Stathmopoda similignominiosa S. Wang & Guan, 2021

Wang, Shuxia, Guan, Wei & Wang, Ailing, 2021, Genus Stathmopoda Herrich-Schäffer, 1853 (Lepidoptera: Stathmopodidae) from China (III): Descriptions of fourteen new species, Zootaxa 5039 (1), pp. 71-108 : 81

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5039.1.3

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scientific name

Stathmopoda similignominiosa S. Wang & Guan

sp. nov.

Stathmopoda similignominiosa S. Wang & Guan , sp. nov.

( Figs 8 View FIGURES 3‒12 , 33 View FIGURES 33‒38 , 56 View FIGURES 52‒56 )

Type material. CHINA, Hainan: Holotype ♂, Bawangling , 161 m, 7.VI.2015, leg. PX Cong et al., slide No. GW 15147 . Paratypes. Hainan: 1♀, Lizudadian, Shuiman Town, Wuzhishan , 766 m, 5.VII.2015, leg. QY Wang et al., slide No. GW 15148 ; Hong Kong: 1♂, Kadoorie Farm , 210 m, 16.IV.2007, leg. HH Li, slide No. GW 13191; 1♂, Kadoorie Farm, 315–575 m, 26.IX.2009, leg. HH Li, slide No. GW 13189 .

Diagnosis. This species can be distinguished from its congeners by the forewing having only one large dark brown patch, in the male genitalia by the gnathos with a hooked apical spine, and in the female genitalia by the antrum with a large sclerotized triangular plate medially and the appendix bursae with about 50 denticles roughly arranged in three rows.

Description. Adult ( Fig. 8 View FIGURES 3‒12 ). Wingspan 17.0‒ 19.5 mm. Head with frons and vertex greyish white; occiput brown. Labial palpus yellowish white on inner surface, brown on outer surface. Antenna with scape dark brown on dorsal surface, pale brown on ventral surface; flagellum yellowish brown. Thorax and tegula ochreous yellow. Forewing brown; costal margin with a blackish brown streak along basal 2/3, widened to vein Sc basally; small ochreous yellow spot at base from below costal margin to fold; large dark brown basal patch from above fold and dorsal margin, occupying 1/6 of wing, tinged with ochreous yellow on outer margin; fringe blackish brown. Hindwing greyish brown; fringe pale brown. Legs pale yellowish brown dorsally, yellowish white ventrally: foreleg with tibia and tarsus brown on outer surface; midleg with tibia bearing yellow bristles at middle and apex; hindleg with tibia brown ventrally, bearing pale yellow bristles at basal 1/3, 2/3 and apex dorsally, tarsus with pale yellow bristles at apex of basal tarsomere. Abdomen pale brown on dorsal surface, pale yellow on ventral surface.

Male genitalia ( Fig. 33 View FIGURES 33‒38 ). Uncus bullet-like, narrowed from base to apex, with long setae laterally. Gnathos wide at base, slightly narrowed to apex; apex with a small hooked spine at middle. Tegumen broad, height slightly longer than uncus. Valva wide at base, slightly narrowed to apex; cucullus sub-triangular, slightly convex at middle on dorsal margin, obtuse on ventral margin, rounded at apex; costa sub-rectangular; inner process slender, clubbed, curved inward subapically; sacculus approximately 2/3 length of valva, narrowed to bluntly rounded apex, with setae on ventral margin. Vinculum narrowly banded. Juxta inverted triangular, obtusely rounded on posterior margin, pointed anteromedially; anellar lobes elongate conical, 1.5 times length of juxta, with short setae. Aedeagus as long as valva, slightly narrowed from base to apex, with a ribbon-like sclerite at base; distal process clubbed, 1/3 length of aedeagus; cornutus absent.

Female genitalia ( Fig. 56 View FIGURES 52‒56 ). Intersegmental membrane between papillae anales and eighth abdominal segment approximately twice length of papillae anales. Apophyses posteriores approximately 1.3 times length of apophyses anteriores. Eighth segment straight on posterior margin, with long setae; eighth tergite rectangular; eighth sternite concave in wide V-shape anteromedially. Antrum cup-shaped, with dense microspines on inner surface, with large sclerotized triangular plate medially. Ductus bursae almost uniformly wide in basal 3/4, distal 1/4 slightly widened. Corpus bursae sub-rounded; two signa located at posterior 2/5, larger one sub-rhombic, with a sclerotized ridge furcate on one end, edged with dense microspines, smaller one elongate oval, with a sclerotized filiform ridge, with dense microspines. Appendix bursae arising from anterior 1/4 of ductus bursae, with about 50 denticles roughly arranged in three rows basally; bulla rounded, located at basal 1/3; ductus seminalis with dense granules distally.

Distribution. China (Hainan, Hong Kong).

Etymology. The specific epithet is derived from the Latin simil- and the name of another species ignominiosa, referring to the similarity of the two species.













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