Scraptogetus arboreus ( Broun, 1914 )

Grzymala, Traci L. & Leschen, Richard A. B., 2020, Sexual Dimorphism of New Zealand Puppet Beetles (Aderidae, Coleoptera, Tenebrionoidea): Systematic Revision, Description of Three New Genera, and Phylogeny for Zenascus, gen. n., Zootaxa 4889 (1), pp. 1-59 : 17-19

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4889.1.1

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scientific name

Scraptogetus arboreus ( Broun, 1914 )


Scraptogetus arboreus ( Broun, 1914)

Figs 2B View FIGURES 2 , 5C, 5D View FIGURES 5 , 26B View FIGURES 26

Metasclera arboreus Broun 1914: 198 : Hudson, 1923: 386; Hudson, 1934: 204.

Diagnosis. This species is distinguished from other Scraptogetus species by the larger body size, the decumbent and sparse interstitial setae present along the lateral apices of the elytra, the darkly colored pronotum, and the distinctive shape of the metafemoral setal patches. This species most closely resembles S. anthracinus and is easily separated by the larger overall body size as well as the differently shaped metafemoral setal patches for both males and females ( Figs 5 View FIGURES 5 A–5D).

Description. Length 2.87–3.08 mm. Color of head, mouthparts, antennae, pronotum, elytra, legs, and venter dark brown to piceous. Dorsal integument shining, vestiture uniseriate, one decumbent, thin, long seta arising anterad of each primary puncture, length about equal to 3× puncture length, without additional setae except along elytral apices, with one long, decumbent seta between every 5–7 primary punctures, length 3× primary puncture length. Head, HW 0.61–0.65 mm, HL 0.25 mm. Apical maxillary palpomere expanded, width increasing about 4× from base to apex. Antennae reaching past basal ¾ of elytra when extended backward; scape subglobular, 1.3× length of pedicel; pedicel subglobular, about ¼× length of antennomere 3; antennomere 3 slightly expanded apically; antennomeres 3–6 subequal in width and length to one another; antennomere 7 subequal in width and slightly longer than antennomere 6; antennomeres 7–10 subequal in length and width; antennomere 11 subequal in width and slightly shorter than antennomere 10; scape and pedicel with few scattered setae; antennomeres 3–11 covered in moderately dense, suberect pubescence, without additional subapical ring of erect setae on each antennomere. Pronotum, PW 0.58–0.59 mm, PL 0.49–0.50 mm, subquadrate, width slightly greater than length, width 1.16–1.18× length; pronotal width 0.60–0.62× elytral width, pronotal width 0.91–0.92× head width; sides sinuate; disc with moderately deep anterior transverse sulcus and moderately deep subbasal transverse sulcus. Elytra, EW 0.94–0.98, EL 2.40–2.58 mm, 2.55–2.63× longer than wide and 4.80–5.16 pronotal length. Midleg with femur and tibia sinuate and twisted from base to apex; femur with deep, circular primary punctation; several rows of thickened, modified setae on postero-ventral face, modified setae extending past integument, confined to basal 4/5 of femoral length ( Fig. 5C View FIGURES 5 ). Abdomen with small, deep, circular primary punctation on ventrites 1–5. Phallobase with accessory lobes present, elongate, originating just anterad of phallobase and apicale delimitation; posterior apex of apicale lined with long setae.

Females. Length 3.06–3.18 mm, HW 0.63–0.69 mm, HL 0.25–0.29 mm, PW 0.60–0.64 mm, PL 0.50–0.56 mm, EW 1.04–1.06 mm, EL 2.50–2.68 mm. Antennal scape rounded, slightly longer than wide; pedicel subglobular; antennomere 3 about 3× length of pedicel; antennomere 4 slightly shorter than and subequal in width to antennomere 3; antennomeres 4–6 subequal in width and length; antennomere 7 subequal in width and slightly longer than antennomere 6; antennomeres 7–10 subequal in width and length; antennomere 11 subequal in width and slightly longer than antennomere 10. Midleg with femur and tibia straight; femur with deep, small, circular primary punctation; several rows of thickened, modified setae on postero-ventral face, modified setae extending past integument, of different lengths, tapering to form rounded apex, confined to middle third of femoral length ( Fig. 5D View FIGURES 5 ).

Remarks. This is Broun species 3580, which was based on five “more or less mutilated” specimens from Waimarino and Erua ( Broun, 1914); but, the specimens we examined were in good condition. A lectotype (Waimarino) and two paralectotypes (Erua, and one from Waimarino that was not labeled as a paralectotype by C. Watt) were identified and labeled by C. Watt (BMNH). An additional specimen from Pakuratahi 2.1. 1915 in the BMNH was not considered syntypical. A specimen from Erua, which was also not previously labeled by C. Watt, housed at the NZAC is also included as a paralectotype. Additional specimens of S. arboreus from the Broun collection at NZAC were not considered syntypical.

Natural History. This is a relatively widespread and uncommon species. Specimens have been collected in and along the edge of forests by beating, sweeping, and by Malaise traps.

Distribution. North Island : Northland (ND), Auckland (AK), Coromandel (CL), Taranaki (TK), Taupo (TO), Rangitikei (RI), and Wellington (WN). South Island : Buller (BR), Westland (WD), Dunedin (DN), Southland (SL), and Stewart Island (SI).

Type material examined. Lectotype, male ( BMNH): “Syntype // 3580 // New Zealand / Broun Coll. / Brit. Mus. / 1922-482. // Waimarino / Jany. 1909 // Metasclera / arborea // Lectotype [male symbol] / Metasclera / arborea Broun / ( Scraptogetus ) / det. J.C. Watt / 1985” . Paralectotype s: 1 ( BMNH), “Syntype // 3580 // New Zealand / Broun Coll. / Brit. Mus. / 1922-482. // Erua / Jany. 1910. // Metasclera / arborea // Paralect [female symbol] / Metasclera / arborea Brn / ( Scraptogetus ) / det. J.C. Watt / 1985”; 1 ( BMNH), “3580 // New Zealand / Broun Coll. / Brit. Mus. / 1922-482. //Waimarino / Jany.1909 // Metasclera / arborea Broun / C.M.F. von Hayek / 1972 / Scraptogetus / sp. 1 [male symbol] / det. J.C. Watt / 1985”; 1 ( NZAC): “3580 // Erua / Jan. 1910 // Metasclera / arborea // T. Broun / Collection // A.E. Brookes / Collection // N.Z. Arthropod / Collection, NZAC / Entomology Div. / DSIR, Auckland / NEW ZEALAND // Scraptogetus / sp. 1 [male symbol] / det. J.C. Watt / 1985” .


United Kingdom, London, The Natural History Museum [formerly British Museum (Natural History)]


New Zealand, Auckland, Landcare Research, New Zealand Arthropod Collection


New Zealand, Auckland, Landcare Research, New Zealand Arthropod Collection
















Scraptogetus arboreus ( Broun, 1914 )

Grzymala, Traci L. & Leschen, Richard A. B. 2020

Metasclera arboreus

Hudson, G. V. 1934: 204
Hudson, G. V. 1923: 386
Broun, T. 1914: 198
GBIF Dataset (for parent article) Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF