Himantopus novaezelandiae CR

Ghiraldi, Luca & Aimassi, Giorgio, 2019, Extinct and endangered (‘ E & E’) birds in the ornithological collection of the Museum of Zoology of Torino University, Italy, Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club 139 (1), pp. 28-45 : 37

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.25226/bboc.v139i1.2019.a2



persistent identifier


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scientific name

Himantopus novaezelandiae CR


BLACK STILT Himantopus novaezelandiae CR View in CoL

Himantopus novae-zelandiae Gould, 1841

MZUT AV6940; previously mounted; adult male; New Zealand, no date; from O. Finsch, in 1869.

Remarks.—Otto Finsch (1839–1917), the German ethnographer, naturalist and explorer, was curator or director of natural history museums in Leiden ( the Netherlands) and Bremen ( Germany) ( Mearns & Mearns 1998). Finsch visited New Zealand only in 1881 and 1885, but he exchanged specimens with J. Haast in 1860; therefore, this specimen was not collected by Finsch himself, but probably came from one of these exchanges (P. Scofield pers. comm.).


Museo e Instituto DI Zoologia Sistematica dell' UniversitaDI Torino

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