Chorebus (Stiphrocera) venustus ( Tobias, 1962 )

Gadallah, Neveen S., Ghahari, Hassan, Peris-Felipo, Francisco Javier & Fischer, Maximilian, 2015, An annotated catalogue of the Iranian Alysiinae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), Zootaxa 3974 (1), pp. 1-28 : 18

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Plazi (2016-04-21 04:51:48, last updated 2024-11-26 00:11:01)

scientific name

Chorebus (Stiphrocera) venustus ( Tobias, 1962 )


Chorebus (Stiphrocera) venustus ( Tobias, 1962) View in CoL

Distribution in Iran. Isfahan (Ghahari et al. 2011c; Khajeh et al. 2014).

Distribution outside Iran. Azerbaijan ( Shenefelt 1974, Tobias 1986a, b; Papp 2009c; Yu et al. 2012), Croatia ( Papp 2009b; Yu et al. 2012), Germany and Poland ( Griffiths 1968; Shenefelt 1974, Tobias 1986b; Papp 2004a, 2009c; Yu et al. 2012), Greece ( Papp 2007a; Yu et al. 2012), Hungary ( Papp 2004a, 2009c; Yu et al. 2012), Russia ( Tobias 1962, 1986b; Belokobylskij and Tobias 1997; Papp 2009c; Lelej 2012; Yu et al. 2012), Ukraine ( Papp 2009c; Perechayenko 2008; Yu et al. 2012).

Host records. Liriomyza soror Hendel, 1931 on Cercium acaule (L.) in Germany, L. sonchi Hendel, 1931 on Sonchus arvensis L. in Poland, Liriomyza sp. on Hieracium pilosella L. in Poland and Germany ( Griffiths 1968). In Russia, recorded from L. soror and L. sonchi ( Diptera : Agromyzidae ) ( Lelej 2012).

Belokobylskij, S. A. & Tobias, V. I. (1997) On the braconid wasps of the subfamily Alysiinae (Hymenoptera, Braconidae) from Kuril Islands. Far Eastern Entomologist, 47, 1 - 17.

Griffiths, G. C. D. (1968) The Alysiinae (Hym. Braconidae) parasites of the Agromyzidae (Diptera). Beitrage Entomologie, 18, 5 - 62.

Lelej, A. (2012) Annotated catalogue of the insects of Russia Far East, Volume I. Hymenoptera. Dalnauka, Vladivostok, 635 pp.

Papp, J. (2004 a) A Bkony-hegyseg gyilkosfurkesz faunajanak alapvetese (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). V. Agathidinae, Alysiinae. Folia Musei Historico-Naturalis Bakonyiensis, 21, 111 - 154.

Papp, J. (2007 a) Braconidae (Hymenoptera) from Greece, 6. Notes fauniques de Gembloux, 60 (3), 99 - 127.

Papp, J. (2009 c) Nine new Chorebus Haliday species from Central Europe (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Alysiinae: Dacnusini). Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici, 101, 101 - 130.

Papp, J. (2009 b) Contribution to the braconid fauna of the former Yugoslavia, V. Ten subfamilies (Hymenoptera, Braconidae). Entomofauna, 30 (1), 1 - 36.

Perepechayenko, V. L. (2008) An annotated list of the braconid wasps of the tribe Dacnusini (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Alysiinae) of Ukraine. II. Genera with haired eyes and genera with 4 - toothed mandibles. Caucasian Entomological Bulletin, 4 (3), 303 - 380.

Shenefelt, R. D. (1974) Braconidae 7: Alysiinae. Hymenopterorum Catalogus, Nova Edito, Pars II, 937 - 1113.

Tobias, V. I. (1962) Contribution to the fauna of the subfamily Alysiinae (Hymenoptera, Braconidae) of the Leningrad region. Trudy Zoologichesakogo Instituta Leningrad, 31, 81 - 137.

Tobias, V. I. (1986 a) Order Hymenoptera, family Braconidae (2). Key to the insects of the European part of the USSR, III / 5, 1 - 309.

Tobias, V. I. (1986 b) Keys to the insects of the European part of the USSR. Vol. III. Hymenoptera. Part V. Nauka, Leningrad, 231 pp.

Yu D. S., Achterberg, C. van & Horstman, K. (2012) Taxapad 2012, Ichneumonoidea 2011. Database on flash-drive. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.













