Geostiba (Sipalotricha) soganlica, Assing, 2006

Assing, V., 2006, Thirteen new species and additional records of Eastern Mediterranean Geostiba THOMSON (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae, Aleocharinae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 38 (2), pp. 1179-1215 : 1179-1215

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.13134870

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scientific name

Geostiba (Sipalotricha) soganlica

sp. nov.

Geostiba (Sipalotricha) soganlica View in CoL sp.n. ( Figs 108-118 View Figs 108-118 , Map 8 View Map 8 )

Holotype 3: TR [34] - Trabzon, ca. 40 km S Of , S Uzungöl, 2050 m, grass, moss, sift., 40°35'57N, 40°16'56E, 4.VIII.2006, V. Assing GoogleMaps / Holotypus 3 Geostiba soganlica sp.n. det. V. Assing 2006 (cAss). Paratypes: 633, 7♀♀: same data as holotype ( OÖLL, cAss) GoogleMaps ; 2 exs.: same data, but leg. Schülke (cSch) GoogleMaps ; 13, 6♀♀: TR [35] - Trabzon, ca. 40 km S Of , S Uzungöl, 2280 m, grass & herbs, 40°36N, 40°16E, 4.VIII.2006, V. Assing (cAss) GoogleMaps .


D e s c r i p t i o n: Small species, 1.8-2.3 mm (abdomen extended). Coloration: body reddish brown to brown, with abdominal segment VI and adjacent segments more or less extensively infuscate and occasionally also the head slightly darker; legs yellowish; antennae light brown to dark brown.

Facies as in Fig. 108 View Figs 108-118 . Head with distinct microreticulation and reduced shine ( Fig. 109 View Figs 108-118 ); puncturation very fine and very sparse, barely noticeable. Eyes small ( Fig. 110 View Figs 108-118 ), not projecting from lateral outline of head, approximately 1/4 the length of postocular region in dorsal view.

Pronotum weakly transverse, 1.10-1.15 times as wide as long and approximately 1.1 times as wide as head ( Fig. 109 View Figs 108-118 ); microsculpture similar to that of head; puncturation similar to that of head.

Elytra 0.55-0.60 times as long as pronotum ( Fig. 109 View Figs 108-118 ), without sexual dimorphism; microsculpture less pronounced than that of head and pronotum; puncturation very fine, but more distinct than that of head and pronotum.

Abdomen approximately 1.15 times as wide as elytra ( Fig. 108 View Figs 108-118 ), with distinct microsculpture, and with sparse fine puncturation; posterior margin of tergite VII without palisade fringe.

3: posterior margin of tergite VIII convex, in the middle indistinctly concave ( Fig. 111 View Figs 108-118 ); posterior margin of sternite VIII convex ( Fig. 112 View Figs 108-118 ); median lobe of aedeagus as in Fig. 113 View Figs 108-118 ; apical lobe of paramere with one very long and three short setae ( Fig. 114 View Figs 108-118 ).

♀: posterior margin of tergite VIII convex ( Fig. 115 View Figs 108-118 ); posterior margin of sternite VIII weakly convex and with row of numerous long modified marginal seta, in the middle not distinctly concave ( Fig. 116 View Figs 108-118 ); spermatheca as in Figs 117-118. View Figs 108-118

E t y m o l o g y: The name (adj.) is derived from Soğanlı Dağları, the mountain range where the type specimens were found.

C o m p a r a t i v e n o t e s: From the geographically closest consubgeners, G. euxina and G. macronorum , G. soganlica is separated by smaller size, darker coloration (especially of the antennae), smaller eyes, and additionally by the following characters:

from G. macronorum by shorter antennae, a distinctly smaller median lobe of the aedeagus, shorter apical and subapical setae of the paramere, and a much more slender spermathecal capsule;

from G. euxina by a smaller median lobe of the aedeagus, shorter apical and subapical setae of the paramere, as well as by a longer, distally more slender, and proximally more strongly dilated spermathecal duct.

In order to account for both G. soganlica and G. orduica , the following modifications of the key in ASSING (2005a) are suggested:

135 Posterior margin of tergite VIII concave in the middle, especially in 3 ( Figs 101, 105 View Figs 98-107 ). 3: median lobe of aedeagus with strongly reduced crista apicalis ( Fig. 103 View Figs 98-107 ); apical lobe of paramere as in Fig. 104 View Figs 98-107 . ♀: spermatheca as in Fig. 107 View Figs 98-107 . Ordu ( Map 8 View Map 8 )........................................................................................................... G. orduica sp.n.

- Posterior margin of tergite VIII even in 3 not or only very indistinctly concave in the middle. 3: crista apicalis of median lobe not reduced. Trabzon .......................135a

135a Smaller, width of pronotum <0.35 mm; coloration of antennae darker, usually brown to dark brown; eyes smaller, composed of few ommatidia ( Fig. 110 View Figs 108-118 ), at most about 1/4 the length of postocular region in dorsal view. 3: median lobe of aedeagus smaller, 0.25-0.26 mm long ( Fig. 113 View Figs 108-118 ); apical lobe of paramere with very


short apical and subapical setae ( Fig. 114 View Figs 108-118 ). ♀: spermatheca with longer, distally more slender, and proximally more strongly dilated duct ( Figs 117-118 View Figs 108-118 ). Trabzon: Soğanlı Dağları ( Map 8 View Map 8 ) .................................................................... G. soganlica sp.n.

- Larger, width of pronotum> 0.35 mm; coloration of antennae paler, usually yellowish to yellowish brown; eyes larger, more than 1/4 the length of postocular region in dorsal view. 3: median lobe of aedeagus larger,> 0.26 mm long; apical lobe of paramere with longer apical and subapical setae. ♀: spermatheca with shorter, distally less slender, and proximally less strongly dilated duct. Trabzon: surroundings of Maçka............................................................................................135b

135a Eyes slightly larger, maximal diameter approximately equal to the length of antennomere III; antennomere III only slightly shorter than antennomere II. ♀: capsule of spermatheca distally enlarged (Figs. P02: 36) ............ G. macronorum PACE

- Eyes slightly smaller, maximal diameter shorter than antennomere III; antennomere III distinctly shorter than antennomere II. ♀: spermathecal capsule somewhat coniform ( Fig. P83b View Figs 78-84 : 173)..................................................... G. euxina PACE

D i s t r i b u t i o n a n d b i o n o m i c s: The type locality is situated in the eastern part of the Soğanlı Dağları, near the pass between Of and Bayburt. The specimens were collected by sifting the roots of grass and herbs, moss, and fern litter, mostly near rocks, at altitudes of 2050 and 2280 m.


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


Mykotektet, National Veterinary Institute













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