Geronticus eremita EN

Ghiraldi, Luca & Aimassi, Giorgio, 2019, Extinct and endangered (‘ E & E’) birds in the ornithological collection of the Museum of Zoology of Torino University, Italy, Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club 139 (1), pp. 28-45 : 36

publication ID 10.25226/bboc.v139i1.2019.a2


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scientific name

Geronticus eremita EN


NORTHERN BALD IBIS Geronticus eremita EN View in CoL

Upupa eremita Linnaeus, 1758

MZUT AV19119 View Materials ; skin; adult male; Ethiopia, Shewa , Chelekleka (Chalalaka) Lake, 4 December 1879; from the O. Antinori collection (no. 1177) .

MZUT AV19120 View Materials ; skin; adult female; adult; Ethiopia, Shewa , Chelekleka (Chalalaka) Lake, 14 December 1879; from the O. Antinori collection (no. 1186) .

MZUT AV19121 View Materials ; skin; adult male; Ethiopia, Shewa , Entoto, 7 December 1885; from the V. Ragazzi collection (no. 387) .

MZUT AV19122 View Materials ; skin; immature male; Ethiopia, Shewa , Entoto, 7 December 1885; from the V. Ragazzi collection (no. 386) .

MZUT AV20607; mount; unsexed adult; Algeria, no date; from Parzudaki, in 1858.

Remarks.—Orazio Antinori (1811–82) and Vincenzo Ragazzi (1856–1929) provided a large number of specimens to the Torino museum: currently MRSN holds 980 Antinori and 702 Ragazzi specimens, of which 766 and 651, respectively, are from Ethiopia. Biographical information on these great Italian explorers can be found in Mazzotti (2011) and Mari & Ansaloni (2012).

MZUT AV20607, which was not mentioned by Elter (1986), was purchased from Parzudaki in 1858. Salvadori (1915) reported that in 1856–58 ‘Parzudaki’ sold numerous birds to Prof. Defilippi for the Torino museum. Charles & Emile Parzudaki were natural history dealers in Paris between c.1838 and 1866 ( Gouraud et al. 2016).


Museo e Instituto DI Zoologia Sistematica dell' UniversitaDI Torino


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium

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