Syagrus × campos-portoana (Bondar) Glassman (1963:260)

Noblick, Larry R., 2017, A revision of the genus Syagrus (Arecaceae), Phytotaxa 294 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.294.1.1

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scientific name

Syagrus × campos-portoana (Bondar) Glassman (1963:260)


68. Syagrus × campos-portoana (Bondar) Glassman (1963:260) View in CoL . ( S. coronata × S. romanzoffiana ). Cocos × campos-portoana Bondar (1942a: 460) . Arecastrum × campos-portoanum (Bondar) Hawkes (1952a: 175) . Lectotype (designated by Glassman [1987: 81]):— BRAZIL. Bahia: cult. Fazenda Gangugy, Municipio de Poções, G. Bondar s.n. (F! [F-619765])

Figure 90 View FIGURE 90 map.

Large, solitary, unarmed, palms. Stem erect, columnar 3 m × 30–35 cm, light gray to gray black, with leaf scar intervals 5–6 cm. Leaves 27–30 in crown, in 5 distinct spiraled vertical rows, often slightly spiraled, spreading; sheathing leaf base 20–25 cm wide, margins with wide woody fibers similar to S. coronata ; pseudopetiole 150–170 cm long, with a margin armed with long, flat spine-like fibers; petiole not measured, with smooth margins; rachis up to 250–385 cm long; leaflets dark green adaxially, paler abaxially, 130 along one side, irregularly distributed in clusters of 3–5(–6) in divergent planes; those of middle series 80–90(–105) × 3–5 cm, mostly with acuminate, asymmetric tips. Inflorescence erect to pendulous, spirally branched; prophyll not measured; peduncular bract ca. 250–300 cm long, expanded portion 200–240 × 20–25 cm (fide Bondar), usually bearing a beak, woody, sulcate, grayish on the exterior, dark brown on the interior; peduncle ca. (60–)70–100 × 2–3 cm; inflorescence axis not measured; rachis 120–180 cm long; rachillae numerous, 70–80 cm long at the base of the inflorescence; staminate flowers whitish, 10–11 mm (13–15 mm long fide Bondar), petals 10–14 × 2 mm with obtuse acuminate tips, stamens 8.5–9 mm, anthers (5–) 7–8 mm long, pistillode absent; pistillate flowers 6–9 × 4–5 mm, sepals 6–9 × 3–5 mm, petals 4–7 × 3–4 mm, pistil 7 mm in diameter, stigmas short, staminodal ring not measured, smooth or entire not dentate Fruit ovoid, 2.5–3.2 × 2–3 cm, persistent perianth (cupule) beige to grayish brown, 15 mm wide, 6–7 mm deep, epicarp less than 1 mm thick, smooth, fibrous, probably yellowish green when mature, mesocarp 2–3 mm thick, sweetish, mucilaginous to gummy sticky, fibrous; endocarp 2.0–2.8 × 1.0– 2.5 cm, 3–5 mm thick on the sides, to 6–8 mm thick at tip, bony, cavity irregular in outline, but smooth internally, monovittate, with no clusters of fibers; seeds 11 × 10 mm, endosperm is homogeneous, but there is a slight protrusion of the endocarp wall into it.

Common name: —licuri-açú, licuri-assú, palmeirinha.

Etymology:— The specific epithet, campos-portoana , is named in honor of Dr. Campos Porto, a distinguished Brazilian botanist, who had encouraged Dr. Gregorio Bondar's botanical initiatives ( Bondar, 1939e).

Distribution and habitat: —This rare hybrid is endemic to the southeastern portion of the state of Bahia, in the mesophytic or transitional forests where S. coronata and S. romanzoffiana populations overlap. It is especially found in the vicinity of Vitória da Conquista, near Poções, Bahia, where it was first spotted. Originally seeds are said to have come from the Municipio de Itabuna, in a transitional zone ("zona acaatingada") from mesophytic to caatinga vegetation near the Colonia river (Rio Colonia) and also said to be found in the Municipio de Itambé ( Bondar, 1939e).

Phenology:— Probably similar to its parents with a high flowering season around November to February and fruiting in March to June.

Uses:— This hybrid would make an interesting ornamental. The palm has unusually large infructescences, and the seeds can be extracted easily. They are edible, sweet-tasting and rich in oil ( Bondar, 1939e).

Notes:— This is the natural hybrid between Syagrus coronata and Syagrus romanzoffiana . It looks very much

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NOBLICK like a robust S. coronata . Bondar (1964) wrote that the leaves, peduncular bracts, and fruits are larger than S. coronata ; but it is similar in that the leaves are arranged in five spiraled, vertical rows, unlike S. romanzoffiana , which are just spiraled. The stem has distinct S. coronata -like scars with short internodes. It has a more robust stem (35–40 vs. 20–25 cm), and it also has longer leaves than S. coronata (2 50–385 vs. 120–275 cm long). The wall of the endocarp intrudes into the seed, but does not penetrate as deeply as in S. romanzoffiana ; therefore, the seed is more easily extracted. Further differences are shown in Glassman (1968b).

Glassman (1987) wrote that in 1969 he spoke with a relative of the owner of the fazenda where this hybrid grows. The owners told Glassman that they had never successfully germinated seeds of this hybrid, which means that there must be substantial genetic barriers that prevent fertility. It must be considered a very rare natural hybridization event, because, other than Bondar’s, the author only knows of one other (C. A. Guimarães, pers. comm.).

Representative specimens:— BRAZIL. Bahia: Municipio de Poções, Fazenda Gangugy, planted from seedlings coming from Itabuna, 1940, G. Bondar s.n. (F-610582!, 619766, 619767).













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