Helix (Pelasga) pachya BOURGUIGNAT , 1860

Neubert, Eike, 2014, Revision of Helix LINNAEUS, 1758 in its eastern Mediterranean distribution area, and reassignment of Helix godetiana KOBELT, 1878 to Maltzanella HESSE, 1917 (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Helicidae), Contributions to Natural History 26, pp. 1-200 : 160-166

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https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.13222466

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scientific name

Helix (Pelasga) pachya BOURGUIGNAT , 1860


Helix (Pelasga) pachya BOURGUIGNAT, 1860 View in CoL ( Figs 242–250)

1860 Helix pachya BOURGUIGNAT, Revue et Magasin de Zoologie (2) 12: 162, pl. 5, fig. 6–9 [separatum: Aménités malacologiques II [1860]: 180] ["commune dans les contrées arides de la Syrie notamment dans les environs du lac de Tibériade" according to Aménités Malacologiques II: 180, pl. 21, fig. 6–9].

1860 Helix pachya var. B. Elongata BOURGUIGNAT, Revue et Magasin de Zoologie (2) 12: 163, Aménités Malacologiques II: 180, 181], pl. 21, fig. 8 [environs de Tibériade].

1861 " Helix texta " Mousson, Vierteljahrsschrift der naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zürich 6: 32 [Tiberias (Roth)].

1876 Helix luynesiana BOURGUIGNAT , Species novissima molluscorum: 54 [Montagnes du Nahr-el-Kelb].

1889 Helix dehiscens WESTERLUND, Fauna der in der Paläarctischen Region lebenden Binnenconchylien II: 454 [Bunias im oberen Jordangebiet].

1895 Helix (Pomatia) racopsis KOBELT, Iconographie der Land- und Süsswassermollusken, Suppl. 1: 48, Taf. 18, Fig. 3 View Figs 1–9 [in den Bergen um Beirut].

1903 Helix (Pomatia) xerekia NÄGELE, Nachrichtsblatt der deutschen Malakozoologischen Gesellschaft 35: 170 [Saida, in monte Libano Syriae].

1904 Helix (Helicogena) pachya subtexta KOBELT, Systematisches Conchylien-Cabinet VI : 159, Taf. 336, Fig. 11, 12 View Figs 10–19 [In Syria].

1904 Helix edraea Bourguignat in coll., – Kobelt, Systematisches Conchylien-Cabinet VI: 170 171 [as Kobelt points out, this taxon was already figured in Iconographie der Land- und Süsswassermollusken 1 (4) Taf. 99, Fig. 1030] [Bunias] [nomen nudum].

1904 Helix texta phoeniciaca KOBELT, Systematisches Conchylien-Cabinet VI : 171, Taf. 338, Fig. 4–11 View Figs 1–9 View Figs 10–19 [Beirut].

1939 Pomatia ( Pseudofigulina ) karamiana PALLARY, Mémoires présentés a l'Institut d'Égypte 39: 19, pl. I, fig. 3, 4 [Jounieh].

Type specimens:

pachya View in CoL : lectotype MHNG 17947a: H = 34.8; D = 30.8; PH = 26.35; PD = 21.0; PrD = 3.8; W = 5 (lectotype herewith designated); paralectotypes MHNG 17947b/4; elongata: syntype MHNG 17954: H = 42.5; D = 36.25; PH = 30.0; PD = 29.6; PrD = 5; W = 5.25. texta View in CoL : original specimens ZMZ 506327/2: H = 52.4; D = 44.95. luynesiana View in CoL : syntype MHNG 18020: H = 45.8; D = 45.3; PH = 33.7; PD = 24.45; PrD = 2.0; W = 5.25; racopsis View in CoL syntype MHNG 17957: H =; D =; PH =; PD =; PrD =; W =; xerekia View in CoL : lectotype SMF 75504 (SD Zilch 1952: 140): H = 43.7; D = 37.7; PH = 30.6; PD = 18.2; PrD = 5.05; W = 5; subtexta: holotype SMF 9678: H = 30.1; D = 28.3; PH = 22.5; PD = 14.4; PrD = 3.8; W = 5; phoeniciaca: lectotype SMF 9778 (SD Zilch 1952: 139): H = 41.8; D = 36.1; PH = 29.2; PD = 18; PrD = 4.1; W = 5.25; karamiana: unknown.

Note on typoid specimens: " Helix edraea Bourguignat in coll". is mentioned by Kobelt (1904) in the synonymy of H. texta View in CoL . The collection of Bourguignat contains two lots of " Helix edraa Bourguignat [sic!]", viz. MHNG 17973 and MHNG 17974, but both originate from Batroun in Lebanon, and not from Bunias (= Banias).

Specimens examined:

Turkey: between TekebaşI and Meydan 7 km S of SamandağI, 36.0401 35.9865, 18.4.1997, NMBE 525622 View Materials /2; ditto, 1.8.1994, SMNS/NORDS; approx. 1 km from Harbiye to YayladağI, 36.1280 36.1485, 18.4.1997, NMBE 525623 View Materials /1 (alk.) .

Syria: Tartus: ruins of Amrit 10 km S of Tartus, 34.8327 35.9126, Oct. 1990, MENK (8); SMF 78208 Lattaquiah, 35.5259 35.7932, coll. Nägele ex Pallary 1910; SMF 214877, Syria, coll. S. H. Jaeckel.

Lebanon: SMF 9778 Beirut, 33.8886 35.4954, coll. Rossmässler ex Frivaldszky (paralectotype phoeniciaca); SMF 74128, Lebanon, ditto, coll. Jetschin ex Krüper; SMF 22334, ditto, coll. O. v. Moellendorff; SMF 74347, ditto, coll. K.L. Pfeiffer ex Stauding- er; SMF 22336, ditto, ex LÖbbecke; SMF 299410, ditto, coll. C. Bosch ex Schlüter; SMF 74359/2 Lebanon, ditto, coll. Krüper ex P. Hesse; SMF 22345, ditto; SMF 74361/4, ditto, coll. C.R. Boettger; SMF 22349, ditto, coll. O. Boettger ex Nägele; SMF 22340, ditto, coll. O. Reinhardt; SMF 22351, ditto, ex LÖbbecke; SMF 74362/8, ditto, coll. Krüper ex P. Hesse; SMF 22342, ditto; SMF 22343/2 Beirut, in the gardens, coll. O. Boettger ex Schumacher; SMF 299404, Lebanon, coll. C. Bosch ex Schlüter; SMF 74348/4 Lebanon, coll. Krüper; SMF 22341, ditto, coll. O. v. Moellendorff ex Nägele; SMF 78222/3, ditto, coll. Nägele; SMF 17951, ditto, coll. Kobelt ex Nägele; SMF 18543 E Lebanon, coll. O. v. Moellendorff; SMF 78207/3 eastern Lebanon, coll. Nägele ex Torrend; SMF 78223/2 Lebanon, Hamana, 33.8254 35.7342, 1000 m alt., coll. Nägele ex M. des Archanges; SMF 22333, ditto, 1000 m alt.; SMF 22337, ditto, 1000 m alt., coll. Nägele; SMF 22681, ditto, coll. Kobelt ex Nägele; SMF 74358, ditto, coll. Jetschin ex Paar; SMF 75505 "Syria", Saida (= Sidon), 33.5627, coll. Nägele paralectotype xerekia ); SMF 75506/7, ditto, (paralectotypes xerekia ) coll. Nägele; SMF 9698/2 Saida, coll. Kobelt ex Nägele (paralectotypes xerekia ); SMF 74366/3, ditto, coll. Jetschin ex Nägele (paralectotypes xerekia ); SMF 299407/2, ditto, coll. Krüper ex P. Hesse; SMF 74364, ditto, coll. Krüper ex Nägele; SMF 74365, ditto, coll. Jetschin ex Wohlberedt; SMF 9780, ditto, coll. Kobelt; SMF 9831, "Lebanon", Banias, 33.2486 35.6944, upper each of the Jordan, coll. Kobelt ex LÖbbecke; SMF 9713 Lebanon, Ghazir, 34.0185 35.6628, coll. Kobelt; SMF 78221/2, ditto, coll. Nägele ex Tembé; SMF 78220/3, ditto, coll. Nägele ex Tembé; rocks in Sribbin (= Srobbine?) 5 km N of the Israelian border, 33.1539 35.3581, 1.10.1979, MENK (26); Qaroun Lake, 33.551 35.682, 870 m alt., 21.8.2008, NMBE 524410/4; Kfarhoune, 33.4866 35. 5921, 930 m alt., 21.8.2008, NMBE 524409/3; Jezzine, Mazrad el Mathané, 33.576, 35. 519, 450 m alt., 21.8.2008, NMBE 524408/1; Jezzine, W of village, steep slope, 33.546 35.575, 940 m alt., 21.8.2008, NMBE 524407/6; Nahr Ibrahim, Chouene, trail Chouene - Chouwan Lake, 34.081 35.785, 450 m alt., 20.8.2008, NMBE 524406/3; Qanater al Zbeideh, Nahr Beirut, 33.85 35.556, 80 m alt., 19.8.2008, NMBE 524405/3; Nahr Abu Ali close to Seraad, 34.382 35. 93, 630 m alt., 19.8.2008, NMBE 524404/2; Tourza, 34.281 35. 89, 870 m alt., 19.8.2008, NMBE 524403/2; Jazire, Nahr al Qasimiyah (part of the Litani), 33.32 35.288, 15 m alt., 18.8.2008, NMBE 524402/14; Nahr al Damour, 33.704 35.452, 20 m alt., 18.8.2008, NMBE 524401/2; Nahr Kfar Matta at Jisr el Kadi, 33.721 35.558, 260 m alt., 17.8.2008, NMBE 524400/2; Falougha above Soha water plant, 33.835 35.756, 1610 m alt., 17.8.2008, NMBE 524399/2; Ain al Jdeidi, 33.809 35. 63, 918 m alt., 17.8.2008, NMBE 524398/2; Nahr el Kalb, Jeita Grotto, cave entrance, 33.944 35.641, 90 m alt., 16.8.2008, NMBE 524397/1; Nahr el Kelb, road to Jeita Grotto, limestone slope, 33.947 35.637, 115 m alt., 16.8.2008, NMBE 524396/5; Tartus, 34.8896 35.8851, 2.5.2007, NMBE 517768/1; Jezzine, Mazrad el Mathané, 33.576 35.519, 450 m alt., 21.8.2008, NMBE 509480/1; Aaramoun, 34.0153 35. 6973, 760 m alt., 27.10.2011, NMBE 506384/1; Kfour, 34.0348 35. 6952, 817 m alt., 27.10.2011, NMBE 506383/1; Adma, 34.0166 35.6489, 85 m alt., 27.10.2011, NMBE 506382/4; above Delbta, 34.0122 35. 6975, 852 m alt., 27.10.2011, NMBE 506369/1; Jabal Moussa above Mchati, 34.0571 35.7692, 1505 m alt., 30.10.2011, NMBE 506318/15; below Barouk Cedar Forest, 33.7042 35.6997, 1310 m alt., 29.10.2011, NMBE 506317/6; Wadi Abadieh, 33.8434 35. 6344, 310 m alt., 28.10.2011, NMBE 506316/12; Ajhbe, 34.0087 35.7108, 1164 m alt., 27.10.2011, NMBE 505494/2.

Israel: along Dan–Banyas road, 33.2506 35.6729, 12.4.1976, BANK/2 ; Banyas , 33.2474 35.6918, 15.2.1971, BANK/3 ; Hermon , Nahal Sion, 1–3 km N Banyas, 33.2371 35.6626, 20.2.1976, BANK/4 ; Hermon , Banyas, 33.474 35.6918, 12.4.1976, BANK/1 ; Hermon , road to Djebbel Rus (Har Dov), path to Ibrahim el-Halil, 1200 m alt., W-slope, 33.3039 35.7126, 25.9.1971, BANK/3 ; Hermon , Ein Kunia, N-slope, 31.1.1976, BANK/3 ; Hermon , Migdal Rir, Mashhad Attair, 15.2.1971, BANK/6 .

Unspecific localities: SMF 22335 Syria, Blanc ex coll. Martens; Palestine, coll. Shuttleworth ex Boissier 1847, NMBE 524414/1.

Diagnosis: shell large, protoconch relatively small, spiral bands No. 2 and No. 3, and No. 4 and No. 5 fused, strong surface granulation, fine axial riblets, aperture large, white.

Description: shell large sized, thick, elongate spherical, with a high conical spire, basic shell colour greyish white with bluish brown spiral bands, usually the subsutural spiral No. 1 separate, spiral No. 2 fused with No. 3, and spirals No. 4 and No. 5 fused, each forming large brownish areas on the teleoconch, protoconch small in comparison to shell, its diameter ranging from 4. 5–6 mm, smooth, white whorls, teleoconch of 3–4 whorls, usually with a strong surface granulation and fine axial riblets, last whorl slightly descending below the periphery, aperture large, elongate, apertural rim narrow, labial callus weak, always white coloured, columellar triangle large, umbilicus closed in adult shells.

Genital organs: There were no preserved specimens available for dissection.

Distribution ( Fig. 250 View Fig ): This species inhabits the coastal mountain chains from the Hatay area in Turkey, northern Syria, and the Lebanon to northern Israel. Still, the Syrian coastal mountains are rather unexplored, and records for H. pachya from there are scarce. The type locality "environs du lac de Tibériade" [Lake Genezareth] is south of the hitherto known range of the species, but this might be due to a broad interpretation of geography.

Remarks: Forcart (January 1978, on label in coll. Bourguignat) considered as " holotype " the specimen, which he identified to represent the specimen figured by Bourguignat (1860: pl. 21, fig. 6) and which has the caption "6. Helix pachya , (type)". This has to be interpreted as meaning "typical form", because Bourguignat then illustrated with his figs 7–9 so-called "var.", meaning varieties of H. pachya . Thus, he has several specimens at hand, and the note "type" is not an original designation of a holotype in our present sense. Thus, the original specimen illustrated in Fig. 6 View Figs 1–9 is here designated as lectotype. The lot MHNG 17954 contains the specimen figured by Bourguignat (1860: pl. 21, fig. 8) as a variation of H. pachya , the brown spirals and the size of the shell match the original description. The three other specimens of this lot rather look like H. engaddensis than H. pachya . It has to be noted that the lectotype specimen of H. pachya is quite untypical, because the cancellate sculpture is almost missing. For this reason, a paralectotype is illustrated showing the characteristic sculpture pattern.

Heller (2009: 335–336) records three species from Israel, viz. H. engaddensis , H. texta , and a third unknown species from Mt. Hermon. The first species H. engaddensis , is said to be widespread in Israel southwards to the end of the Dead Sea, while H. texta and the unknown species are restricted to Mt. Hermon. The basic difference in shell characters between the two species H. engaddensis and H. texta is the strong reticulate sculpture on the teleoconch of the latter species, which might explain the shell pattern in H. ( Pelasga ) sp. ( Heller (2009: lower figure on page 336). As main species-specific difference, Heller stresses the size of the protoconch. For H. engaddensis , he notes a diameter of 3.5 mm, for H. texta 4.0 mm, and for H. ( Pelasga ) sp. the value is 4.8 mm. However, protoconch sizes vary 1) individually, 2) according to the measuring method applied, and 3) whether the start of adult growth is well discernible. Due to the differing larval development between terrestrial and marine snails, the change in protoconch sculpture is by far not that drastic as can be seen in many marine gastropods. In the author's experience, a difference of 1.3 mm in protoconch diameter in large Helix species should not be over-emphasised. Own measurements (based on specimens from Lebanon) range from 4. 5–6 mm. Concluding, a re-consideration of Israelian specimens with a focus on the shell sculpture is required to clarify the southern distribution limit of H. pachya . So far, it has not been recorded from Jordan.

For the problem of separation from H. nucula refer to this species. Helix pachya can easily be identified by the usually well developed granulation on its teleoconch, its large shell size and the often conical spire. It often has been recorded by authors under " H. texta Mousson ", but this name has never been validly published. Mousson clearly states that the name pachya has precedence over his manuscript name texta , and adds that he supplies his original diagnosis for texta because of the insufficient description of H. pachya by Bourguignat ( Mousson 1861: 32). In fact, Mousson's " texta " specimen is much more characteristic of H. pachya than the type itself (compare Fig. 242 with 246).


Naturhistorisches Museum der Burgergemeinde Bern














Helix (Pelasga) pachya BOURGUIGNAT , 1860

Neubert, Eike 2014


KOBELT, Iconographie 1895
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