Loneura tendalensis, Obando & Gironza & Panche & Aldrete, 2020

Obando, Ranulfo González, Gironza, Nancy Carrejo, Panche, Jeferson & Aldrete, Alfonso Neri García, 2020, The genus Loneura Navás (Insecta: Psocodea: ‘ Psocoptera’: Ptiloneuridae) in Colombia, description of new species and key for identification, Zootaxa 4802 (2), pp. 201-249 : 210-213

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Plazi (2020-06-23 14:37:33, last updated 2023-10-31 18:13:59)

scientific name

Loneura tendalensis

sp. nov.

Loneura tendalensis View in CoL n. sp.

( Figs 17–28 View FIGURES 17–22 View FIGURES 23–28 )

Diagnosis. Related to L. boliviana Williner , differing from it in having the posterior processes of the central sclerite of the hypandrium much wider and not curved outwards distally; the median process of the mesal endophallic sclerite is very long, with oblique apex and short and rounded teeth along the posterior border ( Fig. 22 View FIGURES 17–22 ).

Male. Color. Body light brown. Head brown ( Fig. 19 View FIGURES 17–22 ), with oblique ochre bands, from the inner margin of each compound eye to the epistomal sulcus. Compound eyes black, ocelli hyaline, with ochre centripetal crescents. Vertex light brown. Postclypeus brown, with V-shaped ochre area. Anteclypeus and labrum pale brown. Genae brown to light brown, postgenae light brown. Antennae: scape and pedicel pale brown, flagellomeres 1–3 light brown, with apices cream. Maxillary palps light brown, Mx4 dark brown. Tergal lobes of meso- and metathorax brown. Thoracic pleura light brown. Legs light brown, coxae with brown spot, femora with four brown spots, basal, apical and two median. Wings hyaline, veins brown, with a brown spot at wing margin; forewing pterostigma with proximal and distal brown bands ( Fig. 17 View FIGURES 17–22 ). Abdomen dark brown, with small, pale cream irregular spots. Hypandrium dark brown; phallosome dark brown. Epiproct cream, paraprocts cream.

Morphology. Head ( Fig. 19 View FIGURES 17–22 ) H/MxW: 1.58; compound eyes large, H/d: 2.70; IO/MxW: 0.55; vertex below the level of the upper border of the compound eyes; outer cusp of lacinial tips broad, with 6–7 denticles. Mx4/Mx2: 1.12. Forewings ( Fig. 17 View FIGURES 17–22 ) L/W: 2.59; pterostigma: lp/wp: 4.36; M five–six branched, if five-branched then M5 forked distally; areola postica: la/ha: 1.48, triangular, apically rounded. Hindwings ( Fig. 18 View FIGURES 17–22 ) l/w: 2.99; M four-branched. Hypandrium ( Fig. 20 View FIGURES 17–22 ), posterior processes of the central sclerite wide, distally rounded, setose. Phallosome ( Fig. 22 View FIGURES 17–22 ) anteriorly V-shaped, with slender side struts; external parameres sclerotized, wide, elongate, distally rounded, bearing abundant pores, a row of short teeth along the outer borders. Phallosome with two pairs of endophallic sclerites; anterior pair large, laminar, curved downward and posteriorly, with tapered processes directed antero-laterally. Mesal sclerite with anterior processes tapered and curved outwards; posterior processes long. Paraprocts ( Fig. 21 View FIGURES 17–22 ) oval, with setal fields distally and a field of microspicules; sensory fields with 24 trichobothria on basal rosettes. Epiproct ( Fig. 21 View FIGURES 17–22 ) slightly convex anteriorly, broadly rounded posteriorly, with setae and a field of microsetae along posterior border.

Measurements. FW: 3625, HW: 2500, F: 1000, T: 1657, t1: 757, t2: 80, t3: 113, ctt1: 26, f1: 775, f2: 650, f3: 330, Mx4: 600, IO: 250, D: 490, d: 350, IO/d: 0.94, PO: 0.71.

Female. Color. Body, head, legs, epiproct, paraprocts and wings as in the males. Subgenital plate with large, V-shaped pigmented area, deeply concave in the middle ( Fig. 26 View FIGURES 23–28 ). IX sternum light brown, with posterior hyaline areas. Gonapophyses: v1 hyaline, with long dark brown longitudinal band, v2+3dark brown, hyaline apically.

Morphology. Head ( Fig. 25 View FIGURES 23–28 ) H/MxW: 1.51; large compound eyes, H/d: 3.33; IO/MxW: 0.65; vertex slightly below the level of the upper border of the compound eyes; outer cusp of lacinial tips broad, with 6–7 denticles. Mx4/Mx2: 1.14. Forewings ( Fig. 23 View FIGURES 23–28 ) L/W: 2.59; pterostigma: lp/wp: 4.34, elongate, wider in the middle; M five branched, M5 forked; areola postica: la/ha: 1.27, tall, apically rounded. Hindwings ( Fig. 24 View FIGURES 23–28 ) l/w: 2.98; M threebranched. Subgenital plate ( Fig. 26 View FIGURES 23–28 ) wide, posteriorly rounded, setae as illustrated. Gonapophyses ( Fig. 28 View FIGURES 23–28 ): v1 slen- der, elongate, acuminate, with spicules distally; v2+3 with anterior slender heel, v2 with a row of 5–6 macrosetae; distal process long, acuminate, with abundant spicules distally. Ninth sternum ( Fig. 28 View FIGURES 23–28 ) widely concave anteriorly, with a transverse pigmented area, concave posteriorly in the middle. Paraprocts ( Fig. 27 View FIGURES 23–28 ) broad, triangular, with long and short setae, sensory fields with 22–24 trichobothria on basal rosettes. Epiproct ( Fig. 27 View FIGURES 23–28 ) broadly triangular, wide at base, rounded posteriorly, with macrosetae and short setae mesally and posteriorly.

Measurements. FW: 3762, HW: 2625, F: 1025, T: 1695, t1: 730, t2: 80, t3: 118, ctt1: 27, f1: 750, f2: 725, f3: 525, Mx4: 250, IO: 410, D: 410, d: 285, IO/d: 1.44, PO: 0.70.

Material studied. Holotype male. COLOMBIA. Chocó. Riosucio, National Natural Park Los Katios , 7°51’12’’N: 77°09’11.0’’W. 33 m. 25–26.II.2017. Led light trap in forest canopy. N. Carrejo, J. Mendivil and R. González. MUSENUV slide code No. 29300 GoogleMaps . Paratypes: 25 males and 6 females, same data as the holotype. MUSENUV slide code 29301 GoogleMaps .

Etymology. The specific epithet refers to the type locality, “Cascada Tendal”, in Los Katios National Natural Park, where the types were found.

Group II (Formerly Group III, see García Aldrete et al., 2011 a, 2012)

Hypandrium of one sclerite, resulting from the fusion of the proximal ends of the side sclerites to the central sclerite, extended mesally on each side, and with two posterior projections in the middle, variously shaped, each bearing a macroseta anteapically on the inner margin. Phallosome robust, with stout external parameres distally rounded; anterior pair of endophallic sclerites large, stout, broadly triangular, of two pieces; posterior pair of endophallic sclerites elongate, distally rounded or truncate ( García Aldrete et al. 2011b).

Garcia Aldrete, A. N., Gonzalez Obando, R. & Carrejo, N. S. (2011 a) A new Loneura from Colombia, and Colombian records of L. mirandaensis Garcia Aldrete, and Loneuroides venezolanus Garcia Aldrete (Psocodea: ' Psocoptera': Ptiloneuridae). Dugesiana, 18 (1), 35 - 37.

Garcia Aldrete, A. N., Gonzalez Obando, R. & Sarria Sarria, F. A. (2011 b) Three new species of Loneura (Psocodea: ' Psocoptera': Ptiloneuridae) from Gorgona Island, Cauca, Colombia, with a new infrageneric classification. Zootaxa, 3050, 55 - 62. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 3050.1.3

Garcia Aldrete, A. N., Mendivil Nieto, J. A. & Gonzalez Obando, R. (2012) A pair of new sister species of Loneura (Psocodea, ' Psocoptera', Ptiloneuridae) from Valle del Cauca, Colombia, representing a new ingrageneric group. ZooKeys, 168, 65 - 76. https: // doi. org / 10.3897 / zookeys. 168.2508

Gallery Image

FIGURES 17–22. Loneura tendalensis n. sp. Male. 17. Forewing. 18. Hindwing. 19. Front view of head. 20. Hypandrium. 21. Left paraproct and epiproct. 22. Phallosome. Scales in mm.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 23–28. Loneura tendalensis n. sp. Female. 23. Forewing. 24. Hindwing. 25. Front view of head. 26. Subgenital plate. 27. Left paraproct and epiproct. 28. Ninth sternum and left gonapophyses. Scales in mm.


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile











