Elasmosauridae, Vakil & Webb & Cook, 2021

Vakil, Vikram, Webb, Gregory & Cook, Alex, 2021, Taxonomic utility of Early Cretaceous Australian plesiosaurian vertebrae, Palaeontologia Electronica (a 30) 24 (3), pp. 1-44 : 9

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Elasmosauridae gen. et sp. indet. (QM F12934)

Figure 5 View FIGURE 5

Material. Partial postcranial material; 36 isolated vertebrae, free of matrix; it is unclear as to whether there are any other postcranial elements associated with this specimen.

Locality. Kentle Downs, south of Hughenden.

Stratigraphic horizon. Allaru Formation (late Albian).

Description. Most centra are complete; nine anterior cervical centra have distinct foramina subcentralia ( Figure 5F View FIGURE 5 ) and lateral ridges ( Figure 5G View FIGURE 5 ), while two posterior cervical centra are identified on the basis of position of rib facets ( Figure 5E View FIGURE 5 ) (CW = 70.9 – 123.15 mm; CL = 73.55 – 98.6 mm; CH = 53.85 – 93.5 mm); three dorsal centra lack fused parts (diapophyses and zygapophyses) and are identified on the basis of relatively circular shape in anterior view and dorso-lateral position of rib facets borne on the transverse processes of the neural arches (CW = 115.2 – 97.6 mm; CL = 91.5 – 61.7 mm; CH = 87.55 – 78.15 mm) ( Figure 5H View FIGURE 5 ); 13 measurable and 9 partly measurable caudal centra lack fused neural arches and ribs and bear chevron facets ( Figure 5A View FIGURE 5 ) in addition to rib facets ( Figure 5B View FIGURE 5 ) (CW = 50.5 – 104.1 mm; CL = 39.6 – 64.6 mm; CH = 37.3 – 82.05 mm). Sacral vertebrae were identified on the basis of the relatively elliptical shape of their articular facets in anterior view and the shape and position of rib facets, borne partly on the centrum and partly on the neural arches ( Figure 5C, D View FIGURE 5 ).

Remarks. The original sequence of vertebrae is lost and the current sequence was determined based on size. Vertebrae show typical elasmosaur characteristics (lateral ridges and dumbbell-shaped articular facets) (Otero et al., 2014; Sachs and Kear, 2017). Based on the osteological immaturity of the vertebrae, the specimen appears to be a subadult. Some fragmentary postcranial material occurs with QM F12934, but it is unclear as to whether it belongs to the referred specimen, as the field notes are not clear.

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