Longinebela, Anush Kosakyan, Daniel J. G. Lahr, Matthieu Mulot, Ralf Meisterfeld, Edward A. D. Mitchell & Enrique Lara, 2016

Anush Kosakyan, Daniel J. G. Lahr, Matthieu Mulot, Ralf Meisterfeld, Edward A. D. Mitchell & Enrique Lara, 2016, Phylogenetic reconstruction based on COI reshuffles the taxonomy of hyalosphenid shelled (testate) amoebae and reveals the convoluted evolution of shell plate shapes, Cladistics 32, pp. 606-623 : 621

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gen. nov.

Longinebela gen. nov. Kosakyan, Lahr, Mulot, Meisterfeld, Mitchell and Lara

Description. Test elongated-pyriform, with a distinct neck, lateral margins (that can be straight or wavy) tapering towards the aperture. Test hyaline or slightly yellowish, composed of circular to elongated shell plates probably recycled from euglyphid testate amoeba prey.

Differential diagnosis. See diagnosis of Gibbocarina .

Type species. L. tubulosa ( Penard, 1902) Kosakyan, Lahr, Mulot, Meisterfeld, Mitchell and Lara comb. nov.

Included taxa. We include here all Nebela taxa with an elongated test, such as: N. tubulosa , N. meisterfeldi , N. speciosa and N. golemansky .

Etymology. The name of the genus refers to the elongated shape of these species and their otherwise similar morphology to the genus Nebela .

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