Orthogonius picipennis Chaudoir, 1871

Tian, Mingyi & Deuve, Thierry, 2016, Stepwise and cooperative assembly of a cytokinetic core complex in budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Belgian Journal of Entomology 42, pp. 1-19 : 1-19

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.18725/oparu-3307

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scientific name

Orthogonius picipennis Chaudoir, 1871


Orthogonius picipennis Chaudoir, 1871 View in CoL

Figs 10–12 View Figs 10–12

CHAUDOIR, 1871: 100

MATERIAL EXAMINED. Type material: holotype ♀, Cambodia: [ picipennis Chaud. / Cambodje,Mouhot] ( MNHN) .

Additional material: 1♂: Vietnam: [Coll. I.R.Sc.N.B. / Vietnam, Cat Tien N.P. / 11°26’N, 107°26’E / 6-16.VIII.2012, Malaise trap / Leg. J. Constant & J. Bresseel /I.G. 32.161] ( RBINS) GoogleMaps ; 1 ♀: Vietnam: [S. Vietnam, 5-19.VI.95, NNE Ho Chi Min, env. Cat Tien vill, leg. Napolov A. ”, “ Ex. coll. Ilya Osipov ”]( CIB) .


Length: 16.0 mm; width: 6.1 mm. Habitus as in Fig 10 View Figs 10–12 . Head and pronotum densely and intricately wrinkled (rather faint on pronotum), impunctate; elytra coarsely punctate on even intervals; microsculptural meshes dense and isodiametric on head, pronotum and elytra.

Head: moderately broad, slightly longer than wide, HL/HW=1.1; eyes rather small, moderately prominent; labrum distinctly emarginate at frontal margin, sexsetose; clypeus bisetose; maxillary palpomere 3 longer than 4, with several sparsely thin setae; labial palpomere 2 as long as 3, bisetose on inner margin though with a few additional short setae; palpomere 3 with more fine and short setae on basal half; ligula thin and narrow, bisetose; mentum and submentum each with a pair of setae; palpigers setose; antennae short, extended to the shoulders of elytra, densely pubescent from basal 1/3 of 4 th antennomere to 11 th.

Pronotum: strongly transverse, PW/PL=1.67, widest at about mid-length; fore angles broadly rounded, hind angles rectangular, though obtuse; lateral expanded margins wide and well defined, almost of equal width throughout, not reflexed; basal transverse impressions well marked, frontal one faint; median line clear; basal foveae shallow and not well marked; disc moderately convex.

Elytra: broad, moderately convex, EL/EW=1.64, nearly parallel-sided, widest at about mid-length; apex roundly truncate, with reverse sinuate near apex, making inner angle nearly right, and a shallow, wide sutural angle; base bordered, though partly interrupted against 1 st, 3 rd and 4 th intervals; striae deep, punctate-striate; intervals convex, even intervals much wider than odd ones (but less than twice as broad) and with coarser punctures which are clear and extend to apical 1/3 of elytra on 4 th and 6 th intervals, but fewer and fainter on 2 nd interval on which they extend to about mid-length; 3 rd interval without setiferous pores; 5 th interval with only one seta near base; 7 th interval rather wide, not carinate, with 15 setiferous pores throughout.

Legs: rather stout and with developed spines, in particular on tibiae, long and sited in more or less regular row; middle coxae with several setae laterally; fore tibiae with outer angle very sharp and strongly protruded, and outer margin strongly serrate; middle tibiae stout, suddenly and distinctly dilated at apex, and slightly curved in median portion; hind tibiae longer than the middle ones, more elongate, and suddenly dilated at apex (almost as dilated as in middle ones), with tibial spurs short, sword-like but broad; hind femora moderately dilated, with four posterior setae; 3 rd hind tarsomere almost as long as 4 th which is bilobed; all tarsal claws simple.

Ventral side: prosternal process well bordered at apex; ventrite VII complete at apex and bisetose in male.

Male genitalia ( Figs 11–12 View Figs 10–12 ): rather stout, ventral margin widely sinuate, median portion moderately expanded, apex gently bent ventral, gradually narrowed towards apex in profile; slightly twisted in dorsal view, dorsal opening very wide and long; apical lamella long and broad, spade-shaped, longer than broad, rounded at apex.

REMARKS. In the original description, CHAUDOIR (1871) mentioned that the single type is a male, but it is actually a female.

DISTRIBUTION. Cambodia and southern Vietnam. It is here recorded from Vietnam for the first time.


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle


Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences


Chengdu Institute of Biology













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