Amphimyces cerylonis Thaxter, Memoirs

Rossi, Walter & Leonardi, Marco, 2018, New species and new records of Laboulbeniales (Ascomycota) from Sierra Leone, Phytotaxa 358 (2), pp. 91-116 : 102

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Amphimyces cerylonis Thaxter, Memoirs


Amphimyces cerylonis Thaxter, Memoirs View in CoL of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 16: 305, 1931 ( Figure 3e View FIGURE 3 )

Known distribution. This species is known only for the type series, which was found on Cerylon spp. ( Coleoptera , Cerylonidae ) from Cameroon and Liberia.

New record from Sierra Leone. Northern Province, near Bumbuna, 12–13.V.1991, W. Rossi , on pronotum, elytra and legs of a few specimens of Philothermopsis similis (Pope) ( Cerylonidae ).

Additional material examined. REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO. Pool, Voka, 650 m, 23.XII.1979, G. Onore, on Cerylon cf. vicinum Grouvelle.

Remarks. The thalli from Sierra Leone are nearly identical with those of the type series and display the same variability described by Thaxter (1931). The only detectable difference is the absence of branchlets on one side of the thallus.

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