Polymixis mandschurica Boursin, 1970

Kononenko, V. S., 2000, First Record Of Polymixis Mandschurica Boursin, 1970 (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, Cuculliinae) From The Russian Far East, Far Eastern Entomologist 82, pp. 7-8 : 7-8

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https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.10085039

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Polymixis mandschurica Boursin, 1970


Polymixis mandschurica Boursin, 1970

Figs 1-4 View Figs

MATERIAL. Russia: Primorskii krai, Khasansky region , 40 km S from Slavjanka, Rjazanovka, 10.X 1982, 1♀ (E. Beljaev); same locality, 6.X 1991, 1♂, 1♀ ( R. Pedmanson) .

MALE GENITALIA. ( Figs 1, 2 View Figs ). Uncus wide, weakly sclerotized, short. Tegumen wide, with peniculus, covered with dense hairs. Juxta elongate, plate like. Upper margin of juxta scobinate. Valva large, massive, some narrover in medial part, extended apically. Costa well developed, with massive extention (digitus), which extend plate of valva on 1/3. Digitus well sclerotized with ringe in central part, extended and rounded apically. Cucullus massive, rectangular, covered with strong setae. Harpe absent. Clasper massive, well sclerotized. Aedeagus large. Right lobe of carina with small hook. Vesica tube like, curved, some extended in apical part, armed with small patch of setae like cornuti near apex.

FEMALE GENITALIA. ( Fig. 3 View Figs ). Ovipositor weakly sclerotized, small, some extended. Apophises posterior at 2 time longer than anterior ones, both pairs of apophises wide at base. VIII segment of abdomen ring like, with rectangular cut on ventral side. Antevaginal plate absent. Ostium cleft like, its upper margin sclerotized. Antrum wide, but shallow, fun like. Ductus bursae well sclerotized, long. Bursa sack like, with membranous corpus bursae and relatively sclerotized cervix. Ductus seminalis falls into caudal part of cervix bursa. Signum single, elongated, plate like.

DISTRIBUTION. North East China, North Korea, Russian Far East ( Fig. 4 View Figs ).

BIOLOGY. In Primorskii krai this species inhabits oak forest zone with Quercus mongolica and Q. dentata as dominated trees. The moths are in wings from mid of September to beginning of October. Larva unknown.

1. Boursin, Ch. 1970. Description de 40 especes nouvelles de Noctuidae Trifinae Palearcticues et de deux genres nouveaux des south-families Noctuinae et Amphipyrinae. - Entomops 3 (18): 46-78.

2. Ronkay, L. & Park, K. T. 1993. New faunistic data on the family Noctuidae (Lepidoptera) of the Korean Peninsula. - Insecta Koreana 10: 53-44.

3. Kononenko, V.S., Ahn, S.- B. & Ronkay, L. 1998. Illustrated catalog of Noctuidae in Korea (Lepidoptera). In: Park, K. T. (ed.). Insects of Korea 3: 1-509.


2) aedeagus; 3) female genitalia, prep. IBP 531; 4) distribution map.


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile













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