Papp, L., Merz, B. & Földvári, M., 2006, DIPTERA OF THAILAND A summary of the families and genera with references to the species representations, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 52 (2), No. 2, pp. 97-269 : 225

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12586111

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MUSCIDAE View in CoL View at ENA

In the CDO ( PONT 1977) 56 spp. of 18 genera were listed: Morellia 1 sp., Musca (Byomya) 3 spp., M. ( Eumusca ) 3 spp., M. ( Musca ) 1 sp., M. ( Philaematomyia ) 1 sp., M. ( Ptilolepis ) 1 sp., M. ( Viviparomusca ) 2 spp., Neomyia 7 spp. (as Orthellia ), Pyrellia 2 spp., Hydrotaea (as Ophyra ) 1 sp., Gymnodia 2 spp., Dichaetomyia 5 spp., Atherigona (Acritochaeta) 1 sp., Atherigona (A.) 1 sp., Graphomya 1 sp., Hebecnema 1 sp., Myospila 3 spp., Heliographma 1 sp., Limnophora 2 spp., Lispe 6 spp., Pygophora 5 spp., Haematobia 2 spp., Haematobosca 1 sp., Stomoxys 3 spp. Of them only Dichaetomyia nigridorsata EMDEN, 1965 (p. 412) was described from Thailand.

After 1977 a good part of the extant Muscidae fauna of Thailand was made known. TUMRASVIN & SHINONAGA (1978, 1982) summarised and keyed the Muscidae fauna of Thailand in two papers: altogether they recorded 105 spp. Formerly they (TUMRASVIN & SHINONAGA 1977) keyed the species of Musca L. in the series of papers “Studies on medically important flies in Thailand ”. PONT (1977) described Gymnodia tibiseta (p. 355) from Thailand. In the same year SHINONAGA & KANO (1977) described Musca asiatica (p. 111), SHINONAGA & TUMRASVIN (1977) Neomyia cuprea (p. 125, as Orthellia ). The papers of SHINONAGA & KANO (1989) ( Lispe siamensis , p. 816) and SHINONAGA & TUMRASVIN (1978) included new species ( Morellia pseudonigrisquama , p. 351, Pyrellia ponti , p. 353, Pyrellia suchariti , p. 352). The papers of SUCHARIT & TUMRASVIN (1981) and TUMRASVIN et al. (1978) included new records for the Thailand fauna.

Our material is rather diverse. In 2004 we captured, selected and pinned 266 indiv., in 2003 48 indiv. For lack of time they were not selected even to genera.











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