Pegomya prisca Michelsen

Michelsen, Verner, 2006, A new European species of Pegomya Robineau­Desvoidy (Diptera: Anthomyiidae) near P. t e s t a c e a (De Geer), Zootaxa 1260, pp. 37-46 : 39-42

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scientific name

Pegomya prisca Michelsen

sp. nov.

Pegomya prisca Michelsen View in CoL , sp. nov.

Figs. 1–7 View FIGURES 1 – 7 , 14 View FIGURES 14 – 15 , 16 View FIGURES 16 – 17 .

Pegomyia fulviceps (Zetterstedt) ’; Stein 1906: 49 [key], 59 [description]; Stein 1907: 703 in part [catalogue]. Misidentifications.

Etymology. The specific epithet ‘prisca’ is a Latin adjective meaning pristine or oldfashioned and refers to the unspecialized female oviscapt.

Material examined. Type material. Holotype ♂, SWEDEN: Halland: Simlungsdalen, Fröböke, 17–29.vii.1994 (V. Michelsen), ZMUC. Paratypes 2♂♂, 2ΨΨ: SWEDEN: Småland, Bolmen, 1♂ 20.viii.1957 (O. Ringdahl), MZLU, 1♂ 6.ix.1958 (O. Ringdahl), MZLU; Gnosjö, 1Ψ 18.x.1981 (V. Michelsen), ZMUC; NW Lake Bolmen, 1Ψ 22.ix.2002 (V. Michelsen), ZMUC.

Other material. CZECH RUPUBLIC: Horní Lomná, 49.32N 18.37E, 650m, fly trap, 2ΨΨ viii–ix.1986 (Barták), ZMUC; Šumava, Malá Niva, peat bog, 48.55N 13.49E, 780m, 1Ψ 26.ix.1992 (Barták), ZMUC. SLOVAKIA: Tatry­Tatranský Kotlina, 1km E, meadow, 49.14N 20.16E, 800m, 1Ψ 22.x.1985 (Barták), ZMUC.

Description. Overall very similar to P. testacea (De Geer) , but differs as follows:

Male. Smaller, wing length (in mm) 6.2–6.9 (n = 3) vs. 6.8–8.2 (n = 41).

Colour: Antennal postpedicel black vs. fuscous yellow. Ground colour of scutum yellowish brown, contrasting with yellow scutellum vs. scutum and scutellum concolorous, bright yellow to fuscous greyish yellow. Mid and hind femora yellow, narrowly darkened at tips vs. wholly yellow. Tarsi brown, distinctly darker than yellow femora and tibiae vs. yellow, same color as femora and tibiae. Tergites II–IV yellow, narrowly banded with black at hind margins vs. wholly yellow.

Wing: Vein C distal to subcostal break with a regular row of fine dorsal setulae vs. fine dorsal setulae of vein C very few and irregular.

Abdomen: Short, depressed abdomen parallel sided vs. ovoid.

Terminalia ( Figs 1–7 View FIGURES 1 – 7 vs. 8–13): Sternite V ( Fig. 1 View FIGURES 1 – 7 vs. 8) less broad basally, overall more sparsely setose and with pointed apex of lobes membranous rather than sclerotized. Outline of epandrium in caudal view rounded ( Fig. 2 View FIGURES 1 – 7 ) vs. subangular ( Fig. 9 View FIGURES 8 – 13 ). Cercal plate ( Fig. 3 View FIGURES 1 – 7 vs. 10) less drawn out apically. Pre­ and postgonites ( Figs. 5–6 View FIGURES 1 – 7 vs. 11–12) and phallus ( Fig. 7 View FIGURES 1 – 7 vs. 13) differently shaped in profile view.

Female. Smaller, wing length (in mm) 6.0–7.5 (n = 6) vs. 6.2–8.6 (n = 76).

Colour: Ground colour of scutum yellowish brown, contrasting with yellow scutellum vs. scutum and scutellum concolorous, yellow or (late season only) dark brownish infuscated. Mid and hind femora yellow, narrowly darkened at tips vs. wholly yellow. Tarsi yellowish brown, darker than femora and tibiae vs. yellow, concolorous with femora and tibiae. Tergites II–IV yellow, narrowly banded with black at hind margins vs. wholly yellow or vaguely darker at hind margins (late season only).

Wing: Cross­vein dm­cu rather upright and weakly sigmoid vs. oblique and strongly sigmoid.

Terminalia: Oviscapt ( Fig. 14 View FIGURES 14 – 15 vs. 15) relatively shorter: c. 2.5 mm from fore margin of tergite VI to tip of cerci when wing length = 6.4 mm vs. c. 3.2 mm when wing length = 6.8 mm; sclerotized parts dark brownish vs. light brownish yellow.

Distribution. The few existing records of P. p r i s c a from southern Sweden, Czech Republic, Slovakia and? Austria ( Stein 1906) lie within the range of P. testacea .


Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen


Lund University














Pegomya prisca Michelsen

Michelsen, Verner 2006

Pegomyia fulviceps

Stein 1907: 703
Stein 1906: 49
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