J.M. Silva 2141 ( HFC, MBM, NY).

Additional selected material: — BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: Santana do Boa Vista, 16 December 1997, E.N. Garcia 262 ( MBM).

In Paraná Pouteria salicifolia occurs in riversides and periodically flooded forests between 170 and 850 m elev., in Semideciduos Seasonal Forest. Collected with flowers in October and with immature fruits in December. It can be recognized by the reddish-brown scaly bark, the slash with tangential section with ripple marks, the linear or narrow-oblanceolate leaf (the length-width ratio equal or more than 6:1), and the wide-ellipsoid fruits with a slender beak and a narrowed base.

Conservation Status: —This species was listed as “Least concern” ( LC) by CNCFlora (2018). In Paraná P. salicifolia is irregularly distributed on riverside and alluvial plains, and few individuals are in protected areas. The main problems to its conservation are the decline in the quality of habitat and the construction of dams.


Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná


San Jose State University, Museum of Birds and Mammals


Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro


William and Lynda Steere Herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden














Pouteria salicifolia ( Sprengel 1825: 419 ) Radlkofer (1882: 333)

Völtz, Rafael R., Alves-Araújo, Anderson & Goldenberg, Renato 2020

Pouteria salicifolia ( Sprengel 1825: 419 )

Radlkofer, L. A. T. 1825: 419
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF