Scythris kaszabi, D’Entrèves & Roggero, 2006

D’Entrèves, P. & Roggero, A., 2006, New And Little-Known Species Of Scythridid Moths Collected By Z. Kaszab In Mongolia (Lepidoptera: Gelechioidea, Scythrididae), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 52 (1), pp. 49-75 : 53-55

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12585949


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scientific name

Scythris kaszabi

sp. nov.

Scythris kaszabi sp. n.

( Fig. 3 View Fig )

Holotype. m MONGOLIA: Gobi Altaj aimak, cca 5 km S vom Pass , zwischen Až Bogd ul und Tachijin Schar nuruu Gebirge, 1600 m Exp. Dr. Z. KASZAB, 1966 / Nr. 601 29.VI.1966 / Prep. Gen. N. Passerin d’E. / 4118 m / Genital slide no. 4118 Passerin d’Entrèves / Holotypus Scythris kaszabi n. sp. P.E. & R .

Paratypes. 1 f MONGOLIA: Gobi Altaj aimak, cca 5 Km S vom Pass , zwischen Až Bogd ul und Tachijin Schar nuruu Gebirge, 1600 m Exp. Dr. Z. KASZAB, 1966 / Nr. 601 29.VI.1966 / print: Prep. Gen. N. Passerin d’E. / 4071 f / Genital slide no. 4071 Passerin d’Entrèves; 1 m MONGOLIA: Gobi Altaj aimak, cca 5 km S vom Pass , zwischen Až Bogd ul und Tachijin Schar nuruu Gebirge, 1600 m Exp. Dr. Z. KASZAB, 1966 / Nr. 601 29.VI.1966 / Prep. Gen. N. Passerin d’E. / 4072 m / Genital slide no. 4072 Passerin d’Entrèves.; 3 mm MONGOLIA: Gobi Altaj aimak, cca 5 km S vom Pass , zwischen Až Bogd ul und Tachijin Schar nuruu Gebirge, 1600 m Exp. Dr. Z. KASZAB, 1966 / Nr. 601 29.VI.1966 .

Other material. 3 specimens, without abdomen, MONGOLIA: Gobi Altaj aimak, cca 5 km S vom Pass , zwischen Až Bogd ul und Tachijin Schar nuruu Gebirge, 1600 m Exp. Dr. Z. KASZAB, 1966 / Nr. 601 29.VI.1966 .

Description – Male. Wingspan 18 mm. Fore wings dark brown patterned in white, with three whitish, irregular dots along a median line from base to apex of the wings. Long and light brown fringe. Hind wings whitish, glossy, with darker apex. Fringe light brown, darker near the apex of wing. Head, thorax and abdomen brown, the segments of abdomen with a whitish fascia. Anal turf light brown. Legs very light brown. Antennae brown, as long as the fore wings.

Female. Wingspan 18 mm. Fore wings brown and white spotted, with three dots shaped as in the male. Brownish fringe. Hind wings white, glossy, with a very light brown fringe. Head, thorax and abdomen as in the male. Legs light brown. Antennae brown, as long as the fore wings.

Male genitalia ( Figs 3A, B & C View Fig ). Uncus U-shaped, with the apices converging and hooked, with a squared base; gnathos median process elongate, down-arched and sharp; tegumen subtrapezoidal. Valvae symmetrical, arched, sharp on apex, with a lamina lightly sclerotized on the internal edge from base to apex. Aedeagus down-turned, half as long as the valvae. T8 superior edge curved, S8 is largely hexagonal, with a small incision posteriorly.

Female genitalia ( Fig. 3D View Fig ). Sterigma posteriorly with a large well-sclerotized process, concave at apex, bearing internally the sclerotized ductus bursae.

Distribution. Known only from Mongolia.

Biology. The species was collected in southern Mongolia at the end of June, near an oasis surrounded by poplars.


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile













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