Chorebus (Phaenolexis) leptogaster ( Haliday, 1839 )

Gadallah, Neveen S., Ghahari, Hassan, Peris-Felipo, Francisco Javier & Fischer, Maximilian, 2015, An annotated catalogue of the Iranian Alysiinae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), Zootaxa 3974 (1), pp. 1-28 : 14

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scientific name

Chorebus (Phaenolexis) leptogaster ( Haliday, 1839 )


Chorebus (Phaenolexis) leptogaster ( Haliday, 1839) View in CoL

Distribution in Iran. Golestan (Ghahari et al. 2011a; Khajeh et al. 2014), East of Iran (no locality cited) (Yari et al. 2014).

Distribution outside Iran. Afghanistan and Azerbaijan (Tobias et al. 1998; Yu et al. 2012), Armenia and Turkey (Tobias et al. 1998), Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Kazakhstan, Poland, Romania, Sweden, Switzerland and former Yugoslovia ( Yu et al. 2012), Greece ( Papp 2007a; Yu et al. 2012), Hungary ( Papp 2004a; Yu et al. 2012), Israel (Papp 2011–2012; Papp 2011–2012), Korea ( Papp 2007b, 2013; Yu et al. 2012), Macedonia and Montenegro ( Papp 2009b; Yu et al. 2012), Mongolia ( Papp 2005a), Russia ( Papp 2005a; Lelej 2012), Serbia (Žikića et al. 2000; Papp 2009b; Yu et al. 2012), Spain ( Francés and Jiménez 1989a; Docavo et al. 1986, 1992; Yu et al. 2012), United Kingdom ( Nixon 1937 as Dacnusa leptogaster ; Broad et al. 2012; Yu et al. 2012), Ukraine ( Perepechayenko 2008; Yu et al. 2012).

Host records. Chromatomyia syngenesiae Hardy, 1849 , Napomyza lateralis (Fallen, 1823) , Ophiomyia beckeri (Hendel, 1923) , O. cunctata (Hendel, 1920) , O. pinguis (Fallen, 1820) , O. pulicaria (Meigen, 1830) , and Phytomyza continua Hendel, 1920 ( Diptera : Agromyzidae ) ( Griffiths 1967; Yu et al. 2012). In Russia, it has been recorded from Ophiomyza sp. ( Diptera : Agromyzidae ) ( Lelej 2012).

Broad, G. R., Shaw, M. R. & Godfray, H. C. J. (2012) Checklist of British and Irish Braconidae (Hymenoptera). Available from: http: // www. nhm. ac. uk / resources-rx / files / braconidae-checklist-for-web- 34139. pdf (accessed 17 September 2014)

Docavo, I., Saiz, J. & Tormos, J. (1986) Aportaciones al conocimiento de los Dacnusini de Espana (I) (Hym.: Braconidae, Alysiinae). Boletin Asociacion Espanola de Entomologia, 10, 107 - 112.

Docavo, I., Thormos, J., Asis, J. D. & Gayubo, S. F. (1992) Dacnusini (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Alysiinae) en la provincial (Espana). Miscellaneous Zoology, 16, 105 - 111.

Frances, V. L. & Jimenez, R. (1989 a) Dacnusini (Hym., Braconidae, Alysiinae), parasites de Dipteros Minadores (Diptera, Agromyzidae). Miscellaneous Zoology, 13, 97 - 104.

Griffiths, G. C. D. (1967) The Alysiinae (Hymenoptera, Braconidae) parasites of the Agromyzidae (Diptera). III. The parasites of Phytagromyza Enderlein, Phytagomyza Hendel and Phytomyza Fallen. Beitrage Entomologie, 16, 775 - 951.

Haliday, A. H. (1839) Hymenoptera Britanica: Alysia. Balleire, London, 28 pp.

Lelej, A. (2012) Annotated catalogue of the insects of Russia Far East, Volume I. Hymenoptera. Dalnauka, Vladivostok, 635 pp.

Nixon, G. E. J. (1937) The British species of Dacnusa (Hym., fam. Braconidae). Transactions of the Society for British Entomology, 4, 1 - 88.

Papp, J. (2004 a) A Bkony-hegyseg gyilkosfurkesz faunajanak alapvetese (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). V. Agathidinae, Alysiinae. Folia Musei Historico-Naturalis Bakonyiensis, 21, 111 - 154.

Papp, J. (2005 a) Braconidae (Hymenoptera) from Mongolia XVI. Subfamilies Gnamptodontinae, Brachitinae, Euphorinae, Alysiinae. Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 51 (3), 221 - 251.

Papp, J. (2007 a) Braconidae (Hymenoptera) from Greece, 6. Notes fauniques de Gembloux, 60 (3), 99 - 127.

Papp, J. (2007 b) Braconidae (Hymenoptera) from Korea XXII. Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 51 (3), 221 - 251.

Papp, J. (2009 b) Contribution to the braconid fauna of the former Yugoslavia, V. Ten subfamilies (Hymenoptera, Braconidae). Entomofauna, 30 (1), 1 - 36.

Papp, J. (2013) Dacnusines from Korea. New and known species (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Alysiinae: Dacnusini). Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum, 59 (3), 229 - 265.

Perepechayenko, V. L. (2008) An annotated list of the braconid wasps of the tribe Dacnusini (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Alysiinae) of Ukraine. II. Genera with haired eyes and genera with 4 - toothed mandibles. Caucasian Entomological Bulletin, 4 (3), 303 - 380.

Yu D. S., Achterberg, C. van & Horstman, K. (2012) Taxapad 2012, Ichneumonoidea 2011. Database on flash-drive. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.













