Cyrtomenus grossus Dallas, 1851

Avendaño, José Mauricio, Correia, Maíra Andrade, Grazia, Jocelia & Schwertner, Cristiano Feldens, 2024, Review and phylogeny of Cyrtomenus Amyot & Serville (Hemiptera: Cydnidae: Cydninae) based on morphological characters, Zootaxa 5453 (3), pp. 301-340 : 335-338

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5453.3.1

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scientific name

Cyrtomenus grossus Dallas, 1851


Cyrtomenus grossus Dallas, 1851

( Figs. 5G View FIGURE 5 , 15 View FIGURE 15 , 17 View FIGURE 17 )

Cyrtomenus grossus Dallas, 1851: 111 ; Walker, 1867: 148; Stål, 1876: 18; Distant, 1880: 2, pl. 2, fig. 14; Signoret, 1881: 198, pl. 16, fig. 18; Uhler, 1886: 3; Lethierry & Severin, 1893: 62.

Cyrtomenus (Syllobus) grossus ; Froeschner, 1960: 520.

Material examined: VENEZUELA (?): 1♂, “ Miranda ”, 1-Nov-94, 1-Feb-95, NMNH ; COLOMBIA: Boyacá: 1♀, Buenavista, Patiño. Las Lomas , 1989 masl, 4-Apr-04, W. Ávila, “Arroyo”, UNAB ; 1♂, Sotaquirá , 2680 masl, 13-Oct-97, C. Bejarano, UNAB ; Cauca: 1♀, Inzá, Parte baja par. Guanacas. Crr 51-52, 3270, 24-Mar-82, Grupo 5, ICN ; Cundinamarca: 1♀, Agua de Dios , 400 masl, 1-Nov-96, F. Ballón, UNAB ; 1♂, Anolaima , La Florida. Los Balsos. Fca Las Palmas, 1647 masl, 24-Oct-09, L. Bermúdez, UNAB ; 1♀, Anolaima, Vda Santa Ana. Fca Betania , 1950 masl, 14-Mar-10, R . Sandoval , “Zona Riparia”, UNAB ; 1♀, El Rosal, Vda. La Hondura. Fca San Luis , 2700 masl, 5-Nov-00, H. Gasca, ICN ; 1♂, La Palma, 30-Aug-93, C. Perez, “Tronco de durazno”, UNAB ; 1♀, San Antonio del Tequendama , 1503 masl, 14-Nov-93, Preichmann, UNAB ; 1♂, Sasaima, Santa Ana , 1221 masl, 19-Sep-96, C. Gómez, UNAB ; 1♀, Tena, Laguna Pedro Palo , 1384 masl, 15-Feb-97, V . González , UNAB ; 1♀, Ubaté , 2566 masl, 10-Jan-97, Garzón, UNAB ; 1♂, Vianí , 1498 masl, 20-Oct-89, G. Vega, UNAB ; 1♀, La Vega , 1230 masl, 13-Nov-89, E. Rodríguez, UNAB ; BRAZIL: Rio de Janeiro: 2 specimens, Itatiaia, Estação Biologica , 25-Jan-1932, Zikán col., MNRJ ; 1 specimen, Itatiaia , Aug-1933, Zikán col., MNRJ ; Rio Grande do Sul: 1♀, Porto Alegre, Serro Azul, MCNZ .

Diagnosis: Labium apex surpasses metacoxae; two well-defined rows of punctures parallel to clavo-corial suture on the corium Corium; Laterotegites IX attaining sternum VII.

Redescription. Total length: 10.9–11.1 mm.

Head: Flattened dorsally, surface shining, with faint, radiating rugae and minute, widely scattered punctures; clypeus shorter than mandibular plates, apex narrower than the base; interocular length greater than the length of the head ( Fig. 17B View FIGURE 17 ); labium surpassing posterior coxae, sometimes reaching to sternite IV, labial segment II without semicircular foliaceous lobe ( Fig. 17D View FIGURE 17 ).

Thorax: Pronotum surface with very scattered coarse punctures, disc impunctate; lateral margin with submarginal row of twelve setigerous punctures; transverse impression weak, marked by a very irregular interrupted row of punctures; anterior lobe with intermixed coarse and fine punctures laterally and in subapical band paralleling anterior margin; posterior lobe with few minutes and fewer scattered coarse punctures ( Fig. 17A View FIGURE 17 ). Propleuron polished, with few small punctures in depression ( Fig. 17D View FIGURE 17 ). Scutellum disc polished, with about half dozen coarse punctures and several fine ones widely scattered. Hemelytron shining; clavus with single row of coarse punctures and several finer scattered ones ( Fig. 17A View FIGURE 17 ); mesocorium with one complete and one partial row of punctures paralleling claval suture; exocorium less densely punctured than mesocorium; costa with four to six setigerous punctures. Mesopleural evaporatorium with pseudoperitreme ( Fig. 17C View FIGURE 17 ); anterolateral area with few oblique rugae. Posterolateral and posterior areas impunctate. Metatibia distinctly compressed.

Abdomen: Sternites III to VI polished, without rows of setigerous punctures across segments ( Fig. 17D View FIGURE 17 ).

Type data: Type specimen deposited in the British Museum, labeled with the locality “Columbia”, based on its distribution; the type locality should be Colombia.

Distribution: Mexico, Guatemala, Colombia, Brazil, Ecuador —( Fig. 15 View FIGURE 15 ).

Remarks: See remarks to C. teter .


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


Universidad Nacional, Facultad de Agronomia


Instituto de Ciencias Naturales, Museo de Historia Natural


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


Museu Nacional/Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro


Porto Alegre, Museu de Ciencias Naturais da Fundacao Zoo-Botanica do Rio Grande do Sul














Cyrtomenus grossus Dallas, 1851

Avendaño, José Mauricio, Correia, Maíra Andrade, Grazia, Jocelia & Schwertner, Cristiano Feldens 2024

Cyrtomenus (Syllobus) grossus

Froeschner, R. C. 1960: 520
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