Scythris talyniella, D’Entrèves & Roggero, 2006

D’Entrèves, P. & Roggero, A., 2006, New And Little-Known Species Of Scythridid Moths Collected By Z. Kaszab In Mongolia (Lepidoptera: Gelechioidea, Scythrididae), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 52 (1), pp. 49-75 : 57-60

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12585949

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scientific name

Scythris talyniella

sp. nov.

Scythris talyniella sp. n.

( Fig. 5D–F View Fig )

Holotype. m MONGOLIA: Bajanchongor aimak, Quelle Talyn Bilgech bulag 47 km O von Grenzposten Caganbulag, 1200 m Exp. Dr. Z. KASZAB, 1967 / Nr. 840 23.VI.1967 / Prep. Gen. N. Passerin d’E. / 4102 m / Genital slide no. 4102 Passerin d’Entrèves / Holotypus Scythris talyniella P.E. & R .

Paratype. 1 m MONGOLIA: Bajanchongor aimak, Oase Dzun mod 100 Km S von Somon Schine žinst, 1300 m Exp. Dr. Z. KASZAB, 1967 / Nr. 869 29.VI.1967 / Prep. Gen. N. Passerin d’E . / 4098 m / Genital slide no. 4098 Passerin d’Entrèves. gnathos, lateral view; F = uncus-tegumen-gnathos-aedeagus-valvae complex. Scale bar = 0.5 mm

Description – Male. Wingspan 11 mm. Fore wings very light brown, with a metallic gloss. A darker brown stria in the middle of the wings extends from the base to about two thirds of surface. Wing background entirely covered with light brown spots. Light brown fringe. Hind wings whitish and glossy, with a light brown fringe. Head, thorax and abdomen brown. Legs light brown. Antennae brown, about as long as the fore wings.

Male genitalia ( Fig. 5 D, E View Fig , and F). Uncus down-curved and domed, one third as long as the tegumen; gnathos triangular, with two laminar processes, large at base and narrowing suddenly to apex, downturned. Tegumen oval and narrow. Valvae symmetrical, straight, but hooked inwards at apex, sharp, with setae in distal third. Aedeagus cylindrical, dorsally concave, as long as the valvae, with juxta elongate, one third as long as the aedeagus. T8 quadrangular, with a large medial notch in fore edge, hind edge largely rounded; S8 triangular, large, rounded at apex and concave at base.

Female. Unknown.

Distribution. Known only from Mongolia. The species was collected from a very arid zone, where vegetation is only found near surface waters.

Biology. S. talyniella sp. n. was collected in the second half of June in a barren desert, where vegetation grew only near watercourses. Tamarix and Nitraria were found around the Talyn spring, while many poplars grew near the Dzuur-mod oasis.


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile













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