Tenagodus squamatus, (DE BLAINVILLE, 1827)

Bieler, Rüdiger, 2004, Sanitation with sponge and plunger: western Atlantic slit-wormsnails (Mollusca: Caenogastropoda: Siliquariidae), Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 140 (3), pp. 307-333 : 331-333

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1111/j.1096-3642.2003.00104.x

publication LSID


persistent identifier


treatment provided by


scientific name

Tenagodus squamatus




Some teleoconch fragments in collections might belong to the very similar Tenagodus barbadensis sp. nov.

BERMUDA: 2 shells and fragment, 2.5 miles off Castle Roads, St. David’s Island, 110 m, taken alive from sponge, FMNH 296697 ( Fig. 4 View Figures 1–6 ). USA: FLORIDA (Atlantic Ocean: 6 shells, NMFS R/V Silver Bay station 3252, 50 miles SE of Melbourne, 37 m (27∞50¢30≤N, 80∞07¢W), USNM 811144; 1 shell, off Palm Beach, 30–40 fms [55–73 m], ANSP 188796; 9 fragments, R/V Eolis station 76, off Fowey Light, 73 m, USNM 435006, 435007; 1 shell, NMFS R/V Silver Bay station 2445, Florida Straits, 100 miles S of Miami, 252 m (24∞08¢N, 80∞08¢W), USNM 811141; SE of Dry Tortugas, 91–213 m, FMNH 194581. FLORIDA (Gulf of Mexico: 1 cluster embedded in (?thrombid) sponge, loose shell fragments, c. 48 nautical miles NW of Dry Tortugas, 73 m (25∞06.91¢N, 83∞37.05¢W), HBOM 065: 0000; 5 shells, same station, FMNH 301289; 2 clusters embedded in sponge, R/V Hernan Cortes Sta. M 1965, 92 miles W of Sanibel Island Light, Lee County, 73 m (26∞24¢N, 83∞43¢W), FSBC I957, I1196; 1 shell, 70 miles SW of Egmont Key, 51– 58 m, from sponge mass, USNM 606956; 11 shells (with black sponge remains), 95 miles W of Egmont Key, 27∞34¢N, 84∞15¢W, 73 m, ANSP 396091; 1 shell (with operculum), Egmont Key, Tampa Bay, MCZ 207246; 1 shell, W of Sanibel Island /Naples area, Bureau of Land Management no. 210, 77 m (26∞16.1¢N, 83∞46.3¢W, FMNH 296698. LOUISIANA: 1 shell, NMFS R/V Silver Bay station 331, 125 miles SE New Orleans, 91 m (29∞15¢N, 88∞19¢W), USNM 801714 [alc.]; 3 shells, NMFS R/V Oregon station 4597, 175 miles SW of New Orleans, 13 m (29∞28¢N, 093∞30¢W), USNM 801713 [alc.]; 2 shells, approx. 140 miles SSE of Calcasieu Lake, 137 m, MCZ 260307. MEXICO: 1 shell, 1 fragment, Tuxpam, Veracruz, MCZ 194995. BAHAMAS: 8 specimens in fist-sized part of yellow sponge colony ( Spongosorites sp. ), Goulding Cay, off New Province Island (24∞59.74¢N, 77∞33.17¢W, 6-XI-90, S. Pomponi & P. Santos), 182 m, rock slope, 13.2∞C bottom temperature, submersible Johnson-Sea-Link-I, dive 2840, R/V Seward Johnson, FMNH 296700 (observed and sketched alive; Figs 39, 40 View Figures 38–40 ), HBOM 065: 0000, with histological sections and radulae, FMNH 296701, and isolated shells, FMNH 296702; 7 alcohol-preserved specimens (5 of which incomplete) previously embedded in colony of halichondriid sponge Spongosorites ruetzleri (Soest & Stentoft, 1988) , 3 km off Sweetings Cay, Grand Bahama Island (26∞34.15¢N, 77∞54.17¢W; 14-XI-87), 165 m, 30 degree slope, sand and rubble substrate, 18∞C bottom temperature, submersible Johnson-Sea- Link-II dive 1530, R/V Seaward Johnson (see also Pomponi et al., 1991: 151), FMNH 296703, with histological sections FMNH 296704; shell and animal fragments, from colony of halichondriid sponge Spongosorites ruetzleri , off Sweetings Cay, Grand Bahama Island (26∞33.70¢N, 77∞53.91¢W; 13-XI- 87 157 m, slope, sand and rubble substrate, 18∞C bottom temperature, submersible Johnson-Sea-Link-II, dive 1528, R/V Seaward Johnson, FMNH 296705 (sponge sample HBOM 003: 00115, see also Pomponi et al., 1991: 151); fragments (used for SEM), off Nassau Harbour (25∞06.47¢N, 77∞20.67¢W), 461 m, 15-III- 1987, R/V Johnson/submersible Johnson-Sea-Link-I dive 1960, collected with halichondriid sponge Spongisorites ruetzleri (Soest & Stentoft, 1988) , FMNH 296709 [sponge sample, HBOM 003: 00112; see also Pomponi et al., 1991: 151]; shell and animal fragments (used for SEM), off Freeport Harbour, Freeport, Grand Bahama Island (26∞30.78¢N, 78∞48.22¢W), 218 m, 22-III-1987, R/V Johnson/submersible Johnson-Sea-Link-I dive 1975, collected with halichondriid sponge Spongisorites ruetzleri (van Soest & Stentoft, 1988) , FMNH 296708 [sponge sample, HBOM 003: 00114; see also Pomponi et al., 1991: 151]; 1 shell, off St. James, ZMK; 1 shell, NMFS R/V Silver Bay station 3494, S of Long Island, 183–366 m (23∞36¢N, 75∞25¢W), USNM 811147; 2 shells, Conception Island (23∞52¢N, 75∞09¢W), ANSP 392187. 60+ shells, Lucaya, Grand Bahama Island (26∞29¢45≤N, 78∞37¢15≤W), ANSP 367834, 367835, 411176, 411177; 11 shells, Indian Key, Grand Bahama Island (26∞42¢45≤N, 78∞39¢15≤W), ANSP 367026; 40+ shells, Grand Bahama Island (26∞31¢00≤N, 78∞46¢30.5≤W), ANSP 373886; 5 juvenile shells and fragments, Salt Cay, 6 mi NE of Nassau, New Providence Island,

FMNH 280710 About FMNH . CUBA: several shells , USFC R/ V Albatross 1885 stations 2321, 2323, 2326, 2332, off Havana, 210–355 m , USNM 94052 About USNM , 181258 About USNM , 193558 About USNM , 193562 About USNM ; also MCZ 7416 About MCZ , 7421 About MCZ ; 2 shell clusters in sponge, Harvard-Havana Expedition ‘ Atlantis’ 1939 sta. 3303 (23∞05¢N, 82∞33¢W) , MCZ 302516 About MCZ . JAMAICA: 1 shell , NMFS R/V Oregon station 3559, 250 miles SW of Kingston, 16∞37¢N, 80∞15¢W ), USNM 811120 About USNM . DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: 4 shells , NMFS R/V Silver Bay station 5147, 51– 55 m (19∞57¢N, 71∞52¢30≤W) , USNM 811148 About USNM . PUERTO RICO: 14 fragments, partly with sponge, near Mayaguez , CAS 47265; 2 fragments, Rincon , CAS 42398; 1 shell , ZMK. LEEWARD ISLANDS: VIRGIN ISLANDS: Saint Vincent: 3 incomplete alcohol-preserved specimens from sponge Spongosorites sp. , York Bay, St. Vincent (13∞09.65¢N, 61∞16.52¢W; 31-III-89), 89 m , sand slope, Johnson-Sea-Link-II dive 1702, R/V Seward Johnson , FMNH 296692 About FMNH and shell fragments FMNH 296699 About FMNH , HBOM 065 View Materials : 0000. SAINT CROIX: 1 shell , USFC R/V Blake 1879, 69 m , MCZ 7413 About MCZ ; 1 shell , NMFS R/V Oregon station 6715, 100 miles E of SAINT THOMAS, 201–238 m (18∞36¢N, 63∞27¢W) , USNM 811139 About USNM . Tortola : 1 shell , ZMK. SAINT BARTHÉLEMY: 4 shells , ZMK. ANGUILLA: type material of T. anguillae , as above. WINDWARD ISLANDS: MARTINIQUE : USFC R/V Blake 1879, 176 m , MCZ 7414 About MCZ . ST. LUCIA: R/V Oregon II station 24273, 69– 80 m (14∞04.4¢N, 61∞02.3¢W) , HBOM 65 View Materials : 1761 ; NMFS R/V Oregon station 5059, 24– 29 m (14∞02¢30≤N, 61∞01¢W) , USNM 811131 About USNM . BARBADOS: 1 shell, off Speightstown, 74 m (13∞14.80¢N, 59∞39.50¢W) , submersible Johnson-Sea- Link-II, dive 1736, R/ V Seward Johnson ( FMNH 296690 About FMNH ); many shells, Smithsonian – University of Iowa Expedition 1918 various stations (e.g. 3, 51, 79), 46–146 m , USNM 500017 About USNM , 500018 About USNM , 500021 About USNM , and many others; 5 shells , USFC R/V Blake 1879 station 278, 126 m , MCZ 259090 About MCZ ; 1 shell, Hassler Expedition 183 m , MCZ 258952 About MCZ ; 1 shells, off St. James , ZMK. TRINIDAD: 1 shell, Chaguaramas Bay , USNM 518474 About USNM . NICARAGUA: 1 shell , NMFS R/V Oregon station 4832, 150 miles E of coast, 219–238 m , USNM ex 811126; many shells, NMFS R/V Oregon, 219–238 m (14∞15¢30≤N, 80∞27¢06≤W) , USNM 811127 About USNM . HON- DURAS: 1 shell, Swan Islands , MCZ 302513 About MCZ . VENE- ZUELA: Preserved specimens in sponge and 2 shells, Golfo Triste, off Morrocoy (10∞40-53¢N, 68∞00-10¢W), 46–55 m , FMNH 296706 About FMNH ; specimens in 3 sponge fragments (2 alcohol preserved), Golfo Triste as above, about 60 m , 1992, FMNH 296691 About FMNH ; 4 sponge fragments with embedded snails, Golfo Triste, off Morrocoy , about 60 m , 1992 (10∞40-53¢N, 68∞00-10¢W), FMNH 296691 About FMNH (dry) , FMNH 296693 About FMNH (alcohol preserved). BRAZIL: 2 shells , NMFS R/V Oregon station 4227, 100 miles N of Sao Luis, 73 m (1∞24¢S, 43∞11¢W) , USNM 811125 About USNM ; R/V Marion-Dufresne

(Bouchet, Leal & Metivier 05/1987; dredge DC 81), off Espiríto Santo State (19∞00¢S, 37∞48¢W), 120–135 m depth [J. Leal, photographs seen only; one photograph published by Leal (1989: 8, fig. 9]; 6 shells and fragments, R/V ‘ Marion-Dufresne’ (Bouchet, Leal & Metivier 05/1987) MD55 station DC 82, 85–105 m (18∞56¢S, 37∞52¢W), ex J. Leal, FMNH 296707 About FMNH , DMNH 228024 About DMNH .


Field Museum of Natural History


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia


Harbor Branch Oceanographic Museum


Museum of Comparative Zoology


Zoologisches Museum der Universitaet Kiel


U. S. Fish Commission


California Academy of Sciences











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