Puccinia opulentissima A. A. Carvalho & J.F. Hennen, 2018

De Carvalho-Junior, Anibal A. & Hennen, Joe F., 2018, Puccinia on Ipomoea (Convolvulaceae) in Neotropics, Phytotaxa 344 (2), pp. 133-148 : 143-144

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scientific name

Puccinia opulentissima A. A. Carvalho & J.F. Hennen

sp. nov.

11. Puccinia opulentissima A. A. Carvalho & J.F. Hennen sp. nov. Figure 4 A− C View FIGURE 4 (Holotype)

MycoBank:—MB 819324

Type:― BRAZIL. Minas Gerais: about 10 km NE of Patos de Minas on gravel Road of BR 365 to Pirapora, 25 Apr 1986, on Ipomoea sp. , Joe F. Hennen and Mario B. Figueiredo 86−199 (IBI15941!, PUR90213-II, III).

The new species can be readily distinguished from the other by the presence of urediniospores 20–30 μm, catenulate, verrucose with smooth areas, wall irregular with 3–4 μm thick; teliospores one-layered, narrowed above, 54–65 × 29–34 μm, ellipsoid, rounded above and below, not or slightly constricted at the septum, wall 3–6 μm around the sides, wall at umbo striated with 8–12 μm.

Spermogonia and aecia unknown. Uredinia ( Aecidium type) scattered singly or in small groups on yellowish or brownish spots 1–2 mm across on abaxial side of leaves, sometimes very locally systemic on veins, peridium tubular, whitish, to 1 mm long, peridial cells 26–38 μm diameter, irregularly rhomboidal or polyhedral, wall 1.2–2 μm thick in face view, colorless, outer-facing wall smooth, inner-facing wall verrucose− rugose; urediniospores 20–30 μm diameter, globoid or broadly ellipsoid, wall 3–4 μm thick, verrucose with smooth areas, colorless. Telia scattered singly or in groups, often by or within the old uredinia, sometimes up to 1.0 mm wide on veins, slightly pulverulent, blackish-brown, ruptured epidermis often noticeable; teliospores 54–65 × 29–34 μm, ellipsoid, verucose, chestnut-brown, rounded above and below, not or slightly constricted at the septum, wall variable in thickness, 3–6 μm around the sides, at umbo 8–12 μm striated; pedicel up to 90 μm long, colorless, slightly tinted next to spore. Life cycle (?/?, IIcv, III).

Additional specimens examined ― All on Ipomoea sp. from BRAZIL. Federal District, Brasilia, 5 Sep 1978, Ezechias P. Heringer 1860 ( IBGE-II). Goias: 4 Mar 1981, Ezechias P. Heringer 2020 ( IBGE-II) ; Luziania, 5 May 1982, Ezechias P. Heringer 2240 ( IBGE-II). Minas Gerais: Barbacena, 12 Dec 1921, E. W. D. Holway and Mary M. Holway 1387 ( PURF 2123-II) ; Poços de Caldas , 8 Apr 1922, E. W. D. Holway and Mary M. Holway 1714 ( PURF7128 - II, iii) ; Caldas, ca 15–20 km from Caldas on Road to Andradas , 1 Jun 1988, Joe F. Hennen 88−121 ( IBI16227 View Materials -II, iii) ; Belo Horizonte , 30 Nov 1921, E. W. D. Holway and Mary M. Holway 1349 ( PURF7124 -II). Rio de Janeiro: Nova Friburgo, 1 Jan 1922, E. W. D. Holway and Mary M. Holway 1436 ( PURF21220 -II, III) ; Petrópolis , 18 Oct 1921, E. W. D. Holway and Mary M. Holway 1226 ( PURF7120 -II) ; Raiz da Serra, 6 Nov 1921, E. W. D. Holway and Mary M. Holway 1283 ( PURF7121 -II). São Paulo: Apiaí, 4.1 km from Apiaí on Road to Barra do Chapeu , 24 Mar 1998, Joe F. Hennen and Mary M. Hennen B98−147 , ( IBI18163 View Materials -II) ; Santana do Parnaíba, 6 Oct 1979, Joe F. Hennen and Mary M. Hennen 79−335 ( IBI13807 View Materials -II) ; São Paulo, 20 Jan 1922, E. W. D. Holway and Mary M. Holway 1481 ( PURF7126 -II) ; 9 May 1922, E. W. D. Holway and Mary M. Holway 1830 ( PURF7130 -II). PANAMA. 19 Aug 1923, on Convolvulaceae indet., F. L. Stevens s.n .

Etymology —Comes from more pompous or sumptuous than opulenta.

Notes and taxonomic affinities — Lindquist & Costa-Neto (1963) and Lindquist (1982) placed P. opulenta Speg. as a synonym of P. crassipes because, in the type specimen, the walls of the urediniospores are only 1–1.5(–2) μm thick. We examined the type specimen of P. opulenta and also found that the walls of the urediniospores ( Aecidium sp. ) are only 1–1.5(–2) μm thick as in P. crassipes . Many other specimens have been identified as P. opulenta but have thicker walls with smooth spots. They should be placed in a separate taxon, P. opulentissima , which we name here.

As indicated in “ Additional specimens examined ” above, we examined several specimens collected by Holway on Ipomoea sp. in Brazil as 1226 (II), 1283 (II), 1349 (II), 1387 (II), 1436 (II, III), 1714 (II, iii), 1830 (II) all identified as P. opulenta by Jackson (1931), that certainly belong to P. opulentissima .


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