Russula latolamellata Y.Song & L.H.Qiu, 2020

Zhou, Songyan, Song, Yu, Chen, Kaixing, Li, Jingwei, Buyck, Bart & Qiu, Lihong, 2020, Three novel species of Russula Pers. subg. Compactae (Fr.) Bon from Dinghushan Biosphere Reserve in southern China, Cryptogamie, Mycologie 20 (14), pp. 219-234 : 222-232

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Felipe (2023-04-11 01:07:54, last updated 2023-04-11 01:07:55)

scientific name

Russula latolamellata Y.Song & L.H.Qiu

sp. nov.

Russula latolamellata Y.Song & L.H.Qiu , sp. nov.

( Figs 3; 4)


HOLOTYPE. — China. Guangdong Province, Zhaoqing City, Dinghushan Biosphere Reserve , on the ground in broadleaf forest, 6.IV.2015, J. B. Zhang K15060604 ( GDGM 79561 About GDGM ).

ETYMOLOGY. — Named after its broad lamellae.

DIAGNOSIS. — Mainly characterized by its distinctly cracking and black-tan pileus, broad and sparse lamellae, stipe and context becoming scarlet when bruised, basidiospores with completely reticulate ornamentations, common presence of 1-spored basidia, encrusted hyphae with brown pigments in pileipellis and absence of both pileocystidia and caulocystidia.

HABITAT AND DISTRIBUTION. — Solitary or gregarious in broadleaf forest.

ADDITIONAL SPECIMENS EXAMINED. — China. Guangdong Province, Zhaoqing City, Dinghushan Biosphere Reserve, on the ground in broadleaf forest, 13. IX. 2016, J. W. Li, Y. Song K16091311 (GDGM 79562); 13.VII.2015, J. W. Li, Y. Song K17071307 (GDGM 79563).



Medium to large sized, agaricoid.


6-12 cm in diameter, hemispherical when young, becoming applanate with a slightly depressed center when mature; surface dry, cracking, tan, grayish to blackish brown, not easy to peel; margin entire or undulate.


Adnate, sparse, up to 8 mm broad, irregularly unequal, sometimes forked near stipe or at pileus margin, sometimes interveined; surface smooth, white, off-white to cream, tinged with reddish brown; lamella edge concolorous.


4-8 cm long, central, cylindrical, sometimes tapering upwards or downwards, longitudinally rugulose, white to off-white, becoming grayish white when old, turning reddish-brown to scarlet when bruised, solid or stuffed.


White, becoming reddish-brown when bruised, turning yellowish-brown in reaction with 5% FeSO 4.


Slightly unpleasant.



Spore print



Subglobose to ellipsoid, [100/5/3] (5.9-) 6-6.8-7.4 (-7.5) × (4.9-) 5.1-5.8-6.5 (-6.9) µm, Q = (1.04-) 1.06-1.17-1.32 (-1.37); ornamentations amyloid, composed of low ridges, forming a complete reticulum; suprahilar spot inamyloid.


41-60 × 6-12 µm, clavate to narrowly clavate, 1-, 2-, 3- or 4-spored, hyaline or containing oil droplets; sterigmata 4.8- 8.3 × 1.4-2.2 µm.

Lamellar trama

Composed of nested sphaerocytes measuring 18.5-55.5 × 17-43 µm and surrounded by connective hyphae.


(35.5-) 38-62-83 (-91) × (4.5-) 6-7.5-10 µm, protruding up to 30 µm, narrowly clavate to narrowly cylindrical with obtuse or mucronate apices, thin-walled, with refractive contents, unchanging in SV.


(34-)39-43-47(-51) × 4.5-5-6.5 µm, resembling pleurocystidia in shape but smaller in size, thin-walled, with refractive contents, unchanging in SV.

Marginal cells

Not differentiated.


Composed of ascending to erect hyphae, orthochromatic in cresyl blue; hyphae 2-6 µm in width, cylindrical, septate, some with incrustation and brown dispersive pigments; terminal cells (8-)11-23-36(-38.5) × 2.5-4-6(-7.5) µm, usually cylindrical with obtuse apices and brown pigments, lageniform, clavate to cylindrical, some with short rostrate apicesor granular contents.


None found.


Composed of erect hyphae, 40-90 µm wide; hyphae 1.5-4 µm in width, narrowly cylindrical, septate; terminal cells (6.5-)13- 22-31(-39) × 2-4-6(-7.5) µm, thin-walled, usually hyaline, cylindrical to clavate with obtuse apices.


None found.

Clamp connections



Russula latolamellata Y.Song & L.H.Qiu , sp. nov., morphologically resembles R. schaefferina Rawla & Sarwal , including pileus color and features of pileipellis, size and ornamentations of basidiospores and absence of both pileocystidia and caulocystidia, etc. However, it differs substantially from our species in its finely pruinose pileus with uncracking surface, thin and crowded lamellae, and further also by shape and size of pleurocystidia (85-98 × 10-14 µm), and cheilocystidia (35-50 × 9-13 µm), and the

United States KY800354 New Caledonia AY061662 Europe DQ421982 France Subg. Archaeae 674859 India India United States United States Madagascar United States KP033481 United States KP033486 United States KP033480 United States khanchanjungae KR 364129 India S.Y.Zhou, Y.Song & L.H.Qiu, sp. nov. MN688792 China (holotype) S.Y.Zhou, Y.Song & L.H.Qiu, sp. nov. MN688793 China. eccentrica KP 033478 United States eccentrica EU 598197 United States Japan United States Subg. Compactae Sweden AF418606 Germany HG798529 Italy S.Y.Zhou, Y.Song & L.H.Qiu, sp. nov. MN688794 China (holotype) S.Y.Zhou, Y.Song & L.H.Qiu, sp. nov. MN688795 China Pakistan Europe 033476 Madagascar L.H.Qiu, sp. nov. MN275545 China L.H.Qiu, sp. nov. MN275544 China L.H.Qiu, sp. nov. MN275543 China (holotype) Outgroups

hollow stipe covered with ochraceous or brown depressed fibrillose scales ( Rawla & Sarwal 1983). When bruised, context of R. latolamellata Y.Song & L.H.Qiu , sp. nov., directly becomes reddish brown without turning black first. Although all three specimens of R. latolamellata Y.Song & L.H.Qiu , sp. nov., were collected from the broadleaf forest of DHSBR, several ITS sequences that have a sequence similarity of about 99% to that of R. latolamellata Y.Song & L.H.Qiu , sp. nov., retrieved from soil in the pine and broadleaf mixed forest of DHSBR are available in GenBank, implying that the species may be common in DHSBR.

Russula nigrocarpa S.Y.Zhou,Y.Song & L.H.Qiu , sp. nov.

( Figs 5; 6)


HOLOTYPE. — China. Guangdong Province, Zhaoqing City, Dinghushan Biosphere Reserve , on the ground in broadleaf forest, 16.VII.2019, S. Y. Zhou K19071603 ( GDGM 79720 About GDGM ).

ETYMOLOGY. — Named after its dark black pileus.

DIAGNOSIS. — Mainly characterized by its dry, cracking, dark brown to dark black pileus, off-white lamellae, basidiospores with complete reticulate ornamentations, hymenial cystidia and pileocystidia of various forms with often forked apices, strongly glutinous pileipellis composed of hyphae usually with dark brown vacuolar pigments.

HABITAT AND DISTRIBUTION. — Solitary or gregarious in evergreen broadleaf forest.

ADDITIONAL SPECIMENS EXAMINED. — China. Guangdong Province, Zhaoqing City, Dinghushan Biosphere Reserve, on the ground in broadleaf forest, 5.V.2018, J. W. Li, Y. Song K18050529 (GDGM 79721).



Medium to large sized, agaricoid.


6-10cm in diameter,applanate to concave when mature;surface dry, dark brown to dark black; margin entire, turning slightly upward.


Adnate to slightly decurrent, sparse, 6 pieces of lamellae and lamellulae/cm at the margin of pileus, broad, unequal; surface

2/BB 06.002 Madagascar 12.085 Italy 740/BB 09.219 New Caledonia TENN) United States Subg. Archaeae Ex1186/BB 07.108 (PC) Costa Rica 01081108 (PC) France 8/8/94 (PC) Spain 7/BB 06.031 Madagascar 08.105 Madagascar UPS) Sweden 07.291 Slovakia Canada Italy S.Y.Zhou, Y.Song & L.H.Qiu, sp. nov. GDGM79720 China (holotype) IB 1992/0454 Italy 07.344 Slovakia Song & L.H.Qiu, sp. nov. GDGM79561 China (holotype) & L.H.Qiu, sp. nov. GDGM79563 China TENN) United States Subg. Compactae Slovakia -07 (UPS) Sweden 571/BB 08.194 Madagascar. areolata 79/BB 06.090 Madagascar. subfistulosa 550/BB 08.176 Madagascar /BB 09.215 New Caledonia AV-KD-KVP09-106 (GENT) India S.Y.Zhou, Y.Song & L.H.Qiu, sp. nov. GDGM79718 China (holotype) 07.044 United States BB 07.132 United States United States 07.103 United States Outgroups

off-white to cream or yellowish, becoming dark brown when bruised; gill edge concolorous, becoming dark brown to black when old (probably from drying out).


3-5 × 2.5-4 cm, central, cylindrical, sometimes tapering downwards, solid, off-white, becoming grayish white when mature, turning dark brown when bruised.


White, becoming directly black when bruised without reddening first, 6-8 mm thick near stipe.




Not taken.

Spore print

White to cream.


Subglobose to ellipsoid, [40/2/2] 4.3-4.8-5.4 (-5.8) × (3.4-) 3.7- 4-4.4 (-4.6) µm, Q = 1.10-1.19-1.28 (-1.35); ornamentations amyloid, composed of low ridges forming a complete reticulum; suprahilar spot inamyloid.


(22-) 26.5-31-35 (-46.5) × 5-6.5-8µm, clavate to cylindrical, 1-, 2-, 3- or 4-spored, with refractive contents; sterigmata 1.8-6 µm long.

Lamellar trama

Composed of nested sphaerocytes surrounded by connective hyphae.


(31-) 35-41-52 (-58) × 3.5-5-6.5 µm, of various forms, narrowly cylindrical to slightly flexuose with obtuse, mucronate, moniliform, inflorescence-like or forked apices, thin-walled, with refractive contents, unchanging in SV.


25-29-35 × 3-4-5 µm, narrowly cylindrical to slightly flexuous with obtuse or rostrate apices, with refractive contents, thin-walled, unchanging in SV.

Marginal cells

Not differentiated.


Composed of ascending to erect hyphae, strongly gelatinized, 150-220 µm thick, orthochromatic in cresyl blue; hyphae 2-6 µm wide, narrowly cylindrical, septate, often with dark brown pigments; terminal cells 12.5-17-22 (-25) × 2.5-4-6 (-7) µm, cylindrical to narrowly clavate with obtuse or slightly acute apices, some with dark brown pigments.


16.5-25-33.5 × 2.5-4-5.5 µm, subclavate to cylindrical, apices mucronate to inflorescence-like, with refractive contents, thin-walled, unchanging in SV.


Composed of ascending to erect hyphae, 60-100 µm thick, gelatinous; hyphae 1.5-4 µm wide, narrowly cylindrical, septate; terminal cells (8-) 10-19-31 (-34) × 2.5-5-9 (-10) µm, cylindrical to narrowly clavate with obtuse apices, sometimes containing brown pigments.


(16.5-) 21-34-52 (-56) × 3.5-4.5-6 µm, thin-walled, cylindrical with obtuse or short rostrate apices.

Clamp connections



R. nigrocarpa S.Y.Zhou, Y.Song & L.H.Qiu , sp. nov., is closely related to R. acrifolia in our multilocus phylogeny ( Figs 1; 2). The latter species differs from R. nigrocarpa S.Y.Zhou, Y.Song & L.H.Qiu , sp. nov., in its viscid, grayish brown pileus, context that turns red then gray to black when bruised, much crowded lamellae and grayish brown stipe but, above all, in the much larger size (6.0-9.5 × 5.5-7.5 µm) of its basidiospores ( Çolak & Işiloğlu 2016). The exceptionally small size of the spores of R. nigrocarpa S.Y.Zhou, Y.Song& L.H.Qiu , sp. nov., comparable to those of species in subg. Archaeae, was hitherto undocumented within subg. Compactae , making it impossible to confuse our species with any of the other Asian or northern hemisphere species in the same subgenus.

COLAK O. & IsILOGLU M. 2016. - The Subgenus Compactae (Russula) species in Turkey. Turkish Journal of Life Sciences 1: 86 - 95.

RAWLA G. S. & SARWAL B. M. 1983. - Taxonomic studies on Indian agarics I. Russulaceae. Bibliotheca Mycologica 91: 23 - 46.