Slaterocoris clavatus, Schwartz, 2011

Schwartz, Michael D., 2011, Revision And Phylogenetic Analysis Of The North American Genus Slaterocoris Wagner With New Synonymy, The Description Of Five New Species And A New Genus From Mexico, And A Review Of The Genus Scalponotatus Kelton (Heteroptera: Miridae: Orthotylinae), Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2011 (354), pp. 1-290 : 247-251

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Tatiana (2021-08-30 18:12:01, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-06 02:43:13)

scientific name

Slaterocoris clavatus

sp. nov.

Slaterocoris clavatus View in CoL , new species

Figures 13 View Fig , 56–58 View Fig View Fig View Fig ; plates 1 View Plate 1 , 4E; map 12 View Map 12

HOLOTYPE: MALE: ‘‘ MEXICO: Guerrero 2.1 mi northwest of Cacahuamilpa [18.674846 N 99.56026 W], July 27,198 3, Kovarik , Harrison , and Schaffner’ ’ ( AMNH _ PBI 00118436 About AMNH ) GoogleMaps . Holotype Slaterocoris clavatus n. sp. det. M.D. Schwartz, 2010 [red label]. Deposited in the collection of the Instituto de Biologia , Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico City, D.F .

DIAGNOSIS: The genitalia of both sexes will distinguish this species from all other congeners. In the male the apex of the right paramere is club-shaped, with several dorsally directed spines (fig. 57F, G); in the female the dorsomedial portion of the posterior wall is large and tumid (fig. 58C, D). Neither feature is found in any other species of Slaterocoris . The minimal extent of pale whitish yellow markings on the head near the eye (pl. 1) and the discretely delineated pale regions of the legs (fig. 13) will further distinguish S. clavatus from S. maculatus , the only other species with pale head marking. The latter taxon has a more extensive brownish orange pattern on the head (pl. 2), diffusely delineated border between the pale and dark colored areas of the legs (fig. 13), and the male genitalia are unlike those of S. clavatus (cf. fig. 61A–F).

DESCRIPTION: Male: Large, elongate; length 5.25–6.00, width 1.90–2.23; costal margin subparallel (pl. 1). COLORATION: Shining black; except for pale yellowish white usually on medial and posterior margin of eye, base or entire maxillary plate, base of antennal segment I, basal two-thirds of III and IV; orange-yellow on coxa, trochanter, variable basal portion femur (usually basal one third), and tarsomeres I and II; sometimes pale on extreme base of femur (fig. 13). VESTITURE: Densely distributed, long, suberect to practically erect silvery white setae (pl. 4E); tibia with simple setae longer than tibial bristles, especially at base. DORSAL SCULPTURATION: Frons striate, vertex rugose; calli rugose, pronotal disc deeply rugulopunctate. STRUCTURE: Labium reaching from posterior margin of mesosternum to middle of forecoxa. GENITALIA: Pygophore: Broad, basally wide, apically serrate medial tergal process, reaching to middle of proctiger length (fig. 57H). Phallotheca: Left dorsal surface entire (fig. 57C). Endosomal spicule: Dorsal lobe unbranched, sinuate, smooth, pointed, length reaching to half of ventral spicular lobe; ventral lobe sinuate and recurved distal region marginally serrate; with recurved apically rounded subapical tubercle (fig. 57A, B). Right paramere: Basal and apical portions of paramere expanded, middle region much narrower; with prominently developed ventrally directed sensory lobe; apical region expanded with seven large spines, most directed dorsally, two spines each on lateral and medial surface (fig. 57F, G). Left paramere: Shaft moderately short, in apical view one half length of paramere body in lateral view, apical portion gently sinuate in apical view, apex truncate and slightly serrate (fig. 57 D, E); sometimes junction of apical region and body of paramere with small setose tubercle.

Female: Large, elongate ovoid; length 4.60–5.35, width 1.98–2.35 (pl. 1). COLORATION: As in male except pale marking on head more restricted to base of maxillary plate and antennal segments III and IV with pale markings more extensive, extreme base of segment III black. GENITALIA: Left first gonapophysis: Large with quadrate ventral surface greatly overlapping small right first gonapophysis (fig. 58A, B). Ventral labiate plate: Large, bilateral concave anteroventral surface fitting around anterodorsal surface of large left first gonapophyses (fig. 58B); posteromedial surface of ventral labiate plate strongly and broadly produced ventrally into vulva (fig. 58A). Dorsal labiate plate: Strongly sclerotized with obvious bilateral construction; each side U-shaped, opened posteriorly, periphery densely covered with microtrichae, lateral region supporting sclerotized rings strongly folded; paired medial plates obviously confluent with medial portion of ventrally sunken U-shaped sclerotized surface. Second gonapophyses: Anterior medial surface slightly convex. Interramal sclerite: Dorsal margin of medial region strongly produced anteriorly, tumid with surface of microtrichae (fig. 58C, D). Interramal lobe: Broad, with broadly protruding curved medial margin and short attenuate ventral apex.

ETYMOLOGY: From the Latin clava for ‘‘club,’’ recognizing the club-shaped, strongly spined apex of the right paramere.

HOSTS: Unknown.

DISTRIBUTION: From the northeastern Sierra Madre del Sur of northcentral Guerrero and westcentral Puebla, Mexico ( map 12 View Map 12 ).

COLLECTION SUMMARY: 24 specimens are known from six collection events during July and August.

DISCUSSION: There are several morphological features of this new species that are either rare or unique in Slaterocoris . The pale coloration of the head, restricted to the frons adjacent to the eye and base of the maxillary plate (1-2), is less extensive than in S. maculatus , the only other species of Slaterocoris with pale marking on the head. Initially the structure of the male genitalia did not appear to be congeneric with the type species, S. stygicus . The clublike apical portion of the right paramere with dorsally directed spines (fig. 57F, G) (40-5) and the solitary, small, sinuate dorsal lobe of the endosomal spicule (fig. 57A, B) (36-6) are autapomorphic. However, similar structures can be found in corresponding regions of S. simplex (fig. 65C–E, J–M). The three terminalmost spines in the clublike apex of the right paramere in S. clavatus are essentially parallel to each other. Several other species of Slaterocoris have parallel terminal spines, and those in S. simplex (fig. 65J–M) are especially reminiscent of the arrangement in S. clavatus . All species of Slaterocoris have ventrally directed spines and S. clavatus is no exception, in having the large basal process or sensory lobe area clearly projecting ventrally (fig. 57F, G). The dorsal lobe of the endosomal spicule in all species of Slaterocoris is of the same form, projecting basally from the left side, the region of the spicule that shields the dorsal left side of the ductus seminis. In most species, including S. stygicus (fig. 39A–D), the dorsal lobe is slightly shifted medial to the left side of the spicule; however, in S. clavatus (fig. 57A, B) and S. simplex (fig. 65C–F), the dorsal lobe practically arises from the left side margin. The left paramere, sometimes has a tubercle at the base of the attenuate distal region and the sinuate main body (ventral lobe) of the endosomal spicule, occurs only in S. clavatus .

A protuberant (63-2) dorsomedial region of the interramal sclerite in the posterior wall of the female genitalia is a feature found in the breviatus group (cf. S. stygicus , fig. 40C), but this structure is exceptionally developed in S. clavatus (fig. 58C, D). The strongly sclerotized medial region of the dorsal labiate plate projecting ventrally and clearly confluent with the paired medial plates shows the greatest sclerotization of these structures in the genus.

PARATYPES: MEXICO: Guerrero: 2.1 mi NW of Cacahuamilpa , 18.674846 N 99.56026 W, 10 Aug 1980, Schaffner, Weaver, Friedlander, 1♀ (00093301) ( TAMU) GoogleMaps ; 27 Jul 1983, Kovarik, Harrison, and Schaffner, 18 (00118189), 1♀ (00093298) ( CNC), 1♀ (00118435), 18 (00093297), 2♀ (00093299–00093300) ( TAMU). 6.2 mi SW of Xochipala , 17.752916 N 99.683636 W, 1728 m, 13 Jul 1985, Jones, Schaffner , 1♀ (00093260) ( AMNH), 18 (00093310) ( CNC), 28 (00093309, 00093311) ( TAMU) GoogleMaps . Puebla: 5 mi SE of Izucar de Matamoros , 18.548586 N 98.412426 W, 20 Jul 1984, Carroll, Schaffner, Friedlander, 28 (00093302, 00118402), 1♀ (00093303) ( TAMU). 7.3 mi SW of Izucar de Matamoros, 18.521846 N 98.579176 W, 01 Aug 1976, Peigler, Gruetzmacher, R. and M. Murray, Schaffner, 2♀ (00093258–00093259) ( TAMU) GoogleMaps ; 22 Jul 1981, Bogar, Schaffner and Friedlander, 18 (00093304) ( AMNH), 18 (00118403), 1♀ (00093307) ( CNC), 4♀ (00093305–00093306, 00093308, 00184821) ( TAMU) .

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Plate 1. Dorsal habitus photographs of Josephinus species and Slaterocoris alpinus—S. croceipes (see appendix 1 for USI codes and localities).

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Map 12. Localities for Slaterocoris clavatus, S. elongatus, S. maculatus, S. punctatus, S. simplex, S. subalbicans, and S. tanydexios.

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Fig. 13. Hind leg coloration for Slaterocoris species.

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Fig. 56. Slaterocoris clavatus, scanning electron micrographs. A. Head, anterior view. B. mesothoracic spiracle and metathoracic scentefferent system, lateral view. C. Pretarsus, apical view.

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Fig. 57. Slaterocoris clavatus, male genitalia. 2.1 mi NW of Cacahuamilpa, GR.

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Fig. 58. Slaterocoris clavatus, female genitalia. 7.3 mi SW of Izucar de Matamoros, PU.


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