Hemiproto wigleyi McCain, 1968

Paz-Ríos, Carlos E., Guerra-García, José M. & Ardisson, Pedro-Luis, 2014, REVIEW ARTICLE Caprellids (Crustacea: Amphipoda) from the Gulf of Mexico, with observations on Deutella mayeri, redescription of Metaprotella hummelincki, a taxonomic key and zoogeographical comments, Journal of Natural History 48 (41 - 42), pp. 2517-2578 : 2558-2559

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Felipe (2021-08-13 00:23:28, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-03 23:14:53)

scientific name

Hemiproto wigleyi McCain, 1968


Hemiproto wigleyi McCain, 1968 View in CoL

( Figure 21 View Figure 21 )

Hemiproto wigleyi McCain, 1968: 65–68 View in CoL , figs 31, 32c–e. McCain and Steinberg, 1970: 51. Ortiz et al., 2002, fig. 33. Diaz et al., 2005: 3, 7–8, 24, fig. 15. Winfield, Escobar-Briones, et al., 2007: 50, fig. 19.

Material examined

Station 31, one male (used for figures), CYMX-54-PY.

Type locality

Coche Island , Venezuela .


Southeastern Florida ( McCain 1968); California ( Watling 1997); Gulf of Mexico ( Winfield et al. 2006); Caribbean Sea ( McCain 1968; Diaz et al. 2005; Ortiz et al. 2006; Ortiz and Lalana 2010).

Records in the Gulf of Mexico

CUB: La Habana ( Ortiz et al. 2006). MEX: Campeche Sound and Veracruz continental shelf ( Winfield et al. 2006); Northwestern Yucatan Shelf (present study).


Hemiproto wigleyi has been collected from Thalassia testudinum , Halimeda opuntia ( Diaz et al. 2005) , washed algae ( Ortiz et al. 2006), and soft bottoms ( Winfield et al. 2006; present study). The depth range reported is 25–76 m ( Winfield et al. 2006; Winfield and Escobar-Briones 2008; LeCroy et al. 2009).


Monotypic genus. The main characteristics to identify this species are: molar absent; mandibular palp 3-articulate; pereopods 3 and 4, 6-articulate; pereopod 5, 5-articulate; abdomen of male with two pairs of small 1-articulate appendages, only one pair in females ( McCain 1968). The size of the specimen examined in the present study is 2.63 mm, which is roughly three times smaller than the male specimen examined by McCain (1968), with a size of 7.5 mm. That size represents a juvenile because in addition to the small size, the number of articles in antennae and the number of grasping spines on propodus of gnathopod 1 and 2 and propodus of pereopod 3 and 4 are fewer, compared with the description in McCain (1968).

Diaz YJ, Guerra-Garcia JM, Martin A. 2005. Caprellids (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Caprellidae) from shallow waters of the Caribbean coast of Venezuela. Org Div Evol. 5: 249 - 251. Available from: http: // www. senckenberg. de / odes / 05 - 10. htm

LeCroy S, Gasca R, Winfield I, Ortiz M, Escobar-Briones E. 2009. Amphipoda (Crustacea) of the Gulf of Mexico. In: Felder DL, Camp DK, editors. Gulf of Mexico origins, waters and biota, vol. I, Biodiversity. Corpus Christi (TX): Texas AandM University Press; p. 941 - 972.

McCain JC. 1968. The Capreillidae (Crustacea: Amphipoda) of the Western North Atlantic. Bull US Natl Mus. 278: 1 - 147.

McCain JC, Steinberg JE. 1970. Amphipoda I, Caprellidea I, Fam. Caprellidae. Crustaceorum Catalogus. 2: 1 - 78.

Ortiz M, Alvarez F, Winfield I. 2002. Caprellid amphipods (Amphipoda: Caprellidea): illustrated key for the genera and species from the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea. Ciudad de Mexico (MX): Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico.

Ortiz M, Lalana R, Varela C, Arias R, Cabreras R. 2006. Registros nuevos de anfipodos e isopodos marinos cubanos (Crustacea, Peracarida). Cocuyo. 16: 19 - 20.

Ortiz M, Lalana R. 2010. Distribucion de los anfipodos (Crustacea, Malacostraca, Peracarida) de los subordenes Gammaridea, Caprellidea e Hyperiidea, presentes en el archipielago cubano. Rev Invest Mar. 31: 75 - 90.

Watling L. 1997. Taxonomic atlas of the benthic fauna of the Santa Maria Basin and the western Santa Barbara Channel, vol. 12. Santa Barbara (CA): Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History. Chapter 5, The Suborder Caprellidea; p. 223 - 240.

Winfield I, Escobar-Briones E, Morrone JJ. 2006. Update checklist and identification of areas of edemism of benthic amphipods (Caprellidae and Gammaridea) from offshore habitats in the SW Gulf of Mexico. Sci Mar. 70: 99 - 108.

Winfield I, Escobar-Briones E. 2008. Composicion, dominancia y distribucion batimetrica de los anfipodos bentonicos (Caprellidea y Gammaridea) en la porcion mexicana del Golfo de Mexico. In: Alvarez F, Rodriguez-Almaraz GA, editors. Crustaceos de Mexico: estado actual de su conocimiento. Monterrey (MX): Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon; p. 17 - 32.

Gallery Image

Figure 21. Hemiproto wigleyi McCain, 1968. Yucatan, Mexico; CYMX-54-CY. Scale bar for male: 0.5 mm; scale bar for Gn1, Gn2 and P4: 0.1 mm.











