Polydictya javanensis Schmidt, 1910

Constant, Jérôme, 2024, Polydictya lanternflies of Java: New species, taxonomy and identification key (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Fulgoridae), Belgian Journal of Entomology 147, pp. 1-26 : 13-17

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12639118

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scientific name

Polydictya javanensis Schmidt, 1910

stat. nov.

Polydictya javanensis Schmidt, 1910 View in CoL stat. rev.

Figs 5-7 View Fig View Fig View Fig

Polydictya javanensis SCHMIDT, 1910: 311 View in CoL (description). — SCHMIDT, 1912: 62 (in comparative note between Polydictya View in CoL , Holodictya Gerstaecker, 1895 View in CoL and Coelodictya Jacobi, 1910 View in CoL ). — METCALF, 1947: 86 (catalogued). — LALLEMAND, 1963: 17 (keyed). — NAGAI & PORION, 1996: 14 (junior synonym of P. robusta Gerstaecker, 1895 View in CoL ), pl. 2 fig. 25 (syntype of P. javanensis View in CoL illustrated under the name P. robusta View in CoL ).


The species was synonymized under P. robusta by NAGAI & PORION (1996), a species originally described from Sumatra ( GERSTAECKER, 1895) but without further explanation. The examination of the type specimens and male terminalia leave no doubt that they represent two distinct species, hence P. javanensis is here reinstated as a valid species name.


The closest species are P. robusta and P. sumatrana Schmidt, 1910 from Sumatra. However, P. javanensis can be separated

1. from P. sumatrana (see illustration in NAGAI & PORION, 1996: fig. 23) by its green-brown abdomen (bright red in P. sumatrana ).

2. from P. robusta by its pronotum yellow in posterior portion (entirely brown in P. robusta ), yellow-brown head (olivaceous in P. robusta ) and the characters of the male terminalia, including the more or less straight laterodorsal lamina of the endosomal process (ep – Fig. 7 E View Fig ; sinuate in P. robusta – Fig. 13 E View Fig ).


LECTOTYPE (here designated to provide a reference standard for this species)

INDONESIA • ♂ ( Fig. 5A View Fig ); Western Java, Sukabumi ; [6°55′05″S, 106°55′53″E]; 1893; 2000’; H. Fruhstorfer leg.; “ Java occident., Sukabumi, 2000’, 1893, H. Fruhstorfer ”, “ * javanensis Schmidt ”, “ Polydictya javanensis Schmidt ♂ Edm. Schmidt determ. 1909.”, “Type”, “Mus. Zool. Polonicum, Warszawa, 12/45”, “Mus Zool. Polonicum Warszawa Typus n. 1222 Polydictya javanensis Schmidt, 1910 Syntypus ”; ZMPA GoogleMaps .


INDONESIA • ♀ ( Fig. 5 C View Fig ); Western Java, Pengalengan ; [7°11’12”S, 107°34’16”E]; 1893; 4000’; H. Fruhstorfer leg.;“ Java occident., Pengalengan, 4000’, 1893, H. Fruhstorfer ”, “ Polydictya javanensis Schmidt ♀ Edm. Schmidt determ. 1909.”, “Type”, “Mus. Zool. Polonicum, Warszawa, 12/45”, “Mus Zool. Polonicum Warszawa Typus n. 1223 Polydictya javanensis Schmidt, 1910 Syntypus ”; ZMPA GoogleMaps .


INDONESIA, JAVA • 1 ♂; Java, Mount Gumitir ; [8°16’18.8”S, 113°56’10.2”E]; Jan. 1998; coll. Thierry Porion; MHNL GoogleMaps 1 ♀; Java, Ujung Kulon, Peucang ; [6°44’19”S, 105°15’24”E]; Aug. 1980; local collector leg.; RBINS GoogleMaps 1 ♀; Java, Buitenzorg [=Bogor]; [6°35’53”S, 106°47’50”E]; H. Deyrolle leg.; 1876; OUMNH GoogleMaps 1 ♂; Java, Mount Raung ; [8°07’33.8”S, 114°02’45.5”E]; Dec. 2013; local collector leg.; RBINS GoogleMaps . — BALI • 1 ♂; Bali ; May 2005; S. Jakl leg.; I.G.: 31.970; RBINS 1 ♂; Bali ; [8°18’S, 114°40”E]; Jan. 2005; local collector leg.; RBINS 1 ♀; Bali ; Jun. 2003; local collector leg.; coll. Geert Goemans; RBINS 1 ♀; Bali ; Feb. 2016; local collector leg.; RBINS .


Specimens of this species were also examined by E. Bhaskara (pers. com., 18 Jan. 2024) from Mt. Halimun, West Java ( Fig. 7 F View Fig – coordinates: 6°42′37″S, 106°27′05″E) and Tabanan , Bali ( Fig. 7 G View Fig – 8 View Fig °32’22”S, 115°07’18”E) GoogleMaps .

Another record is available from iNaturalist platform, from Denpassar , Bali (https://www. inaturalist.org/observations/33992283 – 8°30’09.0”S, 115°20’00.6”E), 27 Sept. 2019, user: Chung Ho GoogleMaps .


Male terminalia ( Fig. 7 View Fig )

Pygofer (Py – Fig. 7 View Fig A-B) strongly higher than long (without lateral lobe), with posterior margin showing a broad, elongate, laminate lateral lobe (llp) in dorsal half, strongly incurved and with dorsal margin slightly twisted, directed dorso-posteromesad, posterior margin of process rounded; anterior margin of pygofer concave in lateral view ( Fig. 7A View Fig ). Anal tube (An – Fig. 7 View Fig A-C) in dorsal view elongate, 1.43 times longer than broad, with lateral margins moderately diverging from base towards apex, then abruptly widening in distal portion and broadest at 2/3 of total length ( Fig. 7 B View Fig ); in lateral view, strongly curved ventrally and slightly sinuate, directed posteroventrad, in distal portion (area of anal opening) ( Fig. 7A View Fig ); apical margin slightly concave in posterior view ( Fig. 7 C View Fig ). Gonostyli in lateral view ( Fig. 7A View Fig ) elongate, about 1.79 times as long as high with posterior half broader; strong lateral hook (lhg) directed posteroventrad at about half-length, under dorsal margin; apical margin obliquely rounded with dorsal and ventral angles rounded; dorsal margin slightly sinuate and ventral margin sinuate; basal hump (bhg) weakly marked. Aedeagus ( Fig. 7 View Fig D-E) with endosomal processes (ep) elongate with apex curved mesad and slightly twisted, and apical margin sinuate; dorsolateral lamina on distal 2/3, widening towards apex and with lateral margin rather weakly, evenly curved and irregularly dentate, the teeth more acute in basal portion; lamina more or less straight in lateral view.


Indonesia: Java and Bali Islands ( Fig. 4 View Fig ) .


Musee Guimet d'Histoire Naturelle de Lyon


Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences














Polydictya javanensis Schmidt, 1910

Constant, Jérôme 2024

Polydictya javanensis SCHMIDT, 1910: 311

NAGAI S. & PORION T. 1996: 14
LALLEMAND V. 1963: 17
METCALF Z. P. 1947: 86
SCHMIDT E. 1912: 62
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