Meteorium buchananii subsp. helminthocladulum

Kim, Wonhee & Yamaguchi, Masanobu Higuchi and Tomio, 2020, An updated list of mosses of Korea, Journal of Species Research 9 (4), pp. 377-412 : 403-408

publication ID 10.12651/JSR.2020.9.4.377

persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Meteorium buchananii subsp. helminthocladulum


Meteorium buchananii subsp. helminthocladulum

(Cardot) Nog.

- Papillaria helminthocladula Cardot ( Cardot, 1904)

- Meteorium helminthocladulum (Cardot) Broth. ( Brotherus, 1909; Kashimura, 1940; Sasaoka, 1933; Hong and Ando, 1961; Hwang, 1991)

Meteorium atrovariegatum Cardot & Ther.

- Meteorium miquelianum subsp. atrovariegatum (Cardot & Ther.) Nog. (Yoon et al., 2011)

Meteorium subpolytrichum (Besch.) Broth. View in CoL ( Choe and Choi, 1980; Yoon et al., 2011b)

Neodicladiella flagellifera (Cardot) Hutteunen & D. Quandt (NIBRMS107189; NIBRMS106138; NIBRMS 106141; NIBRMS106148)

- Barbella flagellifera (Cardot) Nog. ( Yoon and Sun, 2010)

Neodicladiella pendula (Sull.) W.R.Buck (NIBRMS 107482)

Trachycladiella aurea (Mitt.) M.Menzel ( He and Song, 2011)

Trachypus bicolor Reinw. & Hornsch. (NIBRMS107 018) ( Yoon et al., 2011a)

Trachypus humilis Lindb. View in CoL ( Choe and Choi, 1980; Hwang, 1991; He and Song, 2011)

- Trachypus humilis var. brevifolius Cardot ( Cardot, 1911; Kashimura, 1940; Sasaoka, 1933)

Myuriaceae Broth. ex M.Fleisch. View in CoL

Eumyurium sinicum (Mitt.) Nog.

- Oedicladium sinicum Mitt. View in CoL ( Cardot, 1904; Brotherus, 1909)

- Myurium sinicum (Mitt.) Broth. View in CoL ( Sasaoka, 1933; Kashimura, 1940)

- Myuriopsis sinica (Mitt.) Nog. View in CoL ( Choe and Choi, 1980; Hwang, 1991)

Neckeraceae Schimp. View in CoL

Bissetia lingulata (Mitt.) Broth. View in CoL ( Uno and Takahasi, 1940; Choe and Choi, 1980; Hwang, 1991)

Homalia trichomanoides (Hedw.) Schimp. View in CoL (NIBRMS 107324) ( Nakai, 1917; Sasaoka, 1933; Kashimura, 1940; Chung and Uhm, 1961; Hong and Ando, 1961; 1962; Choe and Choi, 1980; Hwang, 1991; Park, 1997; He and Song, 2007; 2011; Yoon et al., 2011b)

- Homalia japonica Besch. ( Choe and Choi, 1980; Hwang, 1991)

Homaliadelphus targionianus (Mitt.) Dixon & P. de la Varde View in CoL (NIBRMS107277) ( Choe and Choi, 1980)

Homaliodendron flabellatum (Sw.) M. Fleisch. (NIBR MS106744; NIBRMS106853; NIBRMS106862; NIBRMS107096) ( Yim et al., 2013)

- Homaliodendron scalpellifolium (Mitt.) M.Fleisch. View in CoL ( Hong and Ando, 1962; Choe and Choi, 1980; He and Song, 2011)

Neckera coreana Card. View in CoL ( Cardot, 1911; Sasaoka, 1933; Uno and Takahasi, 1940; Kashimura, 1940; Hong and Ando, 1961; Choe and Choi, 1980; Hwang, 1991)

Neckera fauriei Cardot View in CoL ( Cardot, 1911; Sasaoka, 1933; Kashimura, 1940; Hong and Ando, 1962; Choe and Choi, 1980; Hwang, 1991; He and Song, 2011)

Neckera flexiramea Cardot View in CoL ( Cardot, 1911; Sasaoka, 1933; Kashimura, 1940; Hong and Ando, 1962; Choe and Choi, 1980; Hwang, 1991; He and Song, 2011)

Neckera goughiana Mitt. View in CoL (NIBRMS107480; NIBRMS 107481) ( Tanaka et al., 2001)

Neckera humilis Mitt. View in CoL (NIBRMS107188; NIBRMS1061 89; NIBRMS105961) ( Hong and Ando, 1962; Choe and Choi, 1980; He and Song, 2011; Yim et al., 2013)

- Neckera humilis var. complanatula Cardot ( Cardot, 1911; Sasaoka, 1933; Kashimura, 1940; Choe and Choi, 1980; Hwang, 1991)

Neckera pennata Hedw. View in CoL (NIBRMS106781; NIBRMS 106119; NIBRMS106129; NIBRMS106140) ( Sakurai, 1941b; Osada, 1958; Hong and Ando, 1961; Choe and Choi, 1980; Song, 1987; Hwang, 1991; Park, 1997; Yoon et al., 2011b)

- Neckera abbreviata Cardot ( Cardot, 1911; Sasaoka, 1933; Kashimura, 1940)

Neckera pusilla Mitt. View in CoL ( Choe and Choi, 1980)

Neckera yezoana Besch. View in CoL (Other use: Forsstroemia yezoana (Besch.) S.Olsson, Enroth & D.Quandt ) (NIBRMS107211; NIBRMS106858; NIBRMS106 878; NIBRMS107020; NIBRMS107412) ( Hong and Ando, 1962; Choe and Choi, 1980; Hwang, 1991; He and Song, 2011)

- Neckera yezoana var. uematsui (Broth.) Horik. ( Choe and Choi, 1980; Hwang, 1991)

- Neckera uematsui Broth. ( Brotherus, 1921; Sasaoka, 1933; Kashimura, 1940)

Neckeropsis nitidula (Mitt.) M.Fleisch. View in CoL (NIBRMS107 170; NIBRMS106737; NIBRMS106748; NIBRMS 106795; NIBRMS107133; NIBRMS106122; NIBR MS106171; NIBRMS105910) ( Hong and Ando, 1961; Choe and Choi, 1980; Hwang, 1991; Yim et al., 2013)

Thamnobryum alopecurum (Hedw.) Nieuwl. ex Gangulee View in CoL ( Hong and Ando, 1962; Choe and Choi, 1980; Song, 1987; Hwang, 1991; Deguchi et al., 1998; He and Song, 2007; 2011; Yoon et al., 2011b)

- Thamnium alopecurum (Hedw.) Schimp ( Cardot, 1904; Sasaoka, 1933; Saito, 1938; Kashimura, 1940; Osada, 1958; Hong and Ando, 1962)

Thamnobryum coreanum (Cardot) Nog. & Z.Iwats. View in CoL (NIBRMS106137) ( Choe and Choi, 1980; Hwang, 1991; He and Song, 2007; Yoon et al., 2011b)

- Thamnium coreanum Cardot ( Cardot, 1911; Sasaoka, 1933)

Thamnobryum plicatulum (Sande Lac.) Z.Iwats. View in CoL (NI BRMS106747; NIBRMS106761; NIBRMS106824; NIBRMS107097; NIBRMS107100; NIBRMS105938) ( Choe and Choi, 1980; Hwang, 1991; He and Song, 2011; Yoon et al., 2011b; Yim et al., 2013)

- Thamnium plicatulum Sande Lac. ( Sasaoka, 1933; Kashimura, 1940; Park and Hong, 1959; Hong, 1960a)

Thamnobryum sandei var. coreense Cardot ( Choe and Choi, 1980)

- Thamnium sandei var. coreense Cardot ( Cardot, 1904; Sasaoka, 1933)

Thamnobyum sandei var. cymbifolium (Cardot) Nog. & Z.Iwats. ( Choe and Choi, 1980)

- Thamnium sandei var. cymbifolium Cardot ( Uno and Takahasi, 1940; Hong and Ando, 1961)

Thamnobryum subseriatum (Mitt. ex Sande Lac.) B.C. Tan. View in CoL (NIBRMS107135) ( Choe and Choi, 1980; Song, 1987; Hwang, 1991; He and Song, 2007; 2011; Yoon et al., 2011b; Yim et al., 2013)

- Thamnium sandei Besch. ( Nakai, 1917; Sasaoka, 1933; Kashimura, 1940)

Plagiotheciaceae M.Fleisch. View in CoL

Isopterygiopsis muelleriana (Schimp.) Z.Iwats. (NIBR MS106854; NIBRMS106900)

Plagiothecium cavifolium (Brid.) Z. Iwats. View in CoL (NIBRMS 107314) ( Choe and Choi, 1980; Hwang, 1991; He and Song, 2007; 2011)

- Plagiothecium roeseanum var. julaceum Cardot View in CoL ( Osada, 1958)

Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedw.) Schimp. View in CoL ( Hong and Ando, 1961; Choe and Choi, 1980; Hwang, 1991; Yoon et al., 2011b)

Plagiothecium depressum (Brid.) Spruce ( Osada, 1958)

Plagiothecium euryphyllum (Cardot & Thér.) Z.Iwats. View in CoL (NIBRMS105920; NIBRMS106039; NIBRMS1060 40) ( Choe and Choi, 1980; Hwang, 1991; Deguchi et al., 1998; He and Song, 2011; Yim et al., 2013)

Plagiothecium laetum Schimp. View in CoL ( Hwang, 1991)

- Plagiothecium curvifolium Schlieph. ex Limpr. ( Deguchi et al., 1998)

Plagiothecium neckeroidium Schimp. ( Nakai, 1917; Kashimura, 1940; Choe and Choi, 1980; Song, 1987; Hwang, 1991)

Plagiothecium nemorale (Mitt.) A.Jaeger. View in CoL (NIBRMS10 7174; NIBRMS107308; NIBRMS106733; NIBRMS 106746; NIBRMS106783; NIBRMS106843; NIBR MS107070; NIBRMS106116; NIBRMS106139; NI BRMS106146) ( Choe and Choi, 1980; Hwang, 1991; He and Song, 2007; 2011; Yoon et al., 2011b; Yim et al., 2013)

- Plagiothecium sylvaticum var. latifolium Cardot View in CoL ( Cardot, 1912; Sasaoka, 1933; Kashimura, 1940)

Plagiothecium piliferum (Sw.) Schimp. View in CoL ( Hwang, 1991)

Plagiothecium platyphyllum Mönk. ( Hwang, 1991)

Plagiothecium succulentum (Wilson) Lindb. ( Hwang, 1991)

Plagiothecium sylvaticum (Brid.) Schimp. View in CoL ( Uno and Takahasi, 1940; He and Song, 2011)

- Plagiothecium silvaticum Bruch & Schimp. ( Reimers, 1930; Sasaoka, 1933; Kashimura, 1940; Osada, 1958; Park and Hong, 1959; Chung and Uhm, 1961; Hong and Ando, 1961; 1963; Choe and Choi, 1980; Song, 1987)

Pterobryaceae Kindb. View in CoL

Pterobryon arbuscula Mitt. View in CoL ( Hong and Ando, 1962; Choe and Choi, 1980; He and Song, 2011)

Sematophyllaceae Broth. View in CoL

Acanthocladium integrifolium var. brevifolium Thér. & Dixon ( Sasaoka, 1933)

Brotherella coreana Sakurai View in CoL (other use: Pylaisiadelpha coreana (Sakurai) W.R.Buck ) ( Sakurai, 1949; Choe and Choi, 1980)

Brotherella fauriei (Besch. ex Cardot) Broth. View in CoL (other use: Pylaisiadelpha fauriei (Besch. ex Cardot) W.R.Buck ) (NIBRMS106818; NIBRMS106118) ( Hwang, 1991; He and Song, 2011)

Brotherella henonii (Duby.) Fleisch. View in CoL (other use: Pylaisiadelpha henonii (Duby) W.R.Buck ) (NIBRMS10 7167; NIBRMS106682; NIBRMS106683) ( Saito, 1938; Kashimura, 1940; Osada, 1958; Choe and Choi, 1980; Hwang, 1991)

Brotherella recurvans (Michx.) M.Fleisch. View in CoL (other use: Pylaisiadelpha recurvans (Michx.) W.R.Buck ) ( Chung and Uhm, 1961; Choe and Choi, 1980)

Brotherella yokohamae (Broth.) Broth. (other use: Pylaisiadelpha yokohamae (Broth.) W.R.Buck View in CoL ) ( Saito, 1938; Uno and Takahasi, 1940; Kashimura, 1940; Osada, 1958; Park and Hong, 1959; Hong, 1960a; Chung and Uhm, 1961; Hong and Ando, 1961; Choe and Choi, 1980; Hwang, 1991; Park, 1997; He and Song, 2011)

- Clastobryella tsunodae (Broth. & Yasuda) Broth. ( Hong and Ando, 1963)

- Clastobryella kusatsuensis (Besch.) Z.Iwats. ( Choe and Choi, 1980)

- Pylaisiadelpha yokohamae (Broth.) W.R.Buck ( Yim et al., 2013)

Brotherella tenuirostris (Bruch & Scimp. ex Sull.) Broth. (other use: Pylaisiadelpha tenuirostris (Bruch & Schimp. ex Sull.) W.R.Buck ) (NIBRMS107145; NIBRMS107296; NIBRMS107160; NIBRMS106720; NIBRMS106721; NIBRMS107062; NIBRMS106212; NIBRMS106205) ( Yoon et al., 2011b; Yoon et al., (2015b)

Pylaisiadelpha tristoviridis (Broth.) Afonina ; H.Tsubota & Ignatova (NIBRMS107225; NIBRMS107227; NIB RMS105831) ( Yoon et al., 2011b)

- Hypnum rhynchothecium Müll.Hal. ex Ihsiba ( Sasaoka, 1933)

- Hypnum tristo-viride (Broth.) Paris ( Sasaoka, 1933; Kashimura, 1940; Hong and Ando, 1961; 1962; Choe and Choi, 1980; Hwang, 1991; He and Song, 2011)

- Hypnum tristo-viride var. brevisetum Ando ( Hong and Ando, 1961; 1963)

Sematophyllum phoeniceum (Müll.Hal.) M.Fleisch. View in CoL ( Yoon et al., 2015c)

Sematophyllum subhumile (Müll.Hal.) M.Fleisch. (NIBRMS106777; NIBRMS106822; NIBRMS106946; NIBRMS107134; NIBRMS106169; NIBRMS105928) ( Yim et al., 2013)

Sematophyllum subpinnatum (Brid.) E.Britton (NIB RMS105926) ( Yoon et al., 2015c)

Taxithelium parvulum (Broth. & Paris) Broth. ( Brotherus, 1909)

Taxiphyllaceae Ignatov

Filibryum ogatae (Broth. & Yasuda) W.Kim & T.Yamag.

(NIBRMS106798; NIBRMS106802; NIBRMS106

094; NIBRMS105937) ( Kim and Yamaguchi, 2017) Hondaella caperata (Mitt.) B.C.Tan & Z.Iwats. ( He and

Song, 2011) - Campylodontium gracile Cardot ( Cardot, 1913) - Hondaella brachytheciella (Broth. & Paris) Ando

(Ando, 1961; Choe and Choi, 1980; Hwang, 1991) Taxiphyllum alternans (Cardot) Z.Iwats. ( Choe and

Choi, 1980; Hwang, 1991) - Isopterygium alternans Cardot ( Cardot, 1904; Brotherus, 1909; Sasaoka, 1933; Kashimura, 1940) - Isopterygium alternans var. puteanum Cardot ( Cardot,

1912; Sasaoka, 1933; Kashimura, 1940) Taxiphyllum aomoriense (Besch.) Z.Iwats. (NIBRMS

106825; NIBRMS106864; NIBRMS107130; NIBR

MS105970) ( Choe and Choi, 1980; Song, 1987; Hwang,

1991; He and Song, 2007; 2011; Yoon et al., 2011b) - Hypnum platycladum Cardot ( Cardot, 1904) - Plagiothecium platycladum (Cardot) Broth. ( Brotherus,

1909) - Breidleria platyclada (Cardot) Ihsiba ( Kashimura, 1940) - Plagiothecium aomoriense Besch. ( Osada, 1958; Hong,

1960a; Hong and Ando, 1961; 1963) Taxiphyllum cuspidifolium (Cardot) Z.Iwats. (NIBRMS

106351; NIBRMS106353; NIBRMS106354; NIBR

MS106168; NIBRMS106356) Taxiphyllum deplanatum (Bruch & Schimp. ex Sull.)

M.Fleisch. (NIBRMS107466-b; NIBRMS107467) Taxiphyllum giraldii (Müll.Hal.) M.Fleisch. ( Hwang,

1991; Park, 1997) Taxiphyllum taxiphylloides (Ando & Higuchi) Higuchi

(NIBRMS107369) - Gollania taxiphylloides Ando & Higuchi ( Tanaka et al., 2001)

Taxiphyllum taxirameum (Mitt.) M.Fleisch. View in CoL (NIBRMS 107348; NIBRMS107354; NIBRMS106123) ( Osada, 1958; Hong, 1960a; Chung and Uhm, 1961; Hong and Ando, 1961; Choe and Choi, 1980; Hwang, 1991; Park, 1997; He and Song, 2007; 2011; Yoon et al., 2011b; Yim et al., 2013)

Theliaceae M.Fleisch. View in CoL

Fauriella tenuis (Mitt.) Cardot View in CoL (NIBRMS107214; NIBR MS107226; NIBRMS106776; NIBRMS107046; NIBRMS105872) ( Reimers, 1930; Kashimura, 1940; Ando, 1961; Hong, 1960a; Choe and Choi, 1980; Hwang, 1991; Deguchi et al., 1998; He and Song, 2007; 2011; Yoon et al., 2011b)

- Trichosteleum subtile Cardot View in CoL ( Cardot, 1904)

- Taxithelium subtile (Cardot) Broth. ( Brotherus, 1909; Kashimura, 1940)

Myurella tenerrima (Brid.) Lindb. View in CoL ( Yoon et al., 2011a)

Myurella sibirica (Müll.Hal.) Reimers ( Kim et al., 2019)

Thuidiaceae Schimp.

Abietinella abietina (Hedw.) M.Fleisch. View in CoL ( Sakurai, 1941b; Osada, 1958; Choe and Choi, 1980; Song, 1987; Hwang, 1991; Park, 1997)

- Thuidium abietinum (Hedw.) Schimp View in CoL ( Saito, 1938)

Actinothuidium hookeri (Mitt.) Broth. ( Hwang, 1991)

Boulaya mittenii (Broth.) Cardot View in CoL (NIBRMS107155; NIB RMS107200; NIBRMS107220; NIBRMS106956; NIBRMS107076; NIBRMS105853) ( Okamura, 1915; Nakai, 1917; Sasaoka, 1933; Saito, 1938; Uno and Takahasi, 1940; Kashimura, 1940; Chung and Uhm, 1961; Hong and Ando, 1961; 1962; Choe and Choi, 1980; Hwang, 1991; Park, 1997; He and Song, 2011; Yoon et al., 2011b)

Bryonoguchia molkenboeri (Sande Lac.) Z.Iwats. & Inoue View in CoL ( Choe and Choi, 1980; Hwang, 1991; Park, 1997; Yoon et al., 2011b)

- Tetracladium molkenboeri (Sande Lac.) Broth. View in CoL ( Osada, 1958)

Claopodium aciculum (Broth.) Broth. View in CoL (NIBRMS107 442) ( Choe and Choi, 1980; Hwang, 1991; He and Song, 2011)

- Claopodium assurgens var. brevifolium Cardot ( Cardot, 1911; Sasaoka, 1933; Kashimura, 1940)

- Claopodium viridulum Cardot ( Sasaoka, 1933; Kashimura, 1940; Hong and Ando, 1963)

Claopodium assurgens (Sull. & Lesq.) Cardot View in CoL ( Cardot, 1911; Sasaoka, 1933; Horikawa, 1935c; Kashimura, 1940; Hong and Ando, 1963; Choe and Choi, 1980; Hwang, 1991; He and Song, 2011)

- Claopodium asperrimum Cardot ( Cardot, 1911; Sasaoka, 1933; Kashimura, 1940; Hong and Ando, 1963)

Claopodium gracillimum (Cardot & Thér.) Nog. View in CoL (NIB RMS107427)

Claopodium nervosum var. septentrionale (Cardot) Ihsiba (NIBRMS107320) ( Sasaoka, 1933; Hong and Ando, 1963)

- Claopodium prionophyllum var. septentrionale Cardot ( Cardot, 1911; Kashimura, 1940)

Claopodium pellucinerve (Mitt.) Best View in CoL ( Hwang, 1991; Park, 1997; Deguchi et al., 1998; He and Song, 2007)

- Claopodium pugionifolium (Broth. & Paris) Broth. ( Saito, 1938)

- Claopodium subpiliferum (Lindb. & Arnell) Broth. ( Osada, 1958; Hong, 1960a; 1960b)

- Claopodium piliferum Broth. ( Choe and Choi, 1980)

Claopodium prionophyllum (Müll.Hal.) Broth. View in CoL ( Cardot, 1911; Kashimura, 1940; Choe and Choi, 1980; Hwang, 1991; He and Song, 2011)

- Claopodium nervosum M.Fleisch. ( Sasaoka, 1933)

Echinophyllum sachalinense (Lindb.) T.J.O’Brien

- Tetracladium osadae Sakurai ( Sakurai, 1941b)

- Helodium sachalinense (Lindb.) Broth. View in CoL ( Osada, 1958; Choe and Choi, 1980; Hwang, 1991; Park, 1997)

Haplocladium angustifolium (Hampe & Müll.Hal.) Broth. View in CoL (Other use: Bryohaplocladium angustifolium (Hampe & Müll.Hal.) R. Watan. & Z. Iwats. ) (NIBRMS107168; NIBRMS107177; NIBRMS107191; NIBRMS107257; NIBRMS107128; NIBRMS107132; NIBRMS106106; NIBRMS106127; NIBRMS106161; NIBRMS106166) ( Choe and Choi, 1980; Hwang, 1991; Park, 1997; Deguchi et al., 1998; He and Song, 2007; Yoon et al., 2011b; Yim et al., 2013)

- Thuidium macropilum (Müll.Hal. ex Broth.) Paris ( Cardot, 1904)

- Haplocladium macropilum Müll.Hal. ex Broth. ( Thériot, 1930; Kashimura, 1940)

- Haplocladium subulaceum var. macropilum (Müll.Hal. ex Broth.) Thér. ( Osada, 1958)

- Haplocladium subulatum Cardot ( Hong, 1960a)

Haplocladium discolor (Broth. & Paris) Broth. ( Hwang, 1991)

Haplocladium incurvum Broth. View in CoL ( Uno and Takahasi, 1940; Choe and Choi, 1980; Hwang, 1991)

Haplocladium gracile (Schimp.) Müll.Hal.

- Thuidium gracile Schimp. ( Cardot, 1904)

Haplocladium microphyllum (Hedw.) Broth. View in CoL (NIBR MS107316; NIBRMS106174; NIBRMS105873) ( Kashimura, 1940; Osada, 1958; Park and Hong, 1959; Choe and Choi, 1980; Hwang, 1991; Park, 1997; Yoon et al., 2011b; Yim et al., 2013)

- Thuidium capillatum (Mitt.) A.Jaeger ( Cardot, 1904)

- Haplocaldium capillatum (Mitt.) Broth. ( Reimers, 1930; Sasaoka, 1933; Hong, 1960a)

- Haplocladium latifolium (Sande Lac.) Broth. ( Reimers, 1930; Kashimura, 1940)

- Haplocladium papillariaceum Müll.Hal. ( Reimers, 1930; Kashimura, 1940; Hwang, 1991)

Haplocladium perparaphyllum R.Watan. View in CoL (Other use: Bryohaplocladium perparaphyllum (R. Watan.) R. Watan. & Z.Iwats. ) ( Choe and Choi, 1980; Hwang, 1991)

Haplocladium strictulum (Cardot) Reimers View in CoL (Other use: Bryohaplocladium strictulum (Cardot) R.Watan. & Z.Iwats. ) ( Choe and Choi, 1980; Hwang, 1991; Yoon et al., 2011b)

- Thuidium strictulum Cardot ( Cardot, 1904; Brotherus, 1909)

- Thuidiopsis strictula (Cardot) Broth. ( Sasaoka, 1933; Kashimura, 1940)

Haplocladium subulaceum (Mitt.) Broth. ( Park and Hong, 1959)

Helodium blandowii (F.Weber & D.Mohr) Warnst. View in CoL ( Hwang, 1991; Park, 1997)

Heterocladium angustifolium (Dixon) R.Watan. View in CoL ( Hwang, 1991)

Heterocladium capillaceum Broth. ex Ihsiba (NIBRMS 107384)

Hylocomiopsis ovicarpa (Besch.) Cardot View in CoL (NIBRMS 106029; NIBRMS106030) ( Sasaoka, 1933; Kashimura, 1940; Hong and Ando, 1961; 1963; Choe and Choi, 1980; Song, 1987; Hwang, 1991; He and Song, 2011; Yoon et al., 2011b)

Miyabea fruticella (Mitt.) Broth. View in CoL (NIBRMS107202) ( Uno and Takahasi, 1940; Park and Hong, 1959; Hong and Ando, 1961; 1963; Choe and Choi, 1980; Hwang, 1991; Park, 1997; He and Song, 2011; Yoon et al., 2011b)

- Miyabea thuidioides Broth. View in CoL ( Uno and Takahasi, 1940; Hong and Ando, 1961; Choe and Choi, 1980; Hwang, 1991)

Miyabea rotundifolia Cardot View in CoL ( Cardot, 1909; Okamura, 1915; Reimers, 1930; Sasaoka, 1933; Uno and Takahasi, 1940; Kashimura, 1940; Hong and Ando, 1961; Choe and Choi, 1980; Hwang, 1991)

Pelekium microphyllum (Schwägr.) T.J.Kop. & Touw View in CoL

- Haplohymenium microphyllum Schwägr. View in CoL ( Brotherus, 1909; Kashimura, 1940)

Pelekium minutulum (Hedw.) Touw View in CoL

- Thuidium minutulum (Hedw.) Schimp. ( Park, 1997)

Pelekium pygmaeum (Schimp.) Touw (NIBRMS107437; NIBRMS105908)

- Thuidium pygmaeum Schimp. View in CoL ( Choe and Choi, 1980; Hwang, 1991)

Pelekium versicolor (Müll.Hal.) Touw View in CoL (NIBRMS106 752; NIBRMS106759; NIBRMS106832; NIBRMS 107022; NIBRMS106343) ( He and Song, 2007; 2011; Yoon et al., 2011b; Yim et al., 2013)

- Thuidium micropteris Besch. View in CoL ( Osada, 1958)

- Thuidium bipinnatulum Mitt. View in CoL ( Hong and Ando, 1961; 1963; Choe and Choi, 1980; Hwang, 1991)

Rauiella fujisana (Paris) Reimers View in CoL ( Hong and Ando, 1963; Choe and Choi, 1980; Deguchi et al., 1998; Hwang, 1991; He and Song, 2011; Yoon et al., 2011b)

- Rauia bandaiensis (Broth. & Paris) Broth. ( Brotherus, 1909; Reimers, 1930; Sasaoka, 1933; Kashimura, 1940)

Thuidium assimile (Mitt.) A.Jaeger View in CoL

- Thuidium viridiforme Cardot ( Hong and Ando, 1961)

- Thuidium philibertii Limpr. ( Hwang, 1991)

Thuidium cymbifolium (Dozy & Molk.) Dozy & Molk. View in CoL (NIBRMS107341; NIBRMS105939; NIBRMS106031; NIBRMS106032; NIBRMS106033) ( Choe and Choi, 1980; Hwang, 1991; He and Song, 2011)

- Thuidium japonium Dozy & Molk. ex Sande Lac. ( Sasaoka, 1933; Saito, 1938; Kashimura, 1940)

- Thuidium subpycnothallum Cardot View in CoL ( Sasaoka, 1933; Kashimura, 1940)

Thuidium delicatulum (Hdew.) Schimp. View in CoL (NIBRMS 106036) ( Hong, 1960a; Hwang, 1991; He and Song, 2011; Yoon et al., 2011b)

- Thuidium uliginosum Cardot View in CoL ( Cardot, 1911; Sasaoka, 1933; Kashimura, 1940; Hong and Ando, 1963)

- Thuidium viride Mitt. View in CoL ( Uno and Takahasi, 1940; Hong and Ando, 1961)

- Thuidium recognitum var. delicatulum (Hedw.) Warnst. View in CoL ( Choe and Choi, 1980)

Thuidium kanedae Sakurai View in CoL (NIBRMS106867; NIBRMS 106964; NIBRMS107044; NIBRMS106115; NIBR MS105846; NIBRMS106689) ( Hong and Ando, 1963; Choe and Choi, 1980; Hwang, 1991; Deguchi et al., 1998; He and Song, 2007; 2011; Yoon et al., 2011b; Yim et al., 2013)

- Thuidium unoi Sakurai View in CoL (Sakuria, 1943)

- Thuidium toyamae Nog. View in CoL ( Hong, 1960a; 1960b; Chung and Uhm, 1961; Hong and Ando, 1961)

Thuidium pristocalyx (Müll.Hal.) A.Jaeger View in CoL (NIBRMS 105867) ( He and Song, 2011; Yoon et al., 2011b)

- Thuidium glaucinum (Mitt.) Bosch & Sande Lac. View in CoL ( Reimers, 1930; Sasaoka, 1933; Saito, 1938; Uno and Takahasi, 1940; Kashimura, 1940; Hong and Ando, 1961; 1963; Choe and Choi, 1980; Hwang, 1991)

Thuidium pycnothallum (Müll.Hal.) Paris View in CoL ( Hwang, 1991; Park, 1997)

Thuidium recognitum (Hedw.) Lindb. View in CoL ( Saito, 1938; Uno and Takahasi, 1940; Kashimura, 1940; Osada, 1958; Park and Hong, 1959; Hong, 1960a; Chung and Uhm, 1961; Hong and Ando, 1961; Hwang, 1991)

Thuidium subglaucinum Cardot View in CoL (NIBRMS106179; NIBRMS106192; NIBRMS105843) ( Cardot, 1911; Sasaoka, 1933; Kashimura, 1940; Hong and Ando, 1962; Choe and Choi, 1980; Hwang, 1991; He and Song, 2011; Yim et al., 2013)

Thuidium submicropteris Cardot View in CoL (NIBRMS107495) ( Cardot, 1904; Brotherus, 1909; Sasaoka, 1933; Kashimura, 1940; Choe and Choi, 1980; Hwang, 1991; Yoon et al., 2011b)

Thuidium tamariscinum (Hedw.) Schimp. View in CoL ( Choe and Choi, 1980; Hwang, 1991)














Meteorium buchananii subsp. helminthocladulum

Kim, Wonhee & Yamaguchi, Masanobu Higuchi and Tomio 2020

Pelekium minutulum (Hedw.)

Touw 2001

Pelekium versicolor (Müll.Hal.)

Touw 2001

Pylaisiadelpha yokohamae (Broth.) W.R.Buck

W. R. Buck 1984

Brotherella coreana

Sakurai 1949

Thuidium kanedae

Sakurai 1943

Haplocladium strictulum (Cardot)

Reimers 1937

Rauiella fujisana (Paris)

Reimers 1937

Hylocomiopsis ovicarpa (Besch.)

Cardot 1913

Boulaya mittenii (Broth.)

Cardot 1912

Neckera fauriei

Cardot 1911

Neckera flexiramea

Cardot 1911

Claopodium assurgens (Sull. & Lesq.)

Cardot 1911

Thuidium subglaucinum

Cardot 1911

Miyabea rotundifolia

Cardot 1909

Thuidium submicropteris

Cardot 1904

Claopodium pellucinerve (Mitt.)

Best 1900
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