Limonium thirae Erben & Brullo, 2016

Brullo, Salvatore & Erben, Matthias, 2016, The genus Limonium (Plumbaginaceae) in Greece, Phytotaxa 240 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.240.1.1

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scientific name

Limonium thirae Erben & Brullo

sp. nov.

64. Limonium thirae Erben & Brullo View in CoL , sp. nov. ( Fig. 64 View FIGURE 64 )

Type:— GREECE. Cyclades: Santorini, Akro Koulombo (litorale roccioso), 11 June 2000, Brullo & Giusso s.n. (holotype MSB-164024!, isotypes CAT!, FI!, Herb. Erben!) .

Diagnosis: — Planta perennis, glabra, glauca, 20–40 cm alta, foliis 35–70 × 5–10 mm, spathulatis ad oblanceolato-spathulatis, retusis, tuberculatis, 1-nerviis, caulibus nonnullis, tuberculatis, ramis sterilibus numerosis, spicis 2–11 cm longis, spiculis 8.0– 9.5 mm longis, 1–3-floris, ad 1–4 in 1 centimetro dispositis, bractea inferiore 2.3–3.0 × 2.1–2.6 mm, triangulari-ovata, apice obtusa, bractea media 2.9–3.3 × 1.9–2.7 mm, oblonga ad elliptica, bractea superiore 7.3–8.2 × 3.7–4.1 mm, obovata ad oblongo-elliptica, apice rotundata, margine late membranaceo, calyce 5.5–6.5 mm longo, ex bractea superiore 0.8–1.2 mm exserto, tubo glabro vel unilateraliter sparsim piloso, lobis calycis ca. 0.7 × 1.0 mm, semi-ellipticis.

Description: —Plant perennial, glabrous, forming a sub-shrub 20–40 cm tall, with some ascending to erect stems and a robust tap-root. Caudices 10–80 mm long, branched, densely spirally leafy in the upper two thirds. Leaves coriaceous, glaucous, rigid, tuberculate with many crateriform glands, 35–70 mm long and 5–10 mm broad, spathulate to oblanceolate-spathulate, apex obtuse to rounded, retuse, flat, with one central nerve, gradually tapering into the petiole. Stems 10–35 cm long, tuberculate with many crateriform glands, glaucous, flexuous, constricted and fragile at nodes, branching begins near the base, very branched; often several times proliferating in axils. Inflorescence obtrullate in outline. Sterile branches numerous, 1–6 cm long, simple to branched, often with additional 1–2 short branches at the nodes of the stems. Fertile branches numerous, 2–12 cm long, tuberculate with many crateriform glands, constricted at nodes, curved to flexuous, directed obliquely upwards to spreading, forming branching angles of 35°–50°, branched. Spikes 2–11 cm long, slightly curved, inserted erect to obliquely; axis of spike with many crateriform glands. Spikelets 8.0– 9.5 mm long, composed of 1–3 flowers, more or less remotely arranged with 1–4 per cm. Outer bract 2.3–3.0 mm long and 2.1–2.6 mm broad, triangular-ovate, obtuse; bract margin broadly membranous; central part slightly fleshy, often only at base, acuminate. Middle bract membranous, 2.9–3.3 mm long and 1.9–2.7 mm broad, oblong to elliptic, rounded. Inner bract 7.3–8.2 mm long and 3.7–4.1 mm broad, obovate to oblong-elliptic, rounded; bract margin broadly membranous; central part slightly fleshy, glaucous, 4.5–6.0 mm long and 2.5–3.2 mm broad, oblong, verrucate, sometimes tuberculate with crateriform glands, acuminate, forming a narrowly triangular tip, 1.0– 1.8 mm long, not reaching the upper margin. Calyx 5.5–6.5 mm long, exceeding the inner bract by 0.8–1.2 mm; calyx tube glabrous or with some short hairs on one side, with 5 ribs ending above the base of lobes; calyx lobes ca. 0.7 × 1.0 mm, semi-elliptical. Corolla lilac.

Distribution: —Restricted to Thira and surrounding islets ( Fig. 90G View FIGURE 90 ).

Habitat: —Volcanic rocky coast.

Etymology: —The epithet “ thirae ” refers to Thira, the old name of Santorini Island.

Taxonomic remarks: — L. thirae has a habit very similar to L. stenotatum , but it differs from L. stenotatum by having flatter, broader, obtuse to rounded leaves, and shorter calyces.

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Specimens examined (Paratypes): — GREECE. Cyclades: Santorin-Archipels, Palea Kaimeni, Inselmitte , Pistacia-lentiscus -Gebüsch mit therophytenreichen Lichtungen , Lava-Rohboden , 40–100 m, 3 May 1984, Raus 9454 (B); Santorin-Archipels, Kleininsel vor der Ostspitze von Palea Kaimeni, sublitorale Felsflur, 2–5 m, 25 September 1986, Raus 11950 (B); Santorin-Archipels, Palea Kaimeni, Südostteil der Insel, sublitorales Halophytengebüsch über Lavagestein , 2–20 m, 25 September 1986, Raus 11956 (B); Santorin-Archipels, Thira (Santorini): Berg Archangelos südwestlich Akrotiri, offene Kleinstrauchvegetation mit vorherrschender Thymelaea hirsuta auf weissem vulkanischen Lockergestein, 120 m, 1 October 1988, Raus 13445 (B); Santorini, rupi scistose (Athinios), 23 August 1994, Brullo & Scelsi s.n. (CAT, Herb. Erben); Santorin-Archipels, Thirasia, Nordspitze (Kap Omos, Kap Riva), verlassenes Kulturland, küstennahe Kleinstrauchgarigues, Kiesstrand, 2–30 m, 29 September 1986, Raus 12012 (B) .

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