Caprella penantis Leach, 1814

Paz-Ríos, Carlos E., Guerra-García, José M. & Ardisson, Pedro-Luis, 2014, REVIEW ARTICLE Caprellids (Crustacea: Amphipoda) from the Gulf of Mexico, with observations on Deutella mayeri, redescription of Metaprotella hummelincki, a taxonomic key and zoogeographical comments, Journal of Natural History 48 (41 - 42), pp. 2517-2578 : 2526-2528

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Felipe (2021-08-13 00:23:28, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-03 23:14:53)

scientific name

Caprella penantis Leach, 1814


Caprella penantis Leach, 1814 View in CoL

( Figure 3 View Figure 3 )

Caprella Penantis Leach, 1814: 404 View in CoL .

Caprella acutifrons Mayer, 1882, 1890: 50 View in CoL , pl. 2, figs 36, 37, 39–41, pl. 4, figs 52, 53, 55, 57–61, 65–69; including the ‘forms’ neglecta, tabida, gibbosa, carolinensis, lusitanica, virginica.

Caprella geometrica Say, 1818 View in CoL ; Pearse, 1912; McCain, 1965: 194–196, figs 1e, g, 2a–f.

Caprella carolinensis Steinberg and Dougherty, 1957: 270–273 , figs 3–7.

Caprella penantis McCain, 1968: 33–40 View in CoL , figs 15, 16. McCain and Steinberg, 1970; Cavedini, 1982; Krapp-Schickel, 1993; Guerra-García and Takeuchi, 2002: 692– 693, fig. 12. Ortiz et al., 2002: fig. 23. Foster, Thomas, et al., 2004: 162, 171–172, fig. 10. Guerra-García, 2004: 30, fig. 26. Guerra-García and Takeuchi, 2004: 1013–1015, fig. 35. Diaz et al., 2005: 3–4, fig. 5. Guerra-García, 2006: 442, fig. 42. Guerra-García, Krapp-Schickel, et al., 2006: 153–157, figs 2–4. Winfield, Escobar-Briones, et al., 2007: 44, fig. 12. Guerra-García and Lowry, 2009: 293– 294, fig. 2. Rodríguez-Almaras and Ortega-Vidales, 2013: 990, fig. 3.

Material examined

Station 32, two males, two females (one ovigerous; one male juvenile and one female from this station used for figures), BRTC 2–9108 .

Type locality

Devonshire coast, UK.


Atlantic Ocean; Indian Ocean; Pacific Ocean; Mediterranean ( Guerra-García and Lowry 2009).

Records in the Gulf of Mexico

MEX: Alvarado Lagoon ( Cházaro-Olvera et al. 2002); Sigsbee abyssal plain at southwest ( Winfield et al. 2006); Laguna Madre (Rodríguez-Almaras and Ortega- Vidales 2013). USA: Strait of Florida ( Pearse 1912); Port Isabel; Port Aransas; Alligator Harbor ( Steinberg and Dougherty 1957); Galveston; Freeport; Ocean Springs; Destin; Panama City; St Georges; Apalachee Bay; Dunedin; Tampa Bay; Sarasota Bay; Key West ( McCain 1968); Brazos Santiago Pass (present study).


Caprella penantis obtains its food primarily by filter-feeding and scraping, and detritus is the dominant stomach content in this species ( Caine 1974). This species has been found living in a great diversity of substrata, e.g. red and brown algae, seagrasses, sponges, hydroids, tunicates, bryozoans, echinoids ( McCain 1968), intertidal exposed areas, highly hydrodynamic areas, clinging on algae (Guerra-García 2001), gorgonaceans, Caulerpa sp. beds (Guerra-García 2004), mussels ( Diaz et al. 2005), hydroid Cnidoscyphus sp. (Guerra-García, Krapp-Schickel, et al. 2006), and muddy bottoms ( Winfield et al. 2006). The depth range reported is shallow water extending to 3700 m ( Winfield et al. 2006; Winfield and Escobar-Briones 2008; LeCroy et al. 2009).


Caprella penantis is probably a complex of different species in which it is difficult to understand if the morphological variation is intra- or interspecific (Guerra-García, Redondo-Gómez, et al. 2006). To solve this taxonomic problem, Cabezas et al. (2010) used random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis indicating that the specimens of several populations around the world ( Spain, Portugal, Morocco, Japan and Brazil) of C. penantis could belong to the same species, in spite of morphological variations. However, molecular analysis based on mitochondrial DNA seems to reveal that it is effectively a complex of cryptic species (Cabezas, Cabezas, et al. 2013).

Cabezas MP, Guerra-Garcia JM, Baeza-Rojano E, Redondo-Gomez S, Figueroa ME, Luque T, Garcia-Gomez JC. 2010. Exploring molecular variation in the cosmopolitan Caprella penantis (Crustacea: Amphipoda): results from RAPD analysis. J Mar Biol Ass U K. 90: 617 - 622.

Caine EA. 1974. Comparative functional morphology of feeding in three species of caprellids (Crustacea, Amphipoda) from the Northwestern Florida Gulf Coast. J Exp Mar Biol Ecol. 15: 81 - 96.

Cavedini P. 1982. Contributo alla conoscenza dei Caprellidi del Mediterraneo (Crustacea, Amphipoda). Boll Mus Civ Stor Nat Verona. 8: 493 - 531.

Chazaro-Olvera S, Winfield I, Ortiz M, Alvarez F. 2002. Peracarid crustaceans from three inlets in the Southwestern Gulf of Mexico: new records and range extensions. Zootaxa. 123: 1 - 16.

Diaz YJ, Guerra-Garcia JM, Martin A. 2005. Caprellids (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Caprellidae) from shallow waters of the Caribbean coast of Venezuela. Org Div Evol. 5: 249 - 251. Available from: http: // www. senckenberg. de / odes / 05 - 10. htm

Guerra-Garcia JM, Takeuchi I. 2002. The Caprellidea (Crustacea: Amphipoda) from Ceuta, North Africa, with the description of three species of Caprella, a key to the species of Caprella, and biogeographical discussion. J Nat Hist. 36: 675 - 713.

Guerra-Garcia JM, Takeuchi I. 2004. The Caprellidea (Crustacea: Amphipoda) from Tasmania. J Nat Hist. 38: 967 - 1044.

Guerra-Garcia JM, Lowry JK. 2009. Caprellidae. In: Lowry JK, Myers AA, editors. Benthic Amphipoda (Crustacea: Peracarida) of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Auckland: Zootaxa; p. 290 - 327.

Krapp-Schickel G. 1993. Suborder Caprellidea. Memoires de l Institut Oceanographique Monaco. 13: 773 - 809.

Leach WE. 1814. Crustaceology. The Edinburgh Encyclopaedia. 7: 383 - 437.

LeCroy S, Gasca R, Winfield I, Ortiz M, Escobar-Briones E. 2009. Amphipoda (Crustacea) of the Gulf of Mexico. In: Felder DL, Camp DK, editors. Gulf of Mexico origins, waters and biota, vol. I, Biodiversity. Corpus Christi (TX): Texas AandM University Press; p. 941 - 972.

Mayer P. 1882. Die Caprelliden des Golfes von Neapel under angrenzenden Meeres- Abschnitte. Eine Monographie. Fauna Flora Golfe Neapel. 6: 1 - 201.

Mayer P. 1890. Die Caprelliden des Golfes von Neapel under angrenenden Meeres-Abschnitte. Nachtrag zur Monographie derselben. Fauna Flora Golfe Neapel. 17: 1 - 157.

McCain JC. 1965. The Caprellidae (Crustacea: Amphipoda) of Virginia. Chesap Sci. 6: 190 - 196.

McCain JC. 1968. The Capreillidae (Crustacea: Amphipoda) of the Western North Atlantic. Bull US Natl Mus. 278: 1 - 147.

McCain JC, Steinberg JE. 1970. Amphipoda I, Caprellidea I, Fam. Caprellidae. Crustaceorum Catalogus. 2: 1 - 78.

Ortiz M, Alvarez F, Winfield I. 2002. Caprellid amphipods (Amphipoda: Caprellidea): illustrated key for the genera and species from the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea. Ciudad de Mexico (MX): Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico.

Pearse AS. 1912. Notes on certain amphipods from the Gulf of Mexico, with descriptions of new genera and new species. Proc US Nat Mus. 43: 369 - 379.

Rodriguez-Almaras GA, Ortega-Vidales VM. 2013. Primer registro de Caprella scaura y Caprella penantis (Crustacea: Peracarida: Amphipoda) en la laguna Madre, Tamaulipas, Mexico. Rev Mex Biodi. 84: 989 - 993.

Say T. 1818. An account of the Crustacea of the United States. J Acad Nat Sci Phila. 1: 374 - 401.

Steinberg JE, Dougherty EC. 1957. The skeleton shrimps (Crustacea: Caprellidae) of the Gulf of Mexico. Tulane Stud Zool. 5: 267 - 288.

Winfield I, Escobar-Briones E, Morrone JJ. 2006. Update checklist and identification of areas of edemism of benthic amphipods (Caprellidae and Gammaridea) from offshore habitats in the SW Gulf of Mexico. Sci Mar. 70: 99 - 108.

Winfield I, Escobar-Briones E. 2008. Composicion, dominancia y distribucion batimetrica de los anfipodos bentonicos (Caprellidea y Gammaridea) en la porcion mexicana del Golfo de Mexico. In: Alvarez F, Rodriguez-Almaraz GA, editors. Crustaceos de Mexico: estado actual de su conocimiento. Monterrey (MX): Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon; p. 17 - 32.

Gallery Image

Figure 3. Caprella penantis Leach, 1814. Texas, USA; BRTC 2–9108. Scale bar: 1 mm.











