Nazeris, Fauvel, 1873

Hu, Jia-Yao, Chen, Yan & Li, Li-Zhen, 2013, On the Nazeris fauna of Guangxi, China. II. The species of Daming Shan (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Paederinae), Zootaxa 3734 (1), pp. 86-90 : 89

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.3734.1.10

publication LSID

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scientific name



Key to species of Nazeris View in CoL from Guangxi, China

1 Body reddish brown, less than 5.5 mm .................................................................... 2

– Body dark brown, more than 6.4 mm ...................................................................... 6

2 Postocular portion more than 2.1 times as long as eye length; abdomen with fine microsculpture on all tergites............................................................................................... N. qini Hu & Li, 2012

– Postocular portion of head less than 1.9 times as long as eye length; abdomen lacking microsculpture.................. 3

3 Dorso-lateral apophyses of aedeagus extending to the same level as apex of the median lobe (Hu et al. 2012: 36, Fig. 4 View FIGURES 1–6 ).................................................................................. N. dayaoensis Hu & Li, 2012

– Dorso-lateral apophyses of aedeagus extending much beyond apex of median lobe.................................. 4

4 Median lobe of aedeagus provided with a pair of apicad narrow processes on dorsal side of apex (Hu et al. 2012: 38, Fig. 12 View FIGURES 7–12 )................................................................................... N. luoi Hu & Li, 2012

– Median lobe of aedeagus without processes near apex......................................................... 5

5 Median lobe of aedeagus with nearly truncate apex and with a pair of crescent processes near apical 1/4 (Hu et al. 2012: 39, Fig. 16)............................................................................ N. tani Hu & Li, 2012

– Median lobe of aedeagus with round apex and with a pair of round processes near apical 1/4 ( Fig. 4 View FIGURES 1–6 ). N. damingshanus View in CoL sp. n.

6 Male sternite VII with small semi-circular emargination in middle of posterior margin (Hu et al. 2012: 41, Fig. 26); dorso-lateral apophyses of aedeagus extending slightly beyond apex of median lobe (Hu et al. 2012: 41, Fig. 28)................................................................................................ N. megalobus Hu & Li, 2012

– Male sternite VII without emargination in middle of posterior margin; dorso-lateral.apophyses of aedeagus much shorter than median lobe.......................................................................................... 7

7 Median lobe extremely elongate; dorso-lateral apophysis very slender, not expanded ( Fig. 10 View FIGURES 7–12 ).......... N. longilobus View in CoL sp. n.

– Median lobe not extremely long; dorso-lateral apophysis greatly expanded in apical half (Hu et al. 2012: 42, Fig. 34)....................................................................................... N. grandis Hu & Li, 2012











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