Afrorheithrus admirabilis

Weaver, John S., Gibon, François-Marie & Chvojka, Pavel, 2008, A new genus of Philorheithridae (Trichoptera) from Madagascar, Zootaxa 1825, pp. 18-28 : 26-27

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scientific name

Afrorheithrus admirabilis


Afrorheithrus admirabilis sp. nova

( Figures 23–29 View FIGURES 23 – 29 )

Material. Holotype ɗ (in alcohol) [ NMPC], MADAGASCAR, Toamasina Prov., 4 km E Amboditafonana, brook, tributary of Andravina River, basin of Maningory River, 48°46’18’’ E, 17°27’32’’ S, approx. 840 m a.s.l., 28–29.I.2000, P. Chvojka leg., swept along slow–flowing brook in rain forest. Paratype ɗ (in alcohol) [ NMPC], same data as holotype.

Diagnosis. This species differs from A. fallax and A. mirus by having preanal appendages obliquely truncated, with apices converging in dorsal view, and with dorsal surface slightly lower than dorsum of segment IX in lateral view; and segment X truncated apically and lateral margins nearly straight and parallel, but diverging slightly apically.

Male. Color generally brown; anterior wing brown with basal two–thirds light brown (based on holotype in alcohol, some setae lost). Head, eyes brown, glabrous; antennal warts each bearing light yellowish brown setae; occipital warts each with mostly light brown setae and few dark brown setae anteriorly; and postorbital warts with dark brown setae. Frons yellowish brown; vertex with notch between bases of antennae; anterolateral warts each bearing dark brown setae, triangular with lateral margin adjacent to eye; hypomedial warts each bearing light yellowish brown setae, except for one dark brown seta, small, nearly circular. Antennae bearing many short light brown setae; scapes each 0.6 mm, nearly cylindrical, equal in length to diameter of eye and bearing mostly light brown and few dark brown setae laterally. Maxillary and labial palps with mixture of light and dark brown setae. Pronotum mesal surface area dark brown and concave, two light brown areas adjacent to median warts, and two dark brown areas adjacent to lateral warts; median warts bulbous, light brown and bearing mostly light brown setae; lateral warts dark brown and bearing light and dark brown setae. Mesonotum, with warts similar to those in Fig. 4 View FIGURES 2 – 6 ; scutum mostly dark brown, with middle slightly lighter in color, bearing light brown setae, posterior mesal area apparently bearing yellowish brown microtrichia; scutellum light brown, much lighter than scutum, bearing mostly light brown setae. Thorax with pleura, fore and middle coxae brown, hind coxae slightly dark brown. Anterior wings each 12.7 mm, and posterior wings each 11.5 mm.

Male genitalia ( Figs. 23–28 View FIGURES 23 – 29 ): Segment IX anterior margin of each pleuron with short, rounded projection just above sternum in lateral view. Preanal appendages nearly straight, horizontal and fingerlike with apical fifth bent slightly ventrad; lateral margins nearly straight and inclined slightly mesad, apices obliquely truncated, apicomesal angles rounded–triangular and converging in dorsal view. Segment X almost square, widened slightly apically, apicolateral angles acute, apical margin truncate with small rounded mesal notch in dorsal view. Inferior appendage thumblike and extended dorsoposterad in lateral view. Phallus extended as far as subapex of segment X; ventral and dorsal margins slightly sinuate, basal two–thirds about 1.8 X greater in height than apical portion in lateral view.

Etymology. Latin: admirabilis , admirable.


National Museum Prague

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