Scalponotatus maturus Kelton

Schwartz, Michael D., 2011, Revision And Phylogenetic Analysis Of The North American Genus Slaterocoris Wagner With New Synonymy, The Description Of Five New Species And A New Genus From Mexico, And A Review Of The Genus Scalponotatus Kelton (Heteroptera: Miridae: Orthotylinae), Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2011 (354), pp. 1-290 : 51-54

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Tatiana (2021-08-30 18:12:01, last updated by Plazi 2023-12-08 23:33:04)

scientific name

Scalponotatus maturus Kelton


Scalponotatus maturus Kelton View in CoL

Figures 3–5 View Fig View Fig View Fig ; plate 1 View Plate 1 ; map 1 View Map 1

Scalponotatus maturus Kelton, 1969: 19 View in CoL , fig. 9 (orig. desc.); Henry and Wheeler, 1988: 448 (catalog); Schuh, 1995: 194 (catalog); Schaffner and Schwartz, 2008: 4, 6 (disc., SEM).

DIAGNOSIS: Recognized by the almost completely black coloration, including the antenna, pronotum, and the head, except for the obscurely pale lateral portion of the vertex carina; the sparse, dark simple setae; the dorsal sculpturation formed by minute punctures merging with rugosity, and the male genitalia. Similar to S. albibasis Knight, 1938 , in overall size, body conformation, and vestiture but distinguished simply by the coloration of the carina, being predominantly black with pale on the lateral margins only, as opposed to the entirely pale carina in S. albibasis . Features of the male genitalia also separate S. maturus from S. albibasis as follows: apex of right paramere truncate and serrate and long ramus of bifurcate endosomal spicule smooth in the former and right paramere with pointed apex and long, serrate ramus in the latter. When the two species are compared side by side, the lateral lobe of the right paramere is deeper in S. maturus than in S. albibasis . The mittenshaped apex of the left paramere will also serve to distinguish S. maturus from all sympatric species of Slaterocoris (e.g., S. ambrosiae , S. croceipes , and S. flavipes ).

REDESCRIPTION: Male: Body small, obovate; length 2.85–4.25, width 1.43–1.83 (pl. 1). COLORATION: Body shining black; basal carina of vertex laterally, extreme apex of femur, and base and apex of fore- and middle tibiae obscurely pale yellowish brown. Venter including abdomen shining black. VESTITURE: Sparse, short, brown, reclining simple setae, not longer than diameter of antennal segment II (fig. 3A) [scale incorrect in Schaffner and Schwartz, 2008: 6, fig. 1D]. DORSAL SCULPTURATION: Dorsum with dense, minute, obscure punctures merging with undulating reticulation (fig. 3A). GENITALIA: Pygophore: Tergal process situated on right side of aperture, strongly curved toward midline (fig. 4H). Phallotheca: Aperture open at base on right side extending apically on right side, reaching apex without opening on dorsal surface (fig. 4B). Endosomal spicule: Membrane attached to flat, recurved, basal process or keel; spicule without dorsal lobe projecting from subbasally left side; spicule broadest basally tapering toward apex; recurved distally, bifurcate apically (fig. 4A). Right paramere: J-shaped in lateral view; without expanded basal sensory lobe, distal region gradually attenuate, terminating in serrate, truncate apex (fig. 4E–G). Left paramere: C-shaped in dorsal view (fig. 4C, D); apex mittenlike, lateral lobe wide, medial lobe about one-third as wide as paramere width.

Female: Obovate, length 2.85–4.25, width 1.58–2.06 (pl. 1); costal margin more strongly arcuate, vertex wider, color and vestiture same as for male. GENITALIA: See description of genus (fig. 5A–D).

HOST PLANTS: Two genera of Asteraceae , Ambrosia and Encelia , provide the majority of host-plant records. Three widespread and common desert species, A. dumosa , E. actonii , and E. farinosa are considered breeding hosts. Eight other desert Asteraceae are also identified as hosts: A. chenopodiifolia , A. confertiflora , A. deltoidea , A. eriocentra , E. frutescens , E. virginensis , Ericameria nauseosa , and Hymenoclea salsola . The remaining plants from non-asteraceous families, known from single records only, are considered to be sitting records.

DISTRIBUTION: Apparently confined to the Sonoran Desert of southwestern Arizona, southeastern California, and Baja California and the Mojave Desert regions of Arizona, California, Nevada, and extreme southwestern Utah ( map 1 View Map 1 ).

COLLECTION SUMMARY: 897 specimens (50 % with USI numbers) from 116 collection events with dates spanning March to June.

DISCUSSION: Across its geographic range, this desert inhabiting species exhibits little variation in coloration and structure of the male genitalia. For example, compare the apex of the right paramere in specimens from the Sonoran Desert of western Arizona (fig. 4F) and western portion of the Mojave Desert in California (fig. 4G). The presumptive sister species, S. albibasis and S. maturus , have allopatric desert distributions with one another, with the former ranging from Tucson, AZ, southeast to Big Bend National Park, TX, and San Luis Potosi, Mexico, or roughly confined to the Chihuahuan Desert.

HOLOTYPE: USA: California: Riverside Co.: Thousand Palms [33.826 N 116.389446 W], 03 Apr 1955, W.R. Richards, 18 ( AMNH _ PBI 00112313 About AMNH ) ( CNC). GoogleMaps

OTHER SPECIMENS EXAMINED: MEXICO: Baja California: 0.3 mi SE of Catavina, in arroyo, 29.920846 N 114.974076 W, 586 m, 27 Mar 1979, J.D. Pinto, 1♀ (00119937 [cat UCRC ENT 59031]) ( UCR). 3 mi W of Rancho Aquila, 32.416676 N 116.966676 W, 350 m, 14 Jun 1973, J. Doyen, 1♀ (00119467) ( UCB). 6 mi NW of El Rosario, nr Consuelo, 30.13656 N 115.76696 W, 114 m, 18 Apr 1965, D.Q. Cavagnaro, C.E. and E.S. Ross, V.L. Vesterby, 18 (00121895), 2♀ (00242677– 00242678), 1 immature (00242686) ( CAS), 18 (00119475) ( UCB). 19 km E of El Rosario (km 47), 30.066916 N 115.655956 W, 143 m, 28 Mar 1980, J.D. Pinto and E. Fisher, 1♀ (00119902) ( UCR). 24 mi N of Punta Prieta, 29.13886 N 114.1496 W, 483 m, 01–02 Apr 1973, S.L. Szerlip, J. Doyen, J.A. Powell, Ambrosia dumosa , 38 (00119468, 00119559– 00119560), 8♀ (00119561–00119568), 1 immature (00119569) ( UCB). Arroyo Catavina, 35 mi S of El Progreso, 29.790216 N 114.77516 W, 643 m, 02 Apr 1976, P. Rude, Ambrosia confertiflora , 18 (00119469) ( UCB). El Crucero, 29.256 N 114.136 W, 612 m, 04 Apr 1976, P. Rude, Ambrosia dumosa , 88 (00119470, 00119570–00119576), 2♀ (00119577–00119578) ( UCB); 04 Apr 1976, J. Doyen, P. Rude, Ambrosia chenopodiifolia , 1♀ (00119558), 18 (00119557) ( UCB). Isla de Cedros, vicinity of El Pueblo, 28.092726 N 115.189296 W, 50 m, 29 Mar 1983, unknown, 1♀ (00244262) ( SDNH); 04 Apr 1983, unknown, 18 (00244263) ( SDNH). USA: Arizona: La Paz Co.: 5.3 mi SW of Salome, 33.73876 N 113.677146 W, 560 m, 31 Mar 1981, R.T. Schuh and M.D. Schwartz, Ambrosia dumosa , 1♀ (00124460) ( AMNH), Ambrosia dumosa , 38 (00112324–00112325, 00112919), 1♀ (00112326) ( CNC). W of Kofa Mountains, 33.406336 N 114.123326 W, 567 m, 21 Mar 1980, J.T. and D.A. Polhemus, Artemisia sp. , 18 (00116851), 1♀ (00117344) ( JTP). Maricopa Co. : 0.5 mi E of milepost 22 on Rt 85, 32.667756 N 112.850126 W, 375 m, 02 Apr 1981, R.T. Schuh, Ambrosia dumosa , 28 (00108428, 00170027) ( AMNH). Mohave Co.: 9 mi W of Beaver Creek and Virgin River on US 15, Cedar Pocket Rest Stop, 36.814426 N 113.996656 W, 792 m, 12 May 1982, M.D. Schwartz, Ambrosia dumosa , 1♀ (00111396) ( CNC). Littlefield, ca 5 mi N of, 36.966666 N 113.907226 W, 665 m, 05 May 1998, J.D. Pinto, 1♀ (00119938) ( UCR). Pima Co. : 14 mi S of Ajo, 32.202036 N 112.75886 W, 539 m, 02 Apr 1966, L. and C.W. O’Brien, paratypes, 38 (00112318–00112320) ( CNC), 18 (00244369), 1♀ (00244370) ( TAMU). Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, Ajo Valley, 32.130126 N 112.768516 W, 552 m, 10 Apr 1981, D.A. Polhemus, Ambrosia dumosa , 118 (00116850, 00117234, 00117345–00117353), 13♀ (00117340, 00117354–00117365) ( JTP). Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, Alamo Wash, 32.069076 N 112.712486 W, 750 m, 26 Mar 1981 – 27 Mar 1981, R.T. Schuh and M.D. Schwartz, Ambrosia deltoidea , 18 (00112331) ( CNC). Yuma Co. : 23 mi N of Yuma , 32.812846 N 114.393696 W, 81 m, 02 Apr 1967, D.M. Wood, 1♀ (00112322) ( CNC). Dateland, 32.796396 N 113.540286 W, 14 Mar 1941, Loyd L. Stitt, 18 (00133531) ( USNM). Mohawk, 32.726716 N 113.75526 W, 165 m, 06 Apr 1937, Loyd L. Stitt, Ambrosia dumosa , 2♀ (00133535– 00133536) ( USNM); 19 Mar 1941, Loyd L. Stitt, 1♀ (00133534) ( USNM). Yuma County , no specific locality, 32.725286 N 114.623616 W, Mar 1932, Dobzhansky, 1♀ (00133532) ( USNM); 24 Mar 1939, Loyd L. Stitt, Ambrosia dumosa , 18 (00133530), 1♀ (00133523) ( USNM). California: Imperial Co. : 4 mi NW of Ocotillo Wells, 32.754946 N 116.052886 W, 150 m, 28 Mar 1981, R.T. Schuh and M.D. Schwartz, Ambrosia dumosa , 18 (00112327), 1♀ (00124420) ( CNC). 5.4 mi NW of Ocotillo on Rt S2, 32.793816 N 116.058996 W, 23 Apr 1980, Schwartz and Russell, Tiquilia palmeri (A. Gray) A. Rich (Boraginaceae) , 18 (00124456) ( CNC). Ocotillo, 32.73516 N 115.99466 W, 122 m, 10 May 1978, Faulkner, Brown, 28 (00244264– 00244265), 5♀ (00244266–00244270) ( SDNH). Ocotillo, T16S R9E S18, 32.777776 N 116.07946 W, 183 m, 03 Mar 1970, R.D. Goeden and D.W. Ricker, Ambrosia dumosa AD-70-4D, 1♀ (00119918) ( UCR); 18 Mar 1970, R.D. Goeden and D.W. Ricker, Ambrosia dumosa AD-70-11D, 18 (00119912) ( UCR); 07 Apr 1970, R.D. Goeden and D.W. Ricker, Ambrosia dumosa AD-70-16N, 18 (00119914) ( UCR). Inyo Co. : 7 mi E of Big Pine, 37.231716 N 118.22416 W, 1671 m, 02 Jun 1987, W.F. Barr, Encelia sp. , 1♀ (00122372) ( UID). Grapevine Canyon, T15S R40E S34, 36.591926 N 117.61126 W, 912 m, 20 May 1988, R D. Goeden and D.W. Ricker, Encelia actonii EVA-88-9F, 18 (00119908) ( UCR). Lone Pine, 36.606116 N 118.061946 W, 11 May 1937, N.W. Frazier, 1♀ (00119476) ( UCB). Kern Co.: 20 mi NW of Mojave on Hwy 58, 35.256946 N 118.423436 W, 13 Jun 1983, G.M. Stonedahl, Artemisia sp. , 18 (00108431) ( AMNH). Iron Canyon , 1.5 mi NE of Garlock, 35.42116 N 117.7646 W, 732 m, 13 Apr 1960, C.A. Toschi, 18 (00119477), 3♀ (00119478–00119480) ( UCB). Red Rock Canyon, 35.3256 N 117.949726 W, 18 May 1937, E.P. Van Duzee, 1♀ (00121900) ( CAS), 1♀ (00112321) ( CNC). Los Angeles Co.: E of Pearblossom, N of Hwy 138, T5N R9W S25, 34.49856 N 117.72096 W, 1040 m, 02 May 1995, Rob Garcia, 1♀ (00119944) ( UCR). Largo Vista Rd 3.1 mi S of Rt 18, SE of Llano, 34.452516 N 117.76516 W, 1275 m, 17 May 2004, Schuh, Cassis, Schwartz, Weirauch, Wyniger, Forero, Encelia actonii , det. A. Sanders no voucher, det. by photo, 148 (00107879, 00139725– 00139727, 00323475–00323479, 00323482, 00323523–00323526), 12♀ (00139728– 00139729, 00323480–00323481, 00323483– 00323487, 00323552, 00323556–00323557) ( AMNH), 38 (00329793–00329795 [cat CNC HEM 0459–0461) ( CNC). Little Rock, Mojave Desert, 35.521676 N 115.315286 W, 19 May 1937, E.P. Van Duzee, 4♀ (00121901, 00242679–00242681) ( CAS); 20 May 1937, E.P. Van Duzee, Lycium andersonii Gray (Solanaceae) , 1♀ (00121654) ( CAS). Llano, T5N R8W S28, 34.48926 N 117.72826 W, 1073 m, 19 May 1971, R.D. Goeden and D.W. Ricker, Encelia farinosa AD-71-44G, 1♀ (00119917) ( UCR). Mono Co.: 16 mi NE of Bishop, 37.48796 N 118.357156 W, 15 Jun 1973, J.D. Pinto, Encelia farinosa , 1♀ (00119916) ( UCR). Riverside Co.: 2.8 mi E of Eden, 33.89486 N 117.05426 W, 549 m, 27 Mar 1941, Timberlake, Ambrosia dumosa , 18 (00119925) ( UCR). Bautista Canyon, T6S R1E S1, 33.68336 N 116.8416 W, 707 m, 29 May 1980, J.N. Chandler, 18 (00119928) ( UCR); 16 Apr 1987, R.D. Goeden and D.W. Ricker, Encelia actonii EVA-87-1H, 18 (00133525) ( USNM); 05 May 1987, R.D. Goeden and D.W. Ricker, Encelia actonii EVA-87-3G, 18 (00133524), 1♀ (00133526) ( USNM). Cabazon, 33.91756 N 116.786396 W, 25 May 1935, E.L. Paddock, Encelia farinosa , 1♀ (00070037) ( USNM). Cathedral City, 33.779726 N 116.464446 W, 24 Apr 1938, Timberlake, Ambrosia dumosa , 18 (00119926) ( UCR). Chuckawalla Bench, Bob’s Cabin, 33.607226 N 115.641946 W, 21 Apr 2001, G.R. Ballmer, Ambrosia dumosa , 18 (00119936 [cat UCRC ENT 59031]) ( UCR). Deep Canyon, W of Indio, 33.95296 N 116.78296 W, 750 m, 02 Apr 1981, D.A. Polhemus, Artemisia sp. , 18 (00116849) ( JTP). Desert Center, 33.712526 N 115.40226 W, 275 m, 12 Apr 1939, B.P. Bliven, 18 (00121655), 4♀ (00242682– 00242685) ( CAS). Desert Center, T6S R15E S5, 33.68336 N 115.43966 W, 427 m, 04 Mar 1970, R.D. Goeden and D.W. Ricker, Ambrosia dumosa AD-70-5J, 18 (00119906) ( UCR); 22 Apr 1970, R.D. Goeden and D.W. Ricker, Ambrosia dumosa , 2♀ (00133975–00133976) ( USNM); 15 Mar 1988, R.D. Goeden and D.W. Ricker, Encelia farinosa EF-88-33D, 18 (00119905) ( UCR). Happy Valley, T4S R3E S2, 33.93946 N 116.53636 W, 305 m, 10 Feb 1979, Augst Allen, 18 (00119930) ( UCR). Hemet, 33.74756 N 116.971116 W, 26 Apr 1961, Wart and Brawler, Encelia sp. , 1♀ (00119939) ( UCR). Hwy 74 by Black Hill, 33.666666 N 116.683336 W, 991 m, 26 May 1998, J.L. Mottern, 1♀ (00119935) ( UCR). Mecca, T7S R9E S2, 33.59766 N 116.02456 W, 37 m, 05 Mar 1970, R.D. Goeden and D.W. Ricker, Ambrosia dumosa AD-70-5J, 18 (00119912) ( UCR). Millard Canyon, 33.943616 N 116.7956 W, 890 m, 20 Apr 1968, E.I. Schlinger, 1♀ (00119941) ( UCR). Palm Springs, 33.830286 N 116.544446 W, 29 Mar 1945, Timberlake, Ambrosia dumosa , 18 (00119924) ( UCR). Pauba Valley, T8S R1W S19, 33.50156 N 117.03076 W, 366 m, 12 May 1987, R.D. Goeden and D.W. Ricker, Encelia actonii EVA-87-4K, 18 (00119910) ( UCR) Encelia actonii , 18 (00133938) ( USNM). San Jacinto Mountains, 33.750286 N 116.666676 W, 30 May 1946, R. Husbands, Asclepias sp. (Asclepiadaceae) , 1♀ (00119481) ( UCB). Snow Creek Rd, T3S R3E S16, 33.90426 N 116.66866 W, 350 m, 13 Apr 1993, unknown, 1♀ (00119945) ( UCR). Thousand Palms, 33.826 N 116.389446 W, 03 Apr 1955, W.R. Richards, paratypes, 18 (00112314), 2♀ (00112315–00112316) ( CNC); 11 Apr 1955, W.R. Richards, paratype, 18 (00112317) ( CNC). Thousand Palms Canyon, 33.83546 N 116.31076 W, 183 m, 31 Mar 1983, J.S. Bradberry, 18 (00119934) ( UCR). White Water Exit South, T3S R3E S10, 33.92746 N 116.66276 W, 387 m, 21 Apr 1998, J.L. Mottern, 1♀ (00119942) ( UCR). Wilson Creek, T7S R1E S35, 33.51486 N 116.85786 W, 671 m, 23 Apr 1987, R.D. Goeden and D.W. Ricker, Encelia actonii EVA-87-2G, 18 (00119911) ( UCR). nr Cathedral City, 33.84536 N 116.46396 W, 122 m, 26 Apr 1941, Timberlake, Ambrosia dumosa , 18 (00119927) ( UCR). San Bernardino Co.: 4.5 mi E of Lucerne Valley, 34.443896 N 116.888056 W, 1000 m, 13 May 1978, J.D. Pinto and R.T. Schuh, Ambrosia dumosa , 28 (00108427–00170028), 1♀ (00170029) ( AMNH), Ambrosia dumosa , 1♀ (00124421) ( CNC); 13 May 1978, J.D. Pinto, Ambrosia dumosa , 2♀ (00119915, 00120084) ( UCR). 8 mi N of Lucerne Valley, 34.537156 N 116.951136 W, 873 m, 03 May 1985, J.D. Pinto, Ambrosia dumosa , 1♀ (00119946) ( UCR). 12.5 mi SE of Ivanpah, Ivanpah Road, 35.212776 N 115.153326 W, 25 May 1977, J.D. Pinto, Ambrosia eriocentra , 18 (00119929) ( UCR). 26.7 mi S of Barstow on Rt 247, 34.512616 N 117.021946 W, 1000 m, 02 May 1985, R.T. Schuh and B.M. Massie, Ambrosia dumosa , 18 (00108434), 1♀ (00108435) ( AMNH). Baker, 35.2656 N 116.073616 W, 280 m, 09 Apr 1942, O. Bryant, 2♀ (00121897, 00121898) ( CAS). Clark’s Pass, T1S R13E S13, 34.07936 N 115.57286 W, 122 m, 22 Apr 1970, R.D. Goeden and D.W. Ricker, Ambrosia dumosa AD-70-17B, 1♀ (00119919) ( UCR). Goffs Butte, T9N R19E S7, 34.880836 N 115.067786 W, 06 Apr 1988, R.D. Goeden and D.W. Ricker, Encelia farinosa EF-88- 33D, 18 (00119904) ( UCR). Granite Pass, 34.811946 N 115.609726 W, 1237 m, 27 Apr 1968, E.I. Schlinger, 1♀ (00119940) ( UCR). Halloran Spring, T15N R10E S15, 35.3836 N 115.89286 W, 911 m, 19 Apr 1971, R.D. Goeden and D.W. Ricker, Ambrosia eriocentra AE-71-11F, 18 (00119903) ( UCR). Kane Spring, T7N R3E S6, 34.72716 N 116.70666 W, 1097 m, 04 May 1988, R.D. Goeden and D.W. Ricker, Encelia actonii , 18 (00120083), Encelia actonii EVA-88-3A, 18 (00119907) ( UCR). Kramer Hills, T9N R6W S26, 34.994446 N 117.5856 W, 19 May 1982, R.D. Goeden and D.W. Ricker, Hymenoclea salsola HS-82-27L, 1♀ (00119920) ( UCR). Lucerne Valley, 34.44396 N 116.96786 W, 898 m, 27 May 1974, G.A. Marsh, 1♀ (00119482) ( UCB). Mountain Pass, Mescal Range, T16N R13E S14, 35.47436 N 115.54356 W, 1410 m, 04 May 1993, Ali Al-Wahaibi, 18 (00119932) ( UCR). Ord Mountain, 34.67446 N 116.81596 W, 1904 m, 19 Apr 1960, J. Powell, Encelia frutescens , paratype, 18 (00119472) ( UCB); 19 Apr 1960, J.F. Lawrence, Encelia frutescens , paratypes, 2♀ (00119473–00119474) ( UCB). Pachalka Spring, Clark Mountains, T16N R12E S1, 35.49836 N 115.64876 W, 1240 m, 04 May 1993, Ali Al-Wahaibi, Salsola sp. ( Chenopodiaceae ), 18 (00119921) ( UCR). Phelan, Rt 138 at Phelan Road, 34.425316 N 117.61746 W, 1310 m, 16 May 2004, Schuh, Cassis, Schwartz, Weirauch, Wyniger, Forero, Encelia actonii , det. A. Sanders no voucher, det by photo, 698 (00139731– 00139734, 00323457–00323458, 00323461– 00323462, 00323466–00323468, 00323472, 00323474, 00323488–00323507, 00323522, 00323527–00323538, 00323560–00323569, 00323595–00323606), 95♀ (00139735– 00139737, 00323451–00323456, 00323459– 00323460, 00323463–00323465, 00323469– 00323471, 00323473, 00323508–00323521, 00323539–00323551, 00323553–00323555, 00323558–00323559, 00323570–00323594, 00323607–00323627), 6 immatures (00323628– 00323633), Ericameria nauseosa , det. A. Sanders UCR 149595 [PBI_CAL04-H2], 138 (00107877, 00108134, 00323018–00323023, 00323634–00323638), 15♀ (00323024–00323030, 00323639–00323646) ( AMNH). Pinto Basin, Joshua Tree National Monument, 33.92476 N 115.66836 W, 670 m, 19 Apr 1995, J. Freillch, Ambrosia sp. , 18 (00119931) ( UCR). Pioneertown, T1N R4E S13, 34.17536 N 116.52466 W, 1296 m, 27 Apr 1988, R.D. Goeden and D.W. Ricker, Encelia actonii EVA-88-1V, 18 (00119909) ( UCR). Providence Mountains, 34.947216 N 115.508046 W, 1236 m, 06 May 1939, E.P. Van Duzee, 18 (00121899) ( CAS). Providence Mountains State Recreation Area, 35.030286 N 115.527226 W, 1311 m, 18 May 1982, M.D. Schwartz, Encelia virginensis , 28 (00112970, 00124457), 4♀ (00112323, 00124454, 00124458–00124459) ( CNC). Rock Corral, T3N R4E S27, 34.32336 N 116.56096 W, 1136 m, 13 May 1980, R.T. Ervin, 1♀ (00119947) ( UCR). Timico Acres, T3N R5E S20, 34.33186 N 116.48336 W, 1030 m, 27 Apr 1988, R.D. Goeden and D.W. Ricker, Encelia actonii EVA-88-1F, 18 (00133527), 1♀ (00133937) ( USNM). Twentynine Palms, T1N R9E S33, 34.12876 N 116.04466 W, 610 m, 25 Mar 1970, R.D. Goeden and D.W. Ricker, Ambrosia dumosa AD-70-15B, 18 (00119914) ( UCR). West Ord Mountain, T7N R1E S31, 34.56756 N 116.92376 W, 914 m, 15 Apr 1986, Gabriel Lara, 18 (00119922) ( UCR). Just E of Wrightwood on Rt 2, 34.357746 N 117.61056 W, 1700 m, 18 May 2004, Schuh, Cassis, Schwartz, Weirauch, Wyniger, Forero, Purshia glandulosa Curran (Rosaceae) , 18 (00137235) ( AMNH). San Diego Co.: 9.3 mi NW of Scissors Crossing on Rt 52, 33.181996 N 116.582196 W, 940 m, 23 Apr 1980, L. Russell and M.D. Schwartz, 18 (00112329) ( CNC). Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, 3 mi S of Sweeney Pass, 32.813466 N 116.139926 W, 354 m, 01 Apr 1978, D.K. Faulkner, 2♀ (00244277– 00244278) ( SDNH). Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, Borrego Springs, 33.048666 N 117.041946 W, 01 Apr 1978, D. Faulkner, 38 (00244271–00244273), 1♀ (00244274) ( SDNH). Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, Bow Willow Campground, 33.221116 N 116.333336 W, 300 m, 29 Mar 1981, R.T. Schuh and M.D. Schwartz, Atriplex polycarpa (Torr.) S. Wats. (Chenopodiaceae) , 18 (00108433) ( AMNH). Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, Carrizo Creek, 10.2 mi NW of Ocotillo on Rt S2, 32.876 N 116.10006 W, 23 Apr 1980, M.D. Schwartz and L. Russell, Hymenoclea salsola , 1♀ (00112333) ( CNC). Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, Elephant Tree trail, 4.7 mi S Ocotillo Wash, 33.058326 N 116.132876 W, 166 m, 22 Apr 1980, M.D. Schwartz and L. Russell, Acacia greggii A. Gray (Fabaceae) , 18 (00112328) ( CNC). Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, Grapevine Canyon, milepost 74 on county Rt 52, 33.228896 N 116.260286 W, 22 Apr 1980, Russell and Schwartz, Ambrosia dumosa , 28 (00112330, 00124455) ( CNC). Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, Stag Cove, 0.2 mi W of milepost 78 on Co. Rt S2, 33.095836 N 116.465136 W, 22 Apr 1980, M.D. Schwartz, Ambrosia dumosa , 2♀ (00112332, 00112971) ( CNC). Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, Yaqui Pass, 33.14546 N 116.35236 W, 533 m, 01 Apr 1978, D.K. Faulkner, 2♀ (00244275– 00244276) ( SDNH). Borrego, 33.221116 N 116.333336 W, 23 Apr 1955, R.O. Schuster, 1♀ (00119471) ( UCB). Borrego Springs, T10S R6E S6, 33.26156 N 116.39636 W, 218 m, 17 Mar 1971, R.D. Goeden and D.W. Ricker, Ambrosia dumosa AD-71-25C, 18 (00119923) ( UCR). McClain Valley, T14S R6E S11, 32.848666 N 116.82696 W, 510 m, 19 Apr 1994, M. Cooperband, 1♀ (00119943) ( UCR). San Diego County, 33.033336 N 116.80006 W, Coquillett, 28 (00133528– 00133529) ( USNM). Vallecito Valley, Hwy S-2, T14S R6E S11, 32.97066 N 116.347796 W, 480 m, 07 Apr 1992, Kathleen Campbell, 1♀ (00119933) ( UCR). Nevada: Clark Co.: 1 mi E of Searchlight, 35.465286 N 114.901146 W, 1095 m, 17 May 1978, R.T. Schuh, 18 (00108432) ( AMNH). Overton, 36.543056 N 114.446666 W, 21 Jun 1940, Oman, 1♀ (00134080) ( USNM). Red Rock Canyon Area, 30 km WSW of Las Vegas, 36.083336 N 115.466666 W, 1320 m, 17 May 1993, W.E. Steiner, J.M. Swearingen, J.M. Mitchell, 48 (00133533, 00133550–00133552), 4♀ (00133553–00133556) ( USNM). Nye Co.: Atomic Test Site, 2.6 mi W of Mercury Hwy, Cane Springs Rd (A5), 36.660566 N 116.040466 W, 1036 m, 06 Jun 1983, Schuh, Schwartz, and Stonedahl, Ambrosia dumosa , 18 (00108430) ( AMNH). Atomic Test Site, 4.5 mi S of GS500 on Jackass Flats Rd (A25), 36.736056 N 116.31256 W, 1006 m, 06 Jun 1983, Schuh, Schwartz, and Stonedahl, Ambrosia dumosa , 18 (00108429) ( AMNH).

Henry, T. J., and A. G. Wheeler, Jr. 1988. Family Miridae Hahn. In T. J. Henry and R. C. Froeschner (editors), Catalog of the Heteroptera, or true bugs of Canada and the continental United States: 251 - 507. Leiden: Brill.

Kelton, L. A. 1969. Scalponotatus, a new genus near Slaterocoris, with descriptions of new species (Heteroptera: Miridae). Canadian Entomologist 101: 15 - 23.

Knight, H. H. 1938. Strongylocoris Blanchard: six new species from North America (Hemiptera, Miridae). Iowa State College Journal of Science 13: 1 - 7, 1 pl.

Schaffner, J. C., and M. D. Schwartz. 2008. Revision of the Mexican genera Ficinus Distant and Jornandes Distant with the description of 21 new species (Heteroptera: Miridae: Orthotylinae: Orthotylini). Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 309: 1 - 87.

Schuh, R. T. 1995. Plant bugs of the world (Insecta: Heteroptera: Miridae): systematic catalog, distributions, host list, and bibliography. New York: New York Entomological Society, i - xii, 1 - 1329.

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Plate 1. Dorsal habitus photographs of Josephinus species and Slaterocoris alpinus—S. croceipes (see appendix 1 for USI codes and localities).

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Map 1. Localities for Josephinus species and Scalponotatus maturus.

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Fig. 3. Scalponotatus maturus, scanning electron micrographs. A. Hemelytron, vestiture and cuticular sculpture, dorsal view. B. Head and thorax, lateral view. C. Mesothoracic spiracle and metathoracic scentefferent system, lateral view. D. Pretarsus, apical view.

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Fig. 4. Scalponotatus maturus, male genitalia. A–F, H. 5.3 mi SW of Salome, AZ. G. Thousand Palms, CA.

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Fig. 5. Scalponotatus maturus, female genitalia. Stag Cove, CA.


American Museum of Natural History


Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids, and Nematodes


University of California at Berkeley


California Academy of Sciences


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History











