Paramblynotus zairensis, Liu, Zhiwei, Ronquist, Fredrik & Nordlander, Göran, 2007

Liu, Zhiwei, Ronquist, Fredrik & Nordlander, Göran, 2007, The Cynipoid Genus Paramblynotus: Revision, Phylogeny, And Historical Biogeography (Hymenoptera: Liopteridae), Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2007 (304), pp. 1-151 : 61-62

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Tatiana (2021-08-29 14:36:46, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-05 15:25:07)

scientific name

Paramblynotus zairensis

sp. nov.

Paramblynotus zairensis , new species

FEMALE: Length 2.5 mm. Body entirely dark brown, except legs yellow to yellow brown. Wings clear.

Antenna 13-segmented; flagellum thicker apically; median flagellomeres constricted both proximally and apically. Vertex entirely longitudinally carinate. Eye laterally distinctly extended beyond outer margin of gena. Ocellar plate raised and defined laterally by a carina; lateral carina of ocellar plate meeting median frontal carina above antennal sockets and lined by a row of irregular foveae along interior side; ocellar plate glabrate anteriorly except for the foveae along lateral carinae and longtitudinally carinate posteriorly. Upper face, including antennal scrobes, glarous; antennal scrobe laterally defined by lateral carina. Median frontal carina present weakly from between antennal sockets to upper third of lower face. Lower face foveate-reticulate with pubescence. Anterior tentorial pits distinct. Clypeo-pleurostomal sulcus and epistomal sulcus almost form an arch. Clypeus foveate. Gena areolate-rugose. Occiput glabrous.

Anterior flange of pronotum glabrous. Anterior plate of pronotum mostly glabrous except densely punctate with pubescence posteriorly. Pronotum dorsomedially not distinctly raised; pronotal crest medially not raised into a process. Lateral pronotal carina distinct, meeting pronotal crest dorsomedially. Lateral surface of pronotum foveatereticulate. Dorsal pronotal area transversely costate; almost complete to end of posterior margin of pronotum. Mesoscutum foveatereticulate with indistinct transverse costae posteriorly. Mesoscutum dorsally distinctly arched, areolate-reticulate with indistinct transverse costae. Scutellar sulcus divided by a single median longitudinal carina. Dorsal surface of mesoscutellum areolatereticulate; sloping posteriorly; posterior margin rounded in dorsal view. Mesopleural triangle ventrally well defined by smoothly curved carina and with white pubescence. Upper mesopleuron, including speculum, glabrous; median longitudinal impression present with transverse carinae posteriorly and reduced anteriorly. Metepisternum foveate-reticulate and nude above, with a small elevated glabrous area medially, and pubescent ventrally. Propodeum areolate-reticulate; lateral propodeal carina percurrent and distinctly curved medially; median propodeal area areolate-reticulate with a percurrent median longitudinal carina. Rs+M of forewing nebulous, arising from middle of basal vein. Marginal cell 3.0 times as long as wide. Bulla on Sc+R 1 weakly present.

Abdominal petiole 0.8 times as long as wide in lateral view. Relative length of T3–7: 1.5:1.0:1.0:3.5:1.0; T3–6 glabrous; T7 sparsely punctate with a few setigerous punctures. T8 completely covered by T7. Front and middle legs sparsely punctate with pubescence; hindleg rather densely punctate with pubescence except metacoxa sparsely punctate with pubescence. Metatibia apically with four small, thin, apically pointed teeth. 1mt/ 2–5mt 5 0.60.

MALE: Unknown.

Paramblynotus zairensis is similar to P. carinatus and P. kekenboschi in vertex with longitudinal carination as the dominant sculpture. P. zairensis and P. kekenboschi are further separated from P. carinatus by (1) median frontal carina extended only to upper third of lower face and (2) ocellar plate laterally defined by simple carinae. P. zairensis is distinquished from P. kekenboschi by (1) lateral propodeal carinae nearly parallel and (2) nucha dorsally glabrate.

TYPE MATERIAL: HOLOTYPE: ♀, Zaire, P.N.A, Massif Ruwenzori Kalonge (2,210 m), 1952-VIII-26–28, P. Vanschuytbroeck and J. Kekenbosch coll. ( NHM).

ADDITIONAL MATERIAL: 1♀, Zaire, P.N.U., R. Kenia (affl. dr. Lusinga, 1,585 m), 1947-XII-19, G.F. de Witte coll. ( NHM).


ETYMOLOGY: The species is named after the type locality.


University of Nottingham