Slaterocoris, WAGNER

Schwartz, Michael D., 2011, Revision And Phylogenetic Analysis Of The North American Genus Slaterocoris Wagner With New Synonymy, The Description Of Five New Species And A New Genus From Mexico, And A Review Of The Genus Scalponotatus Kelton (Heteroptera: Miridae: Orthotylinae), Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2011 (354), pp. 1-290 : 81-83

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Tatiana (2021-08-30 18:12:01, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-06 02:43:13)

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1. Hind coxa entirely dark; sometimes with only apices pale....................... 2

– Hind coxa almost completely whitish yellow or yellowish brown; base sometimes dark; sometimes fore- and middle coxae pale...... 34

2. Legs not entirely black; femora or tibiae, or both, with extensive yellow or orange; if tarsomeres II and III pale, then dorsal vestiture short and sparse............ 3

– Legs entirely black; sometimes trochanters infuscate; if tarsomeres II and III pale, then dorsal vestiture long and dense........ 26

3. Dorsal vestiture dark brown or black.... 4

– Dorsal vestiture pale golden or silvery... 19

4. Dorsal vestiture short and sparse, almost glabrous; femora yellowish orange, except for extreme black bases................ 5

– Dorsal vestiture longer and denser; femora black with variable pale yellow apical regions, never black just at bases............. 11

5. Femora mostly pale yellow to yellowish orange (fig. 13); male genitalia as in figs. 45D, E, 48A–D.............. sparsus Kelton View in CoL

– Femora mostly black, pale at apices only.. 6

6. Antennal segments I and II mostly yellow or yellowish brown; female segment II with at most with small, diffuse, dark basal annulus; male genitalia as in fig. 33A–L........................... pallidicornis (Knight) View in CoL

– Antennal segments I and II mostly black; female segment II with larger, discrete or diffuse, larger dark basal annulus; male genitalia otherwise figs. 30A–J, 32A–O, 34A– I, 35A–I, 38A–M, 39A–J ............. 7

7. Tibiae pale....................... 8

– Tibiae mostly darkly infuscate or black.. 9

8. Pale yellowish white apices of femora clearly delineated from black portions; labium longer than width of head across eyes; male genitalia as in fig. 35A–I with apical spines of right paramere split into two portions (fig. 35G–I), lateral portion with fewer spines or points than medial portion; basal lobe of right paramere thick and blocky; endosomal spicule with bifurcate dorsal lobe, medial bifurcation reaching practically to tip of lateral bifurcation (fig. 35A, B); distributed in California and southern Oregon ........ solidaginis Kelton View in CoL

– Pale yellowish brown apices of femora diffusely separated from black portions; labium almost equal to width of head across eyes; male genitalia as in figure 32A–O; with apical spines of right paramere not split into two portions (fig. 32I–O), but with numerous equally separated spines or points; basal lobe of right paramere clearly removed from basal region of paramere, curved; endosomal spicule with bifurcate dorsal lobe, medial bifurcation short just reaching past base of lateral bifurcation (fig. 32A–D); distributed east of 1006 W latitude................................ breviatus (Knight) View in CoL , in part

9. Second antennal segment subequal to width of head across eyes; labium shorter than, or subequal to, width of head across eyes; hind tibia black; costal margins arcuate, especially at base in female; male genitalia as in figure 30A–J with ventral lobe of endosomal spicule long and marginally serrate (fig. 30A, B); right paramere with apical spines or points divided into two sections with a few spines of roughly equal length (fig. 30C–G).......................... atritibialis (Knight) View in CoL

– Second antennal segment greater than width of head across eyes; labium longer than head width; costal margins of hemelytra only slightly arcuate; hind tibia sometimes yellowish black, becoming paler on distal half; male genitalia as in figures 32A–O, 38A–M, 39A–J, with either ventral lobe of endosomal spicule short and without marginal serrations (fig. 39A–D) and right paramere with long, curved apical points (fig. 38A–M) or ventral lobe of spicule with lateral bifurcation narrow distally (fig. 32A–D) and apical spines on right paramere short and with roughly equally length (fig. 32J–O)................. 10

10. Fore- and middle tibiae black; male genitalia as in figure 32A–O with apical spines of right paramere short and with roughly equal length; recurved portion of ventral endosomal spicule not expanded; female antennal segment I mostly pale with black basal annulus, segment II pale with discrete and narrow black basal and apical annuli................................. breviatus (Knight) View in CoL , in part

– Fore- and middle tibiae yellowish brown to yellowish black; male genitalia as in figures 38A–M and 39A–J with apical spines of right paramere long and curved; recurved portion of ventral endosomal spicule expanded; female antennal segment I black, segment II with diffuse broader and wider black basal and apical annuli.......... stygicus (Say) View in CoL

11. Hind tibia black, or only partly yellow... 12

– Hind tibia yellow or orange........... 15

12. Femora reddish orange on apical halves; male genitalia as in figure 26A–N........................... rubrofemoratus Knight View in CoL

– Femora mostly black, pale at apices only.. 13

13. Dorsal vestiture erect and dense, fine; male genitalia as in figures 54A–F and 55A–I......................... mohri (Knight) View in CoL

– Dorsal vestiture suberect, not so dense, coarse.......................... 14

14. Foretibia partly pale; antennal segment I pale; male genitalia as in figure 19A–E.............................. atratus (Uhler) View in CoL

– Foretibia black; antennal segment I black; male genitalia as in figure 49A–O.............................. alpinus Kelton View in CoL

15. Dorsal vestiture long and dense; male genitalia as in figures 54A–F and 55A–I............................... hirtus (Knight) View in CoL

– Dorsal vestiture shorter, moderately dense to moderately sparse.................. 16

16. Apex of hind femur (sharp delineation) and tibia yellow (fig. 12); male genitalia as in figures 15A–J and 16A–D................................ ambrosiae (Knight) View in CoL

– Apex of hind femur (diffuse delineation or wide) and tibia orange.............. 17

17. Dorsal lobe of endosomal spicule twisted at base (fig. 45A–C); antennal segment II shorter than foretibia; additional male genitalia as in figure 46A–L.......... sheridani Knight View in CoL

– Dorsal lobe of endosomal spicule not twisted at base; antennal segment II longer than foretibia......................... 18

18. Femora with from basal quarters to halves black with remainder dark orange-red; dorsal vestiture shining golden, short, and reclining; male genitalia as in figure 21A–I............................ croceipes (Uhler) View in CoL

– Femora black except for pale apices; dorsal vestiture shining dark, long, and suberect; endosoma as in figure 24C–E.................................. tibialis Knight View in CoL

19. Hemelytral membrane pale, apical margin bordered by a dark reddish brown band; veins narrowly bordered by dark reddish brown; endosoma as in figure 24A,B........................... fuscomarginalis Knight View in CoL

– Membrane and veins uniformly infuscate.. 20

20. Femora mostly orange (black and orange portions with variable extent); antennal segment I usually pale yellowish distally; tarsomeres black; male genitalia as in figures 41A–J and 42A–E.............. flavipes Kelton View in CoL

– Femora mostly black, yellow at apices; antennal segment I usually black; tarsomeres black or segment I and II pale............. 21

21. Male........................... 22

– Female......................... 24

22. Cuneus very long, almost equal to width of head; genitalia as in figures 43A–G and 44A– H................. longipennis Knight View in CoL

– Cuneus shorter, not longer than vertex plus eye............................ 23

23. Antennal segment I mostly yellow; tarsomeres I and II pale; dorsal vestiture dense, long, suberect, silvery; genitalia as in figure 25A–N with basalmost of three distal spines of right paramere small; distal portion of ventral endosomal lobe somewhat expanded and twisted................. pilosus Kelton View in CoL

– Antennal segment I mostly black; tarsomeres I and II black; dorsal vestiture moderately dense, long, suberect, shining pale; genitalia as in figures 17A–I and 18A–E with distal spines of right paramere of roughly equal length; distal portion of ventral endosomal spicule narrow, usually attenuate, not twisted.......................... apache Kelton View in CoL

24. Dorsal vestiture sparse..... apache Kelton View in CoL

– Dorsal vestiture dense............... 25

25. Tarsomeres I and II pale.... pilosus Kelton View in CoL

– Tarsomeres I and II black.. longipennis Knight View in CoL

26. Frons smooth; dorsal vestiture relatively sparse and black, somewhat bristlelike and suberect; setae on anterolateral margin of pronotum long and erect; male genitalia as in figures 72A–F and 73A–C.. robustus (Uhler) View in CoL

– Frons striate; dorsal vestiture dense and either brown, fine, and recurved, or with silvery sericeous setae, or with silvery pilose setae..... 27

27. Tarsomeres I and II pale (fig. 12)....... 28

– Tarsomeres I and II black (fig. 12)...... 29

28. Dorsal vestiture with fine brown moderately dense setae only; male genitalia as in figure 64A–L........... punctatus (Distant)

– Dorsal vestiture with combination of silvery shining, sericeous, adpressed setae (most numerous adjacent to claval suture) and longer, silvery shining, suberect setae............................ subalbicans (Distant)

29. Dorsal vestiture brown.............. 30

– Dorsal vestiture silvery.............. 31

30. Dorsal vestiture with setal length shorter than diameter of antennal segment II; male with segment II shorter than width of head across eyes, female with length of segment II 0.76– 0.85; male genitalia as in figure 49A–O.......................... alpinus Kelton View in CoL

– Dorsal vestiture with setal length longer than diameter of antennal segment II; male with segment II equal to or longer than width of head across eyes; female with length of segment II 1.30–1.50; male genitalia as in figures 51A–G and 52A–J... hirtus (Knight) View in CoL

31. Coxae apically infuscate, trochanters infuscate; male genitalia as in figures 28A–H and 29A–D........ argenteoides View in CoL , new species

– Coxae and trochanters black.......... 32

32. Dorsal vestiture with combination of sericeous, adpressed setae (most numerous adjacent to claval suture) and longer, suberect setae; male genitalia as in figure 65A–M.......................... simplex Kelton View in CoL

– Dorsal vestiture pilose composed of long, fine, apically recurved setae............... 33

33. Corium conspicuously dimorphic, longer in male than female (4.30–5.408, 3.40–3.95 ♀); length of male antennal segment II 1.15–1.40; male genitalia as in figures 28I–L and 29E–G, with basal lobe of right paramere longer, somewhat curved and with one apical point (fig. 28I–L); endosomal spicule with apex of recurved ventral lobe reaching to base of dorsal lobe (fig. 29E).... argenteus Kelton View in CoL

– Corium weakly sexually dimorphic, only somewhat longer in male than in female (3.50–3.708, 3.40–3.73 ♀); length of male antennal segment II 1.00–1.10; male genitalia as in figure 29H–K with basal lobe of right paramere shorter and with two apical points (fig. 29K); endosomal spicule with apex of recurved ventral lobe barely surpassing apex of dorsal lobe (fig. 29H)..... digitatus Knight View in CoL

34. Dorsal vestiture short, sparse, recurved, and brown; frons black; male genitalia as in figure 34A–I........... pallipes (Knight) View in CoL

– Dorsal vestiture either long, dense, suberect, and silvery or moderately long, moderately dense, recurved and golden brown; if vestiture golden brown then frons pale orange-brown...... 35

35. Dorsal vestiture moderately long, moderately dense, recurved and golden brown; frons pale orange-brown; male genitalia as in figure 61A–F........ maculatus View in CoL , new species

– Dorsal vestiture long, dense, suberect and silvery; frons black................. 36

36. Tarsomeres I and II black; male genitalia as figures 68A–F and 69A–C............................. tanydexios View in CoL , new species

– Tarsomeres I and II pale whitish yellow.. 37

37. Antennal segments I and II pale; pale band on antennal segment I basally, pale triangular mark near antennal insertion on maxillary plate, female with pale mark on frons and vertex adjacent to eye, male sometimes with pale temporal mark; male with length of cuneus shorter than width of head across eyes; male genitalia as in figure 57A–H......................... clavatus View in CoL , new species

– Antennal segments I and II black; head without pale markings; male with length of cuneus longer than width of head across eyes; male genitalia as in figure 60A–F......................... elongatus View in CoL , new species









