Panicum cinctum Hack.

Vorontsova, Maria S., 2018, Revision of the group previously known as Panicum L. (Poaceae: Panicoideae) in Madagascar, Candollea 73 (2), pp. 143-186 : 156

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Carolina (2021-11-24 14:16:37, last updated 2024-11-24 23:27:40)

scientific name

Panicum cinctum Hack.


7. Panicum cinctum Hack. View in CoL View at ENA in Oesterr. Bot. Z. 51: 429. 1901 ( Fig. 1D View Fig ).

Lectotypus (designated here): MADAGASCAR. Prov. Antananarivo: Central Madagascar, Betsileo, I.1881, Hildebrandt 3997 ( W [ W1916-0024801 ] image seen; isolectotype: G [ G00022444 , G00022445 ] image seen, GOET [ GOET006765 View Materials , GOET006766 View Materials ] image seen, JE [ JE00006125 ] image seen, K [ K000244690 ]!, M [ M0103864 ] image seen, P [ P00450284 , P00450285 , P00450286 , P03487894 ]!, W [ W1889-0032444 ] image seen, US [ US00147775 , US00147776 ]!) .

= Panicum ikopense A. Camus View in CoL in Bull. Soc. Bot. France 99: 63. 1952. Lectotypus (designated here): MADAGASCAR. Prov. Mahajanga: Firingalava, chutes de l’Ikopa , à Ikalominty , VII.1899, Perrier de la B â thie 893 ( P [ P00450271 ]!; isolectotype: P [ P00450272 , P00450273 ]!) . Syntypus: MADAGASCAR. Prov. Mahajanga: Maevatanana, III.1900, Perrier de la Bâthie 1033 ( K [ K000805602 ]!, P [ P02325394 ]!), syn. nov .

Erect caespitose perennial, with short lignified rhizomes and thickened new shoots, 15–50 cm tall, the culms and nodes glabrous or pilose. Leaf sheaths usually long-pilose, sometimes glabrous. Ligule a line of hairs. Leaf blades linear to lanceolate, flat, firm, 3–20 × 0.15–0.5 cm, drying green-brown, usually clearly long-pilose on both sides, with some bulbous based cilia always present. Panicles terminal, fully exserted, 3–18 cm long, ovate, the branches appressed to ascending, with at least some long white cilia subtending the spikelet, rarely glabrous. Spikelets ovate, apically acuminate, 2–3 mm long, brown to purple, gaping open at maturity. Lower glume c. ½ as long as the spikelet, keeled, apically finely acuminate, 3– 5-veined, finely scabrous on the keel. Upper glume as long as the spikelet, herbaceous, 5-veined, glabrous. Lower floret male, with palea. Lower lemma herbaceous, 5–7-veined, glabrous. Upper lemma 1.5–1.8 mm long, shorter than the lower floret.

Distribution and ecology. – Endemic to the grassland, savanna and rock outcrops of the High Plateau, 700–2000 m ( Fig. 2B View Fig ).

Notes. – Closely related to two other endemic species: the coastal P. voeltzkowii and the mid-elevation P. luridum Hack. , the distinction with P. luridum can be somewhat unclear. Sometimes lacks the white trichomes subtending the inflorescence which were used by BOSSER (1969) to distinguish it from P. luridum ; the type collection of P. ikopense lacks these trichomes. A combination of the following characters can be used to distinguish P. cinctum from P. luridum : the presence of white cilia subtending the spikelet, more caespitose habit, more thickened underground plant base, broad largely pilose leaves, and larger acuminate spikelets.

The sheet W [W1916-0024801] is from Hackel’s own herbarium with Hackel’s original handwriting which is why it is has been chosen to be the lectotype of P. cinctum . The correct type collection number for P. ikopense is Perrier de la B â thie 893 as this is the number on all original material annotated by Camus, even though the protologue cites “ Perrier de la B â thie 593”. The lectotype sheet is chosen for its best flowering material.

This species is illustrated in BOSSER (1969: Fig. 120f-i).

Additional material examined. – MADAGASCAR. Prov. Antananarivo: Ambatolampy, II.1953, Bosser 4753 ( P [ P 02726852 ], TAN) ; ibid. loco, II.1953, Bosser 4795 ( P [ P02251456 ]) ; ibid. loco, II.1953, Bosser 4799 ( P [ P02251446 ]) ; Antanifotsy, Ambohimandroso , XII.1955, Bosser 8884 ( TAN) ; entre Ambatolampy et Faratsiho , II.1957, Bosser 10794 ( P [ P 02251444 ]) ; Ambohitantely, I.1963, Bosser 17067 ( TAN) ; Manjakatompo, 22.I.1975, Croat 29043 ( TAN) ; Tampoketsa d’Ankazobe, I.1955, Gillard s.n. ( TAN) ; Ambatolampy, Behenjy , 12.II.1938, Herb. Jard. Bot. Tan. 3162 ( P [ P 02251459 ]) ; Belamboany, Perrier de la Bâthie 1 ( K [ K 000805460 ]) . Prov. Antsiranana: forêt d’Andamanalana , 2.V.2006, Razakamalala et al. 2759 ( G, P [ P 02309319 ]) . Prov. Fianarantsoa: Ambatofinandrahana , I.1953, Bosser 5076 ( TAN) ; Isalo, II.1956, Bosser 9026 ( P [ P 02251450 ], TAN) ; Fandriana, I.1961, Bosser 14887 ( P [ P 02251465 ], TAN) ; Isalo près de Ranohira , II.1963, Bosser 17412 ( P [ P 02251447 ]) ; ibid. loco, II.1963, Bosser 17685 ( P [ P02251464 ], TAN) ; Vohilava to Mananjary , I.1964, Bosser 19026 ( K [ K 000805596 ], P [ P 02222305 ], TAN) ; Itremo, I.1964, Bosser 19050 ( P [ P 02251458 ]) ; La Brioche, S du Ambalavao , 10.II.1970, Bosser 19873 ( P [ P 02307380 ]) ; Isalo, 29.I.1955, Cours 5032 ( P [ P 02324469 ]) ; Col de l’Itremo, 27.I.1975, Croat 29818 ( TAN) ; Isalo, la Piscine , 16.II.1990, Labat et al. 2142 ( K [ K 000805600 ], P [ P 02325432 ]) ; PK 500 rte d’Ihosy , II.1967, Morat 2618 ( P [ P 02307320 ], TAN) ; Itremo, Ianasana , 20°34'39"S 46°34'59"E, 15.III.2013, Nanjarisoa & Andriamampionona 10 ( K, TAN) GoogleMaps ; ibid. loco, 15.III.2013, Nanjarisoa & Andriamampionona 11 ( K, TAN) GoogleMaps ; Itremo, Soatsihotapaka , 20°31'20"S 46°34'50"E, 20.II.2014, Nanjarisoa et al. 157 ( K, TAN) GoogleMaps ; W Belamboany, V.1912, Perrier de la Bâthie 10856 ( P [ P 02251453 ]) ; Bonnet du Pape , 22.III.2010, Ramandimbisoa et al. 128 ( TAN) ; Itremo, Soatsihotapaka , 20°30'44"S 46°34'43"E, 26.II.2013, Vorontsova et al. 1027 ( K, TAN) GoogleMaps ; 2 km E of Anjomanakona towards Ivato , 20°40'02"S 47°07'41"E, 27.II.2013, Vorontsova et al. 1038 ( K, TAN) GoogleMaps ; c. 5 km from Ranohira towards Ilakaka , 22°37'36"S 45°20'58"E, 20. IV.2014, Vorontsova et al. 1367 ( TAN) GoogleMaps . Prov. Toamasina: Ambatondrazaka , Herb. Jard. Bot. Tan. 3409 ( P [ P 02251443 ]) . Prov. Toliara: Vondrozo , XII.1963, Bosser 18765 ( P [ P 02251454 ]) . Sine loco: Cours s.n. ( P [ P 02251448 ]) ; Cours s.n. ( P [ P 02251448 ]) ; 29.II.1960, Keraudren 137 ( P [ P02251461 ]) .

BOSSER, J. (1969). Graminees des paturages et des cultures a Madagascar. Orstom.

Gallery Image

Fig. 1. – A. Adenochloa hymeniochila (Nees) Zuloaga; B. Panicum andringitrense A. Camus; C. Panicum brevifolium L.; D. Panicum cinctum Hack. [A: Vorontsova et al. 602; B: Vorontsova et al. 1292; C: Unvouchered photo, Andasibe-Mantadia National Park, Madagascar; D: Rakotoarisoa & Randrianavosoa SNGF 2920] [Photos: A–C: M.S. Vorontsova; D: S. Rakotoarisoa]

Gallery Image

Fig. 2. – Distribution maps. A. Adenochloa hymeniochila (Nees) Zuloaga (stars), Panicum ambositrense A. Camus (triangles), P. andringitrense A. Camus (circles) and P. ankarense A. Camus (squares); B. Panicum brevifolium L. (stars), P. capuronii A. Camus (triangle), P. cinctum Hack. (circles) and P. crystalinum Judz. & Voronts. (squares).




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