Bardunia Stål, 1863

Constant, Jérôme & Bourgoin, 2011, A new species of Bardunia Stål, 1863 extends the distribution of the genus to the Philippines (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Issidae), Belgian Journal of Entomology 64, pp. 1-10 : 1-10

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.13272732

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Bardunia Stål, 1863


Genus Bardunia Stål, 1863 View in CoL

Bardunia STÅL, 1863: 589 View in CoL .

Type species: Bardunia nasuta Stål, 1863 by monotypy.

Prosonoma MELICHAR, 1906: 235 . Synonymised by GNEZDILOV & WILSON, 2007.

Type species: Prosonoma rugifrons Melichar, 1906 by monotypy.

The definition of the genus given by GNEZDILOV (2011) is followed here.

DISTRIBUTION. Widely distributed from Laos and Vietnam to the Greater Sunda (Sumatra, Java), Sulawesi, Maluku, the Philippines and New Guinea ( Fig. 1 View Fig ).



Bardunia angustinaso Gnezdilov, 2011 View in CoL

Bardunia brevinaso Gnezdilov, 2011 View in CoL

Bardunia celebensis Gnezdilov, 2011 View in CoL

Bardunia curvinaso Gnezdilov, 2011 View in CoL

Bardunia duboisi Gnezdilov, 2011 View in CoL

Bardunia nasuta Stål, 1863 View in CoL type species

Bardunia papua Gnezdilov, 2011 View in CoL

Bardunia philippina sp. nov.

Bardunia rugifrons ( Melichar, 1906) View in CoL

Identification key to the species of Bardunia View in CoL (modified from GNEZDILOV, 2011)

1. Proboscis shorter than width of eye in lateral view ( GNEZDILOV, 2011: figs 8, 10) ............... ................................................................................................. B. brevinaso Gnezdilov, 2011 View in CoL

- Proboscis equal or longer than width of eye in lateral view ( GNEZDILOV, 2011: figs 1–7, 11–14).................................................................................................................................... 2

2. Proboscis relatively narrow apically in lateral view ( GNEZDILOV, 2011: figs 7, 18) .............. ............................................................................................. B. angustinaso Gnezdilov, 2011 View in CoL

- Proboscis relatively wide apically in lateral view ( GNEZDILOV, 2011: figs 2, 5, 11, 14–17). ............................................................................................................................................... 3

3. Proboscis in lateral view as long as post- and anteclypeus together ....................................... ................................................................................................ B. celebensis Gnezdilov, 2011 View in CoL

- Proboscis in lateral view shorter than post- and anteclypeus together.................................. 4

4. Vertex nearly square ( GNEZDILOV, 2011: fig. 1)................................................................... 5

- Vertex transverse, 1.5–2.0 times as wide as long ( GNEZDILOV, 2011: figs 3–4, 12) ............ 6


5. Proboscis after clypeal suture shorter than broad in lateral view ( Fig. 2D View Fig ); smaller in size (♀: 6.9 mm); posterior margin of abdominal sternum VII of females broadly emarginate in middle ( Fig. 2 H View Fig ) .................................................................................. B. philippina sp. nov.

- Proboscis after clypeal suture longer than broad in lateral view ( GNEZDILOV, 2011: fig. 2); larger in size (♀: 8.0 mm); posterior margin of abdominal sternum VII of females narrowly notched ( GNEZDILOV, 2011: fig. 32) ...................................................... B. nasuta Stål, 1863

6. Proboscis and clypeus are joint at acute angle in lateral view ( GNEZDILOV, 2011: fig. 15) ... ................................................................................................. B. curvinaso Gnezdilov, 2011 View in CoL

- Proboscis and clypeus are joint at obtuse angle in lateral view ( GNEZDILOV, 2011: fig. 17). ............................................................................................................................................... 7

7. Phallobase narrow in lateral view, without process on its dorsal surface ( GNEZDILOV, 2011: fig. 66) ......................................................................................... B. duboisi Gnezdilov, 2011 View in CoL

- Phallobase wide in lateral view, with long process on its dorsal surface ( GNEZDILOV, 2011: figs 20, 34)............................................................................................................................. 8

8. Hind tibia with 2–3 lateral spines. Phallobase with long horn-shaped subapical process and with pair of narrow lobes below ventral hooks on each side ( GNEZDILOV, 2011: fig. 20, lb). Dorsal surface of the phallobase with wide (in lateral view) chamber-shaped process. Apex of male anal tube without processes ( GNEZDILOV, 2011: fig. 24)........................................... ................................................................................................. B. rugifrons ( Melichar, 1906) View in CoL

- Hind tibia with single lateral spine. Phallobase with short horn-shaped subapical process and without lobes below ventral hooks on each side ( GNEZDILOV, 2011: fig. 34). Dorsal surface of the phallobase with narrow (in lateral view) chamber-shaped process. Apex of male anal tube with pair of weakly sclerotized processes ( GNEZDILOV, 2011: fig. 38).......... ....................................................................................................... B. papua Gnezdilov, 2011 View in CoL

Bardunia philippina sp. nov.

Figs 1–3 View Fig View Fig View Fig

ETYMOLOGY. The species epithet refers to the distribution of the species, the Philippines.

TYPE MATERIAL. PHILIPPINES: Holotype ♂ (dissected, left posterior wing mounted): [Coll. I. R. Sc.N.B., Philippines, Mindanao, Zamboanga del N, Gutalac, 7°58’57”N 122°24’17”E, iii.2016, local collector, I.G.: 32.907] ( RBINS). GoogleMaps

Paratype: 1 ♀: [Coll. I. R. Sc.N.B., Philippines, Mindanao, Bukidnon, Panamokan , ix.2014, purchased from I. Lumawig, I.G.: 32.907] ( RBINS) .

DIAGNOSIS. The species can be separated from all other Bardunia species by the following combination of characters: (1) proboscis rather long, but shorter than post- and anteclypeus combined; (2) vertex about as long as broad; (3) proboscis after clypeal suture shorter than broad in lateral view; (4) abdominal sternum VII of females broadly emarginate in middle posteriorly.

The most closely related species is Bardunia nasuta , which can be separated by characters (3) and (4) (see also identification key).




Measurements and ratios: LT: ♂ (n = 1): 5.9 mm; ♀ (n = 1): 6.8 mm. LTg/BTg = 3.0; LV/BV = 1.2; LF/BF = 1.75.

Head: ( Fig. 2 A–D, F–G View Fig ) vertex subquadrate, yellowish with margins carinate; in dorsal view, anterior margin convex, posterior one concave and lateral ones subparallel; disc concave with narrow median groove. Genae yellowish, variegated with brown and black. Frons elongate and protruding anteroventrally into a proboscis; yellowish turning to brown laterally and ventrally; sides subparallel; lateral carinae roundly merging ventrally; convex with a shiny black globose bulge apically. Angle between proboscis and clypeus nearly right in lateral view. Clypeus black-brown, roundly elevated medially and with basilateral markings yellowish. Scape short, ring-shaped; pedicel bulbous, dark brown. Labium brown with sides of penultimate segment pale yellowish; last segment longer than broad, and shorter than penultimate.

Thorax: ( Fig. 2 A–B, D, F–G View Fig ) yellowish variegated with brown. Pronotum short with disc concave, obsolete median groove and with posterior margin slightly notched in middle. Mesonotum short, concave in middle, slightly coriaceous with obsolete median carina and obsolete oblique peridiscal carinae. Tegulae yellowish brown.

Tegmina: ( Fig. 2 A–B, D View Fig ) elongate, subcoriaceous; yellowish with base and irregular markings in cells brown; veins reddish brown; lateral margin bisinuate in dorsal view.

Hind wings: ( Fig. 2 E View Fig ) brown with base paler and veins darker, bilobed, slightly shorter than tegmina. Venation reticulate with main longitudinal veins distinct basally (C, ScP+R, MP, CuA), anal area reduced.

Legs: ( Fig. 2 A, C View Fig ) elongate and slender. Profemora variegated brown and yellowish, darker ventrally, laminate along posterior margin, with lamina stopped before apex and marked with a distal black marking dorsally. Mesofemora variegated brown and yellowish, slightly flattened dorsoventrally and with a small subapical tooth on posterior margin. Pro- and mesotibiae variegated brown and yellowish, black distally and with a median elongate white marking, slightly laminate along external margin, with lamina broadening from base towards apex. Pro- and mesotarsi black. Metafemora yellowish with ventral face variegated with brown. Metatibiae yellowish, brown at base and apex, with two lateral spines on distal half and 9 apical spines. Metatarsi mostly yellowish dorsally and brown ventrally, basal segment elongate with a strong spine at each side and a row of 6 smaller spines in between ventrally along posterior margin; second segment with a strong tooth at each side along posterior margin. Metatibiotarsal formula: (2) 9/8/2.

Abdomen: ( Fig. 2 H View Fig ) yellowish variegated with brown.

Genitalia ♂: pygofer higher than broad and with posterior margin abruptly narrowing on dorsal 1/ 4 in lateral view ( Fig. 3 A View Fig ); posterior margin deeply emarginate in dorsal view ( Fig. 3 B View Fig ). Anal tube elongate, about 1.5 times longer in median line than broad, weakly narrowing basally and apically in dorsal view ( Fig. 3 B View Fig ). Apex of anal tube truncate, turned down ( Fig. 3 B View Fig ); in posterior view, a central lobe projecting ventrally and two smaller, ear-shaped, less sclerotized lobes laterally ( Fig. 3 A, B, D View Fig ). Anal column short ( Fig. 3 B View Fig ). Gonostyli with a neck sinuate in lateral view and with strongly concaved hind margin ( Fig. 3 A, D View Fig ). Capitulum of gonostyli narrowing apically in shape of curved lamina, lateral tooth wide ( Fig. 3 A, D View Fig ). Phallobase moderately wide ( Fig. 3 E, G View Fig ). Each dorsolateral phallobase lobe with one wide semicircular and one horn-shaped subapical processes ( Fig. 3 C View Fig ). Dorsolateral phallobase lobes fused dorsally ( Fig. 3 G View Fig ). Dorsal surface of phallobase with long chamber-shaped process medially ( Fig. 3 C, G View Fig ). Ventral phallobase lobe elongate, roundly truncate apically


9 ( Fig. 3 E–F View Fig ). Apical aedeagal processes elongate, curved, weakly enlarged subapically ( Fig. 3 C, E, G View Fig ). Aedeagus with pair of short narrowing to acute apices ventral hooks sinuate in lateral view ( Fig. 3 C View Fig ).

Terminalia ♀ ( Fig. 2 H View Fig ): sternum VII with posterior margin deeply emarginate in middle over a central lamina. Anal tube broad and truncate apically.

BIOLOGY. Unknown.


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences












Bardunia Stål, 1863

Constant, Jérôme & Bourgoin 2011

Prosonoma MELICHAR, 1906: 235

MELICHAR L. 1906: 235

Bardunia STÅL, 1863: 589

STAL C. 1863: 589
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