Tetraneuromyia discrepans, Jaschhof & Jaschhof, 2019

Jaschhof, Mathias & Jaschhof, Catrin, 2019, New Dicerurini from Europe, mostly Sweden (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae, Porricondylinae), Zootaxa 4559 (2), pp. 245-264 : 259-260

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scientific name

Tetraneuromyia discrepans

sp. nov.

Tetraneuromyia discrepans sp. nov.

Figs 35, 39 View FIGURES 32–40

This new Tetraneuromyia is represented in our study material by a single male, which we do not hesitate to describe here as it is both distinctive and well-prepared.

Diagnosis. The tegmen of T. discrepans has a single pair of dagger-shaped processes, whose bases are broadened to form short, subtriangular lobes ( Fig. 39 View FIGURES 32–40 , ↓ 5). Other Tetraneuromyia with only one pair of tegminal processes are T. wilksae Jaschhof & Jaschhof, 2015 and T. lapponica sp. nov., a species described below, but there the processes are different in shape and orientation, and their bases are blunt-ended and elongated. Another distinction concerns the gonocoxae: gonocoxal processes are absent in T. discrepans , but are present in both T. wilksae and T. lapponica .

Other male characters. Body size 1.8 mm. Head. Eye bridge 0–1 ommatidium long dorsally. Scape and pedicel concolorous with flagellum. Neck of fourth flagellomere 1.4 times as long as node ( Fig. 35 View FIGURES 32–40 ). Circumfila occasionally with short, indistinct posterior extensions. Thorax. Anepisternum asetose. Wing 2.8 times longer than wide. M 1+2 absent. Genitalia ( Fig. 39 View FIGURES 32–40 ). Posterior edge of ninth tergite slightly concave. Gonocoxae sparsely setose ventrally; ventral emargination broadly U-shaped, sclerotized basally; apodemes slightly angled posteriorly. Gonostylus blunt-ended, apex bent slightly inwards, without any modification. Tegmen strongly constricted medially. Ejaculatory apodeme moderately thick, unmodified except for a funnel-shaped, membranous apex.

Etymology. The species name, discrepans , is a Latin adjective meaning differing, with reference to the genitalic structures that are less complex than in other Tetraneuromyia .

Type material. Holotype. Male , Sweden, Öland , Borgholm, Rönnerum-Abbantorp Nature Reserve, small bushy fen in broadleaf forest, 22 August–30 September 2015, Malaise trap, M. & C. Jaschhof (spm. no. CEC 1512 in NHRS).













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