Oriolus celebensis meridionalis Hartert

Lecroy, Mary, 2014, Type Specimens Of Birds In The American Museum Of Natural History Part 12. Passeriformes: Ploceidae, Sturnidae, Buphagidae, Oriolidae, Dicruridae, Callaeidae, Grallinidae, Corcoracidae, Artamidae, Cracticidae, Ptilonorhynchidae, Cnemophilidae, Paradisaeidae, And Corvidae, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2014 (393), pp. 1-165 : 47-48

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1206/885.1



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scientific name

Oriolus celebensis meridionalis Hartert


Oriolus celebensis meridionalis Hartert

Oriolus chinensis macassariensis Hartert

Broderipus chinensis rileyi Mathews

Oriolus celebensis meridionalis Hartert, 1896a: 155 (Makassar and Indrulaman) .

Oriolus chinensis macassariensis Hartert, 1925: 90 . New name for O. celebensis meridionalis Hartert , not O. meridionalis Brehm, 1845 .

Broderipus chinensis rileyi Mathews, 1925: 114 . New name for O. meridionalis Hartert , not O. meridionalis Brehm, 1845 .

Now Oriolus chinensis celebensis (Walden, 1872) View in CoL . See Meyer and Wiglesworth, 1898: 586; Hartert, 1919: 134; 1925: 90; Mathews, 1925: 114; Stresemann, 1940: 19–20; White and Bruce, 1986: 319–320; Coates et al., 1997: 413; Dickinson, 2004: 54; Dickinson et al., 2004a: 70; and Walther and Jones, 2008: 724–725.

LECTOTYPE: AMNH 670388 About AMNH , adult male, collected at Indrulaman , 2000 ft, ca. 05.30S, 120.05E, Sulawesi, Indonesia, in October 1895, by Alfred Everett. From the Rothschild Collection. GoogleMaps

COMMENTS: In the original description, Hartert did not realize that he was introducing a name. He referenced Meyer and Wiglesworth (1896: 14) where those authors had discussed differences between north and south Sulawesi birds, and he mentioned the name meridionalis in the belief that it was to be used by Meyer and Wiglesworth for the southern birds in their forthcoming book on the birds of Celebes. Therefore, no type was indicated, but Everett specimens from Makassar and Indrulaman in southern Sulawesi were mentioned, with Hartert saying that ‘‘The most characteristic feature of the southern form is the broad black eye-stripe, which fully encircles the occiput, broadly and quite uninterrupted. The secondaries are blacker.’’

As it turned out, the large work on the birds of Celebes did not appear until two years later, and in it the name meridionalis was credited to Hartert (Meyer and Wigles- worth, 1898: 586). Hartert (1919: 134) listed the single Indrulaman specimen as the type, thereby designating it the lectotype of meridionalis .

When it came to his attention that meridionalis was preoccupied by Oriolus meridionalis Brehm, 1845 , Hartert (1925: 90, April) introduced the replacement name O. chinensis macassariensis . Shortly thereafter Mathews (1925: 114, July) introduced anoth- er replacement name, Broderipus chinensis rileyi . Hartert’s original name and the two replacement names share the same lectotype. O. chinensis macassariensis is now considered a synonym of Oriolus chinensis celebensis .

In his original description, Hartert (1896a: 155) noted that Everett had collected specimens from Indrulaman and Makassar. Three Everett specimens from Makassar came to AMNH with the Rothschild Collection, and they are paralectotypes: AMNH 670389, 670390, 670391, females, collected in September 1895, by Everett.














Oriolus celebensis meridionalis Hartert

Lecroy, Mary 2014

Oriolus chinensis macassariensis

Hartert, E. 1925: 90

Broderipus chinensis rileyi

Mathews, G. M. 1925: 114

Oriolus chinensis celebensis (Walden, 1872)

Walther, B. A. & P. J. Jones 2008: 724
Dickinson, E. C. & R. W. R. J. Dekker & S. Eck & S. Somadikarta 2004: 70
Coates, B. J. & K. D. Bishop & D. Gardner 1997: 413
White, C. M. N. & M. D. Bruce 1986: 319
Stresemann, E. 1940: 19
Hartert, E. 1925: 90
Mathews, G. M. 1925: 114
Hartert, E. 1919: 134
Meyer, A. B. & L. W. Wiglesworth 1898: 586

Oriolus celebensis meridionalis

Hartert, E. 1896: 155
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