Lophocampa desotoi, Vincent, 2020

Vincent, Benoit, 2020, Description of five new Lophocampa Harris from the Dominican Republic (Lepidoptera, Erebidae, Arctiinae), Zootaxa 4780 (1), pp. 93-106 : 94-95

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.4780.1.4

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treatment provided by

Felipe (2020-08-18 23:55:22, last updated 2024-11-27 13:36:48)

scientific name

Lophocampa desotoi

sp. nov.

Lophocampa desotoi new species

Figs. 3, 4 View FIGURES 1–6 , 7, 10 View FIGURES 7–11 & 23 View FIGURES 22–26

Holotype. ♂, Dominican Republic, Monseñor Nouel, Road El Blanco to Constanza pK 10, Ebano Verde Scientific Reserve , 1360 m, 15-VIII-2007, N 19°01,729’ W 70°30,988’, J. Haxaire and O. Paquit leg. prep gen BV 450, Barcode ID ARCTD 260-12, Sample ID BEVI1565. Deposited in MNHN. GoogleMaps

Additional material. Paratypes, ♀, same data as holotype, genitalia dissected by B. Vincent. n° BV 451, Bar- code ID ARCTD 259-12, Sample ID BEVI1564 [BVC] GoogleMaps . 4♂, same data as holotype, BVC GoogleMaps 1♂, Dominican Repub- lic, La Vega, village de Manabao , 900 m, N 19°04’26,0’’ W 70°47’54,9’’, 14-IV-2016, J. Haxaire leg, BVC GoogleMaps ; 1♂, Dominican Republic, La Vega, environs de Manabao, Rio Yaque de Norte ,, 958 m, N 19°04’27,3’’ W 70°49’37,3’’, 14-IV-2016, J. Haxaire leg, BVC GoogleMaps ; 2♂ and 1 ♀, Dominican Republic, La Vega, Road la Cienaga to Constanza pK 11, N 19°02’54,0’’ W 70°51’23,2’’, 1390m, 26-II-2019, J. Haxaire & O. Paquit leg, BVC GoogleMaps ; 2♂, Dominican Republic, La Vega, Road la Cienaga to Constanza pK 13, N 19°00’39,9’’ W 70°50’13,1’’, 1808m, 25-II-2019, J. Haxaire & O. Paquit leg, BVC GoogleMaps ; 1♀, Pinar Bonito , 2 mi [les] S[outh] of Constanza, R [epublic] D[ominican], 2 april 1953, At light, J. A. Ramos collector, Genitalia ♀ slide 591, C.B. Knowlton, USNM .

Description. Head. Antenna bipectinate, light yellow with brown flagellomeres. Frons and vertex light yellow with long hairs. Palpi erected light yellow ventrally and brown dorsally.

Thorax. Patagias, pterygodes, thorax (dorsally and ventrally), and legs entirely light yellow, except for the base of the pterygodes and the inner face of the femur and tibias, brown.

Forewing. (Lenght: 16 mm; Wingspan: 36mm). Light yellow with a series of brown bands, diffuse and slightly contrasted, organized as follows: a basal band, postbasal band, a median band complete and straight; an irregular postmedian band and an irregular and complete terminal band very slightly contrasted.

Hindwing. Entirely light yellow.

Ventrally, the marks are slightly more contrasted.

Abdomen. Brown dorsally, yellowish ventrally with yellow anal tuft.

Male Genitalia. Tegumen triangular, large basaly. Uncus sub rectangular, with a slight bulge at its insertion with the tegumen, with truncated apex, bearing lateral bristles. Valvae symmetrical with apex rounded with a protuberance sclerotized and thorn sphaped, reaching the uncus apex. Juxta rectangular and sclerotized. Transtilla extended by two long and narrow protuberances reaching the base of the uncus. Vinculum slender. Aedeagus straight. Caecum reduced. Vesica with a lobe without spines.

Description of the female paratype. Female identical to male excepted the following differences:

Antennae with pectinations shorter than male. Wingspan and lenght of the forewing slightly larger, respectively 42 mm and 20 mm.

Genitalia. Apophyses posteriores straight, enlarged at base. Apophyses anteriores slightly curved. Papillae anales trapezoid and setose. Presence of a pair of pseudopapillae. Dorsal saccular pheromone glands absent. Ductus bursae narrow, slightly sclerotized and sharply narrowed at the insertion of the corpus bursae. Corpus bursae oval, small, smooth without sigma.

Early stages: Black caterpillar with tufts of black hairs except for segments T1–T3 and A2–A6 where the tufts are orange dorsally. There are also tufts of orange hairs on the A2–A8 segments laterally. Cocoon ovoid, brown, consisting of a single and thin layer with incorporated larval setae.

Etymology. Lophocampa desotoi is named in honor of Carlos De Soto Molinari, naturalist photographer, in recognition of his contribution to the knowledge of Dominican heterocera.

Distribution. Lophocampa desotoi n. sp. is known from the vicinity of the city of Constanza between 900 and 1808 m of altitude, in very humid forest environments. Surveys carried out around this municipality have led to the discovery of several very distinctive genera with a very limited distribution, such as Caribarctia Ferguson, 1985 and Westindia Vincent, 2014 ( Lepidoptera, Arctiinae ).

Ferguson, D. C. (1985) Contributions towards reclassification of the world genera of the tribe Arctiini, Part 1 - Introduciton and a revision of the Neoarctia-Grammia group (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae; Arctiinae). Entomography, 3, 181 - 275.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 1–6. Habitus of Lophocampa species: 1—Lophocampa perezgelaberti n. sp., Holotype, male; 2—Lophocampa perezgelaberti n. sp., paratype, female; 3—Lophocampa desotoi n. sp., Holotype, male; 4—Lophocampa desotoi n. sp., paratype, female; 5—Lophocampa occidentalis n. sp., Holotype, male; 6—Lophocampa grotei, Holotype, male.

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FIGURES 7–11. Genitalia of Lophocampa species. 7—Lophocampa desotoi n. sp., Holotype, male genitalia; 8—Lophocampa occidentalis n. sp., Holotype, male genitalia; 9—Lophocampa perezgelaberti n. sp., Holotype, male genitalia; 10—Lophocampa desotoi n. sp., paratype, female; 11—Lophocampa perezgelaberti n. sp., paratype, female.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 22–26. Aedeagus of Lophocampa species. 22—Lophocampa perezgelaberti n. sp., Holotype; 23—Lophocampa desotoi n. sp., Holotype; 24—Lophocampa occidentalis n. sp., Holotype; 25—Lophocampa sharki n. sp., Holotype; 26— Lophocampa flavoabdominalis n. sp., Holotype.


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History













