Lanelater sabatinellii, Platia, 2015

Platia, Giuseppe, 2015, New species and records of Elateridae from North Pakistan, mostly collected by Guido Sabatinelli in 2011 - 2012 (Coleoptera)., Arquivos Entomolóxicos 13, pp. 3-52 : 6-7

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.11372600

publication LSID


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Lanelater sabatinellii

sp. nov.

Lanelater sabatinellii n. sp.

( Figs. 46, 46a View Figs , 59 View Figs , 97, 97a, 130)

Material examined. Holotype ♀ - Pakistan: Islamabad , Margalla Hills (33°46'N, 73°06'E), 1060 m, 22.VI.-20.VII.2011, G. Sabatinelli leg., at light ( CPG). GoogleMaps

Diagnosis. A species very distinct to all the known from this region for the very shiny pronotal surface, subparallel sides of pronotum, and mandibles dented just before the apex.


Female. Shiny; head, pronotum and scutellum black-piceous, elytra blackish; antennae and legs brown; covered with moderate, recumbent, yellowish pubescence.

Frons flat on vertex, slightly depressed before the anterior margin, the latter complete, arcuate and touching the clypeus at the middle; punctures of variable diameters, umbilicate with variable shiny intervals to contiguous.

Mandibles feebly dented before the apex.

Antennae reaching only the middle of pronotum, serrated from the third article on, second article subcylindrical, as long as wide, third subtriangular, 1.8x longer than the second and 1.5x longer than wide, fourth triangular, slightly longer than the third and 1.8x longer than wide; fifth to tenth triangular, subequal in length and about as long as wide, the last one just longer than penultimate, subellipsoidal visibly constricted before the apex.

Pronotum as long as wide, widest at the apices of the posterior angles, convex at centre, gradually sloping at sides, more abruptly at base; sides subparallel narrowed at the anterior third, sinuate just before the posterior angles, the latter long, acuminate, divergent, with an apparent carina prolonged over the middle of the lateral margins and running parallel; prescutellar tubercle moderate, subrectangular; punctuation on the disc sparser with punctures slightly umbilicate and intervals on average equal to their own diameters, gradually denser, clearly umbilicate towards the sides with very short intervals.

Scutellum subrectangular, ridged at base, rounded at apex, slightly impressed, finely punctured.

Elytra 2.1x longer than the pronotum and as wide as it, sides subparallel from the base to behind the middle, then gradually tapering to the apices; striae superficial, and regularly punctate from the base to the apices, interstriae flat with dense and fine punctures.

Bursa copulatrix sclerified as in Figs. 46, 46a View Figs .

Size. Length 25.00 mm; width 7.30 mm.

Male unknown.

Etymology. The species is dedicated to the collector, G. Sabatinelli.













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