Mesobiotus efa sp. nov., 2024

Tumanov, Denis V., Androsova, Evgenia D., Gavrilenko, Marina D. & Kalimullin, Aidar A., 2024, Integrative description of two new species of the genus Mesobiotus (Eutardigrada, Macrobiotoidea) from Russia, with an updated phylogeny of the genus, European Journal of Taxonomy 947 (1), pp. 20-52 : 25-33

publication ID 10.5852/ejt.2024.947.2619

publication LSID


persistent identifier

taxon LSID

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scientific name

Mesobiotus efa sp. nov.

sp. nov.

Mesobiotus efa sp. nov.

Figs 1–6 View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig ; Tables 2–3 View Table 2 View Table 3


Named after the children’s teaching laboratory in St Petersburg “Efa”. The studied material was collected during the field tip on the occasion of its anniversary.

Material examined


RUSSIA • ♀; Leningrad Oblast, Vsevolozhsky District; a hill near the Lembolovo railway station, approx. 60.41612° N, 30.34266° E; 10 Sep. 2020; E. Androsova leg.; association of moss and lichen on soil; SPbU 275(72) . GoogleMaps


RUSSIA • 30 ♀♀, 14 eggs; same data as for holotype; SPbU 275(39, 47, 65–66, 68–72, 74–75, 77–80, 85–88, 104–106, 133–134, 136, 143, 147, 155, 182, 197, 207–208, 210–213) GoogleMaps 1 adult, 2 eggs; same data as for holotype; SEM stub SPbU Tar_33 GoogleMaps 2 adults; same data as for holotype; ZM FEFU (slides 275(73), 275(76)) GoogleMaps 2 eggs; same data as for holotype; ZM FEFU (slides 275(67) and 275(180)) GoogleMaps .

Morphological description

Adult animals

Body elongated ( Fig. 1 View Fig ) (morphometrics in Table 2 View Table 2 , raw morphometric data are provided in the Supp. file 4). Fresh specimens uncolored or whitish with slightly greenish gut content, transparent after fixation in Hoyer’s medium. Black eyes present ( Figs 1A View Fig , 3A View Fig , black arrowheads), often dissolving after slide mounting. Cuticle smooth in LM, with fine uniform sculpture consisting of minute conical granules with pointed apices visible under SEM only ( Fig. 2A View Fig ). All legs with granulated areas consisted of small granules, poorly discernible or, sometimes, completely invisible in LM. Legs I–III with small granulated areas on the external surfaces, near the claw bases ( Fig. 2B–C View Fig ), the internal leg surfaces without granulation, with distinct pulvinus. Legs IV with better-developed granulation mainly dorsally to the claws ( Fig. 2D View Fig ) and around the claw bases ( Fig. 4C–D View Fig , white arrowhead).

Buccal-pharyngeal apparatus of Macrobiotus type ( Fig. 3A View Fig ) with the ventral lamina and ten peribuccal lamellae. Oral cavity armature ( OCA) of harmsworthi type (according to Kaczmarek et al. 2020) with three bands of teeth visible in LM. Evident first (anterior) band consists of a wide band of numerous minute teeth visible as dots in LM ( Fig. 3D, F–G View Fig ). Second band consists of a row of longitudinally elongated triangular teeth ( Fig. 3D–G View Fig ). Third band comprises three dorsal and three ventral transverse ridges ( Fig. 3D–G View Fig ). Medio-ventral ridge usually never divided into separate parts, only single specimen was found with detached lateral part of the medio-ventral ridge. Ventrally OCA with numerous additional teeth between the second and the third teeth bands ( Fig. 3F–G View Fig ). Pharyngeal bulb with apophyses, three macroplacoids and a large microplacoid ( Fig. 3B–C View Fig ). Macroplacoid length sequence is 2<3 ≤1. First macroplacoid is anteriorly narrowed, third macroplacoid with distinct subterminal constriction ( Fig. 3B–C View Fig ).

Claws of Mesobiotus type with minute stalk, distinct distal part of the basal portion, short common tract and developed internal septum, defining a distal part ( Fig. 4A–C, E View Fig ). Primary and secondary branches diverge below the half of the claw height, main branches with well-developed accessory points ( Fig. 4A, C–D View Fig ). Claws of fourth pair of legs slightly longer than claws of first three pairs of legs ( Fig. 4C View Fig ). All claws with smooth lunules ( Fig. 4 View Fig ). Anterior (internal) and posterior (external) claws of the legs IV are similar in shape ( Fig. 4D View Fig ). Lunules on posterior claws distinctly larger than on anterior claws ( Fig.4C–D View Fig ). Single continuous cuticular bars are present below claw bases of the first three pairs of legs ( Fig. 4A–B View Fig , black arrowhead) with poorly developed muscle attachment points below ( Fig. 4B View Fig ). Claws of the legs IV are connected with a wide but poorly sclerified horseshoe-like structure, visible in PhC only ( Fig. 4E View Fig , black arrowhead).


One adult female with mature oocites was islolated and cultivated for three days until the eggs were layed. After that the female was taken for the DNA extraction and gene sequencing (voucher slide SPbU 275(211)) while the layed eggs were taken for the morphological analysis using LM.

Eggs spherical, white, ornamented and laid freely ( Figs 5A–C View Fig , 6A View Fig ; morphometrics in Table 3 View Table 3 ). Chorion with conical processes that can be attributed to the “cones with long slender endings and filaments” and “reticular design with “bubbles” morphotypes” (according to Kaczmarek et al. 2020). Egg processes with wide bases and thinned and flexible apices usually well differentiated ( Figs 5 View Fig , 6A–B, D View Fig ). Processes (with the exception of the thinned apical parts) with bilayered walls, with a net of trabecular structures between the internal and external layers, forming irregular rounded meshes of different size, so the processes seem to be reticulated in LM ( Fig. 5 View Fig ). Apical parts of the processes with bubble-like internal structure ( Fig. 5 View Fig ), rarely bifurcating ( Fig. 5A, F–G View Fig , black arrowheads), usually with a tuft of very short (0.5–2,75 µm) apical and subapical filaments ( Figs 5E, G–H View Fig , 6D View Fig , white arrowheads). Large pores (ca 1 µm in diameter), mostly indiscernible in LM and well-visible in SEM, are present on the basal part of all processes, forming a single row ( Figs 5I View Fig , black arrowhead, 6B–D, black arrowheads). Process bases with well-developed crone of dark thickenings, visible in LM ( Fig. 5A–D, H View Fig ). Egg surface between the processes without areolation or pores but with a system of irregularly distributed wrinkles poorly discernible in LM as irregularly distributed granules and well-visible in SEM ( Figs 5D View Fig , 6A–C View Fig ).


No males were found.

DNA sequences

Sequences for 18S rRNA marker were obtained from four specimens (accession numbers: OR804457– OR804460; voucher slides: SpbU 275(077, 104–106)). Sequences for 28S rRNA and COI markers were obtained from five specimens (accession numbers: OR805135–OR805139 and OR803035–OR803039 respectively; voucher slides SpbU 275(077, 104–106, 211). Sequences for ITS-2 marker were obtained from three specimens (accession numbers: OR805169–OR805171; voucher slides SpbU 275(077, 104, 211). Presence of two COI haplotypes was revealed.

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