Limonium compactum Erben & Brullo, 2016

Brullo, Salvatore & Erben, Matthias, 2016, The genus Limonium (Plumbaginaceae) in Greece, Phytotaxa 240 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.240.1.1

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scientific name

Limonium compactum Erben & Brullo

sp. nov.

7. Limonium compactum Erben & Brullo View in CoL , sp. nov. ( Fig. 7 View FIGURE 7 )

Type :— GREECE. Sporades: Skyros. Aghnos Bay (Achilli), 29 August 2008, Brullo & Giusso s.n. (holotype MSB-165817!, isotypes CAT!, Herb. Erben!) .

Diagnosis: — Planta perennis, glabra, viridis, 15–45 cm alta, foliis 2.5–13 × 0.8–5.2 cm, late oblongo-obovatis ad oblongo-ellipticis, aristatis, punctatis, plerumque 1-nerviis, solo foliis majoribus obscure pinnatis, caulibus solitariis vel paucis, laevibus, ramis sterilibus absentibus vel paucissimis, spicis 3–30 mm longis, spiculis 3.6–5.0 mm longis, 1-floris, densissimis ad 7–12 in 1 centimetro dispositis, bractea inferiore 1.2–2.0 × 1.3–1.6 mm, triangulari-ovata, bractea media 1.8–2.1 × 1.1–1.8 mm, bractea superiore 2.8–3.7 (–3.9) × 2.7–3.4 mm, late elliptica ad late obovata, apice rotundata, calyce obconico, 3.3–4.5 mm longo, ex bractea superiore 1–2 mm exserto, tubo basi longissime piloso, lobis calycis ca. 0.3–0.6 × 0.8–1.4 mm, triangularibus, alternis cum lobis parvis.

Description: —Plant perennial, glabrous, forming a sub-shrub 15–45 cm tall, with one or few erect stems and a robust tap-root. Caudices 0.5–5cm long, branched, leaves in rosettes at apices. Leaves fleshy, grey-green, normally flat, 2.5–13 cm long and 0.8–5.2 cm broad, more or less broad oblong-obovate to oblong-elliptic, apex obtuse to rounded, awned, on both sides dotted, normally with one central nerve, only large leaves with by way of suggestion pinnately branching lateral nerves, gradually tapering into the petiole. Stems 10–45 cm long, nearly straight, smooth, branching begins mostly above the lower third of the stems. Inflorescence obtrullate in outline. Sterile branches absent or very few, 0.5–3 cm long. Fertile branches 2–14 cm long, slightly curved, directed obliquely upwards to spreading, forming branching angles of 45°– 60°, loosely branched. Spikes short, 3–30 mm long, slightly curved. Spikelets 3.6–5.0 mm long, composed of 1 flower, very densely arranged with 7–12 per cm. Outer bract 1.2–2.0 mm long and 1.3–1.6 mm broad, triangular-ovate, acute; bract margin widely membranous; central part acuminate, slightly fleshy, often only the base and the tip. Middle bract white-membranous, 1.8–2.1 mm long and 1.1–1.8 mm broad, oblong-ovate, asymmetrically emarginate. Inner bract 2.8–3.7(–3.8) mm long and 2.7–3.4 mm broad, broadly elliptical to broadly obovate, apex round, premorse, emarginate; bract margin very broadly

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BRULLO & ERBEN white membranous; central part fleshy, 2.1–3.3 mm long and 1.2–1.9 mm broad, oblong, on the upper end truncate, premorse. Calyx obconical, 3.3–4.5 mm long, exceeding the inner bract by 1–2 mm; calyx tube mostly unilaterally


Phytotaxa 240 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press • 33 and on the base densely very long hairy; with 5 ribs ending at the base of lobes; calyx lobes plicate, 0.3–0.6 × 0.8–1.4 mm, triangular, alternate with small lobes. Corolla blue-violet.

Distribution: —It occurs along the Aegean coast of Attica, the south-eastern coast of Peloponnese, and on the islands of Euboea, Lesbos and Skyros ( Fig. 91C View FIGURE 91 ).

Habitat: —Rocky coast and salt marsh.

Etymology: —The epithet “ compactum ” refers to the densely arranged spikelets typical of this species.

Taxonomic remarks: — L. compactum is rather similar to L. hirsuticalyx , but it differs from the latter by having densely arranged, 1-flowered spikelets, from L. pagasaeum by having first of all shorter spikelets and inner bracts.

Specimens examined (Paratypes): GREECE. Attica: Attica, Voula (Atene), 26 August 2002, Brullo & Sciandrello s.n. (CAT, Herb. Erben).— Euboea : Ins. Euboea, 1833, Beck s.n. (M); Insula Euboea meridionalis, in Petalium insula Prasanisi , 21 June 1958, K.H. Rechinger 18832 (M); Euvoia , Mantoudi , Kria Vrisi , Kastro , limestone coastal cliff with small terraces coverd by rubble, 15 m, 19 June 1999, Mucina LM 6689/71 (Herb. Erben); Euvoia, Mantoudi, Komasi Beach, limestone coastal cliffs, zone of salt-spray influence, 8 m, 25 June 1999, Mucina LM 6747/71 (Herb. Erben).— Sporades: See type .— Peloponnese: Viglafia, Neapoli , pantani salmastri (Peloponneso), 3 September 2002, Brullo & Sciandrello s.n. (CAT, Herb. Erben).— Eastern Aegean Islands: Lesbos, salt marsh and ruderal, 9 September 1992, Hansen & Nielsen 8004 (C); Lesbos , sandy and stony beach just SW of Molivos town, 19 November 1993, Hansen & Nielsen 8940 (C); Lesbos , the delta of Kalami river between the bridges, salt marsh, 24 November 1993, Hansen & Nielsen 9152 (C); Lesbos , Mitilini Castle and SE part of Peninsula , coastal rocks, 0–2 m, 3 August 1994, Nielsen & Kovgaard 9257 (B, C); Lesbos, in the harbour village of Perame by Kolpos geri, ruderal intermixed with remnants of salt marsh, 13 October 1994, Nielsen s.n. (C); Lesbos, Skala Kalloni, dry salt marsh, 18 October 1994, Nielsen 9914 (B, C); Lesbos, Scala Lutra Beach by the harbour, 21 October 1994, Nielsen 10038 (B, C); Lesbos, Skala Mistagnon, upper beach by the harbour, 23 October 1994, Nielsen 10046 (C); Lesbos, Sigri, Felsen am Strand bei Kastro, 0–15 m, Felsspalten, 16 April 2000, Kalheber 00–540, 00–541, 00–542 (Herb. Kalheber); Lesbos, loc. Sigri (Castrello), su vulcaniti, 29 June 2003, Brullo & Giusso s.n. (CAT, Herb. Erben) .

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